As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
After the Civil War, Ken Burns would have you think that people just went back to picking corn, as that is what his PBS propaganda informed the world. Other history points to Manifest destiny and the Indian Wars, but I found a first person account of the decade after the Civil War.
Literally what was taking place were the financiers who had brought about the Civil War, were busy with John Sherman of the First Bank of New York, was trading in Lincoln Greenbacks, that is where the term greenbacks comes from, is Lincoln Treasury Notes of no interest as the Dollar of the day, to keep from paying loanshark rates to the gold banking interests, for Bonds paying interest.
"Easy money" ended and businesses folded by the tens of thousands, and tramps moved about the country, as I had read in a Fur Fish Game article called the 1873 Buffalo Hunt on the Great Plains.
There was no slight contraction but an absolute policy of inflicting a Great Depression on the American poor, while those who had their straws into the Government fund profiteering became even more rich.
Bonds were issued which required labor to pay those who were not working having these bonds.
"On the 12th day of April, 1866, congress passed a law authorizing the secretary of the treasury to sell 5-20 bonds, and with the proceeds retire United States currency, including greenbacks.
On Dec. 4, 1866, E.G. Spalding, a Buffalo, N.Y., banker, a member of congress, wrote to Secretary McCulloch as follows : You, no doubt, now, to a certain extent, have control of the currency of the country, and I think that you will, of necessity, contract moderately, so as to preserve a tolerable easy money market.
When this letter was written the country was in possession of $1,996,687,770 currency. During this year, there were but 520 business failures in the whole country, involving a loss of but $17,625,000. Labor was well paid and fully employed.
1867. This year the work of contraction was vigorously pushed, and there were 2,386 failures, with a total loss of $86,218,000.
1868. During this year, $473,000,000 of money was destroyed, and failures increased to 2,608, with a loss to creditors of $63,774,000. Money began to be tight, and financial "spasms" were frequent.
1869. During this year over $500,000,000 of money passed into the cremation furnace, producing 2,799 business failures, and a loss of $75,054,900. Money growing tighter and wages lower.
1870. This year $67,000,000 of money was destroyed, and 3,551 failures took place, involving a loss of $88,242,000. Money very scarce and wages of labor were reduced all over the country.
1871. Thirty-five millions of money this year is retired, with 2,915 failures and a loss of $85,250,000. More men out of work and wages cut down.
1872. Only about $12,000,000 was destroyed this year, but such had been the strain upon the business of the country for the past five years that this proved the last straw to 4,069 business firms, involving a loss of $121,058,000. More cutting of wages and strikes talked of.
1873. This year the storm reached its climax. Business had hoped that, with every returning season, prospects would brighten and money would become plenty. Instead of this, however, notwithstanding but $1,609,000 were destroyed, the people became panic-stricken, and 5,183 business firms were precipitated, with a loss of $228,499,000. Five hundred thousand men are thrown out of employment, wages cut down all over the country, and strikes are of frequent occurrence.
1874. Notwithstanding the terrible results of the last year, the wine-press of contraction still creaks on its hinges of death, as round and round it sweeps out of circulation $75,484,000 certificates of indebtedness, which have been made legal tender money, $85,760,000 treasury notes, $6,335,045 legal tenders, $3,000,000 fractional currency, and $1,000,000 bank notes, producing 5,832 failures, and a loss of $155,239,000 to creditors. A million idle men began to tramp in search of work. Wages still decline and strikes more numerous.
1875. The volume of currency, this year, was contracted $40,817,418 and the failures reach 7,740, with loss to creditors of $201,060,000. Two millions of laborers out of work. Famine and hunger begin to stare them in the face, and "tramping" becomes a profession. According to the most reliable estimates, the contraction of the currency this year, in the destruction of greenbacks, and the withdrawal of bank currency amounts to about $85,000,000, with 9,092 failures, and $191,000,000 loss, during the first quarter of the year. The aggregate failures of the year reached over 10,000, with losses not less than $300,000,000. This does not include losses to stockholders, by foreclosure and sale of railroads.
What a record for ten years ! Who wonders times were hard, and men idle ? Still with all this array of wreck and ruin, with the finger-board of contraction at the close of each year, pointing to the cause, the people were asleep, or on their knees praying for some interposition of Providence in their behalf, while John Sherman went marching on with the torch of death, to burn the remaining $300,000,000 of the the people's money. Three million men are out of employment. Bankruptcies multiplying with great rapidity. The tramp nuisance culminates. Wages are cut down to starvation prices. Strikes, riots and general consternation seize the people, and the circulation is cut down to $606,000,000. 1877. The red torch of the vandal lighted up the country from Pittsburg to Chicago."
MRS. SARAH E.V. EMERY. Seven Financial Conspiracies Which Have Enslaved the American People
Now do you see why there was an 1873 Buffalo Hunt and the author was relating passing that he and millions of other Veterans were restless?
Revisit history in this again, in the reality of the Gold Craze for which General George Custer was blamed for in the 1875 survey of the Black Hills. Why people were flooding into Indian territories, because the very fact that there was a great depression in America deliberately created.
The worst of this was with all of this economic failure, were the railroads advertising overseas, luring in hundreds of thousands of Germans to the great 1880 migration.
