As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
None of this is written in stone, but by hook and crook in connecting the dots, I am going to give what I believe is an 1866 AD in the year of our Lord account in naming the sons of treachery which began installing the Obama rapine in the 19th century in America.
The quote comes here:
"Further, the national banks, as depositories for the U.S. Treasury, today hold $59,000,000 of the people's money upon which they are not paying one cent interest, but are and have been for the last 20 years loaning it at from 8 to 10 per cent, or using it for effecting corners on the necessaries of life.
At one time the First National Bank of New York—John Sherman's bank—had the free use of $43,000,000 of the people's money, at a time when its own capital stock was less than a quarter of a million. It was thus that honest John Sherman "east anchor to windward" when he was the people's servant."
MRS. SARAH E.V. EMERY. Seven Financial Conspiracies Which Have Enslaved the American People
The Sherman family in America was a powerful one of a Judge, US Congressman, and that certain William Tecumseh Sherman of Civil War fame who later ran the United States military under President Ulysses Grant.
In reading General Sherman's memoirs, they can best be simplified in this, in the ruling elite are best to decide things, and the ignorant mob is best left to have their thoughts made for them.
General George S. Patton echoed this same ideology in coming from the same patrician type.
When the first inflictions to destroy the American Republic in the meeting of the three banking centers in Washington City in 1861 AD in the year of our Lord, against Lincoln's Treasury Note funding of the war off the gold standard, there of course had to be humans running those banks in conspiracy against America.
In reality, we find for certain one John Sherman in control of the First Bank of New York. If this is of thee Sherman family, then one can see how America was seduced into this. It was 1861 and by 1888, the military best friend of a sitting President had been in control of military purchase and Indian welfare. The great cash cow ring of the Indian Ring which brought down the corrupt Grant regime.
I am presuming this is a John Sherman of this noted powerful family and he was gaining use of 43 million dollars in government funds while his bank had only 250 thousand dollars. That is a tremendous sweetheart deal, but if a syndicate is rewarding the powerful families on both sides of the coin, then all the powerful criminals are being rewarded and call it commerce and not crime.
I have written in this my two objectives. The first is to assemble the caste who mass assassinated the George W. Custer group at the Little Big Horn and allowed idiot Indians to gladly take the blame, and, to link all of this in explaining how it devolved to the 21st century Obama regime having obliterated America.
General George Armstrong Custer testified before Congress over the illegal arming of the terrorist Indians and the pilfering of supplies to the Indians by this Indian Ring which was exposing other Indians to attacks, Americans to slaughter, and making fortunes of these crooks.
It was these crooks who set up the Civil War for raping American economically as the European financiers moved to destroy America. They evolved to the cash cow Indian Ring, who then in guises of "oil barons", "stock tycoons" and whatever other epitaph they went by, brought America to treason in 1897 AD in the year of our Lord in the Gentleman's Agreement with British and French finance for German Genocide, and the start of foreign ownership of all America in the Federal Reserve.
As I have exclusively laid out here, General Custer's assassination with his command was plotted by evidence. Upon his leaving after Congressional testimony, General Sherman was "busy", so as was custom, General Custer left his card and left to report back to duty.
On the way to Chicago to his commander's head, General Phil Sheridan, George Custer was almost placed under arrest for "leaving his post without reporting" which he never did as Sherman charged.
Sherman hauled him back, humiliated Custer in having to report, and then relieved him of command by the time Custer reached Minneapolis, where his department head, the paper pusher, General Alfred Terry was stationed.
With the biggest war on terrorism in American history about to be unleashed in 1876 of that summer, Sheridan and Terry both pleaded with Sherman to restore Custer to command.
Custer's plea was to at least be allowed to ride with his Troopers, if not in command.
To that Sherman and President Grant agreed.
The greatest depradation in American history, and Grant and Sherman are stalling the preparations and remove the best terror fighter of the day in George Custer.
General Custer knew from his sources that Indians were armed extensively and leaving the reservations in the Dakotas. It appears he did not know that Sitting Bull was sending runners further still into Canada and Minnesota for more terrorists.
This is why the Custer command was baffled in finding hundreds of Wikiup shelters or little tipis all over the place. It was these Indians who were appearing with arms. Armed by the Indian Ring, connected to the Grant regime, and all American Industrial and Monetary giants making a fortune off of this.
Grant and Sherman were furious over Custer exposing all of this before Congress. The press smeared General Custer and the "old guard" started to retaliate on General Custer by removing him for command, for violating the "code of silence" which was officers were not supposed to talk about their superiors.
This is what General Custer was pushed into.
General Crook at the Department of the Platte in complete failure in the winter campaign which emboldened the Sioux. Crook later lit the fuse at the Rosebud in being defeated there in firing up the Sioux.
General Terry was a good man, but utterly incompetent for Indian warfare.
General Sheridan in command was in Chicago and knew the hot water Custer had caused, and Sheridan while honorable, in later helping Mrs. Custer as well as his brother Michael, obtaining a lock of hair off of General Custer's body, could not distance himself from this mass murder fast enough, in trying to save his career, as he knew the forces arrayed in this in how they had just ruined General Custer.
Almost every friend George Custer had with family was killed on that battlefield, and it left only those who had been exposed to print the smears afterwards with the full backing of the Grant regime.
General Nelson Appleton Miles stated that Major Marcos Reno had a commanding position, and that there was absolutely no reason for him to flee from the field. Reno was incompetent. Reno was a coward. Reno was a drunk and Reno was unbalanced after the Little Big Horn in being a stalker of a married woman.
It is evident by the reality that people only moved up in rank if their superiors retired or died, that with the West Point connections, prejudices in Reno being a Pennsylvania officer in the Civil War, that circumstances appear that Reno and Benteen knew they had cover from Grant and Sherman to leave George Custer and his command to be made an example of.
That is the evidence any prosecutor would indict and convict on, as only the Lame Cherry in matter anti matter has connected all of this in the bits and pieces of evidence.
This is not to say that I do not admire General Grant or General Sherman, as they did their jobs well. It is to say though that I will not overlook in bias anyone I favor when the trail leads to them, as what took place at the Little Big Horn is what installed this foreign agent Birther Obama and what has destroyed America.
John Sherman of the First Bank of New York played his linking roll in this for his 30 pieces of silver. Most of these people were just given an offer they could not refuse, but all these offers led to the murder of George Custer and the murder of these United States of America.
Those behind this will rue the day they did not leave George Custer rest in peace nor his wife Libby, as this blog in Inspiration has been turning over the stones and uncovering the links in all of this, so that people understand murders of Americans took place in this, and still are taking place in this in the grave of America.
The families disappear and new stooges are risen up as this organized community continues on to each generation. We now have John Sherman's bank in 1888 linking two periods. We have the banks of New York, Philadelphia and Boston from the 1860 period. They were run by the people who conspired against America.
The story continues.....
"We find, therefore, the Third Congress of the United States Senate passing the following resolution on the 23d of December, 1793:
" Any person holding any office or any stock in any institution in the nature of a bank for issuing or discounting bills or notes payable to bearer or order, cannot be a member of the House whilst he holds such office or stock."
The resolution was signed by the President, George Washington.
At that time there were only three banks in the whole country."
MRS. SARAH E.V. EMERY. Seven Financial Conspiracies Which Have Enslaved the American People
"In 1875 John Sherman said, " We are following in the footsteps of England," and no one knew better than he the scheme that had brought us to that deplorable condition.
In 1879 this same John Sherman, then a millionaire, in a speech made in Toledo, said that " To refuse to pay the bonds in gold would be repudiation and extortion, and would be scoffing at the blessings of Almighty God." Think of it ! A man becoming a millionaire out of a $5,000 salary, and then talk as if he had anything to do with Almighty God. But as John Sherman grew rich, the country grew poor."
MRS. SARAH E.V. EMERY. Seven Financial Conspiracies Which Have Enslaved the American People (1888)