You have heard that the railroads went broke in this era, in numerous people lost their fortunes, but you will also note that the railroads never ended, but the lines simply shifted hands, and those interests who then owned them took the lions profits.
This is nothing remove my children, as in 2008 in the created Obama Super Depression to install him and destroy America, it was Warren Buffett who bought Burlington Northern and all other railroads in an illegal monopoly, which owned railroad lands in North Dakota. Those are the same lands which Big Frac was drilling on, not to enrich North Dakotans, but again the same money interests who are nation rapists.
This honestly astounded me, as stated, I had read a few lines mentioned by people of that era in things being off economically, but what was going on was wholesale piracy and deprivation to Americans.
The Plainsman, Billy Dixon, the original Buffalo Bill, stated in his memoirs that if one worked on the plains, there was money to be had, and a great deal of it. A can of tomatoes might cost 2 dollars or in 21st century terms, 200 dollars, but a person just paid for it on the plains as they wanted it, and money was available to teamsters, hunters, traders etc...
While a farmer would buy a farm for 6000 dollars, after the war at 2 dollar a bushel wheat, he was soon stunned in this contraction of currency as he had payments to make, and wheat dropped year at 50 cents a bushel until it reached one dollar, and by that time the farmer had sold everything and was kicked off the farm.
America had a term then called "trampers", for all the tramps tramping about as vagrants, due to no fault of their own but having survived a Civil War, the Veterans faced an economic war.
Absolutely no difference in the Obama 21st century in Veterans survived the terror wars, only to be made war on by the regime in doping them up to suicide death.
People had made money off of Lincoln money in the Civil War, but after the war, every dollar of that money was siphoned up by the financiers, exactly as took place after the Roaring 20's, the prosperous 1950's and after Ronald Reagan's economic expansion in the dotcom bust under Bill Clinton, with the final attack Obama's market collapse staged in 2008 for the final act in this.
As bad as it was for America, just consider what a decade of this did to the plundered and warred Confederate South which was already in ashes.
This is one of the greatest crimes against humanity ever, only equalled by the Franklin Roosevelt deliberate deepening of the Great Depression, and this Obama Super Depression assaulting the entire world for the same global money control.
It is pure evil like cutting off pounds of flesh off of each generation and leaving them for years to be tortured in agony. I hope your being informed at least is a Fahrenheit 451 bit of information you will carry with you for the time knowing these things will be a criminal act.
10 years, people worked to death, George Custer murdered with his group for exposing this and Indian terrorists too stupid to know they were patsies of this same money trust that is doping them up and casino BIA welfare feeding off of them to this day, as their Obama in Washington promises them death again.
"March 18, 1869, added to the burdens of the people more than six hundred millions of dollars. It is claimed by many bond holders and their leaders, that the act which authorized the issue of these bonds made them payable in gold. But there is no such possible interpretation of the act, and if they were issued payable in gold in the first place why did they pass the credit strengthening act of 1869 ?
The very fact that they passed that act four years after the close of the war, when the country was at peace with the world and itself, is proof beyond question that they were at first made payable in legal tender, and that
this law was passed for no other purpose than that of doubling the wealth of the bond holder, which, of necessity, must and did double the burdens of the people.
Further, we have undeniable proof that the act was secured through the most soulless strategy, and that Grant, Sherman and Morton were parties to it. There is not the slightest doubt but that Grant's election to the presidency, and Sherman's appointment to the treasury were secured through their pledges to obtain the passage of this infamous act. Those who opposed the measure were denounced as repudiators, and in his inaugural address Grant warned his party that no repudiator of one farthing of the public debt would be trusted in public place. Immediately upon his inauguration an extra session of Congress was called. The first bill presented, the first bill passed, the first act approved, the first document sighed by President Grant was this infamous credit-strengthening act, by which the people who placed him in power, were robbed of millions of dollars.
Circumstantial evidence also proves beyond doubt that the election of Grant and the defeat of Seymour was a bargain and sale between the leaders of the old parties, and the most villainous betrayal of public trust ever practiced upon an unsuspecting people. There had been an attempt to pass the credit-strengthening act during the session of 1867 and 1868 but it failed. During its pending, a presidential nomination and election took place.
The Democratic party nominated Horatio Seymour on a platform opposed to the coin payment of currency obligations. The Republican party nominated U.S. Grant on the urgent solicitation and petition of forty capitalists of New York City.
August Belmont was chairman of the Democratic national committee ; he was also agent of the Rothschilds, who were in possession of several hundred millions of the 5-20 bonds, and particularly interested in the credit-strengthening act. As early as March 13, 1868, Baron James Rothschild instructed August Belmont that unless the Democratic party went in for paying the 5-20 bonds in gold it must be defeated.
The first step was to have the convention held in New York City, and it convened July 4, 1868. Belmont was unable to control the convention, or at least that part of the platform pertaining to the coin payment of bonds. But besides being chairman of the Democratic national committee, he also owned a large interest in the New York World, the leading Democratic paper in the country. Although he had made a sale (doubtless a sham) of his interest in the paper, he could still control it more easily than he could control the Democratic convention, and on the 15th of October, only a few days before election, it came out with a double-leaded editorial denouncing Seymour as unavailable and unfit for president and advised his withdrawal.
MRS. SARAH E.V. EMERY. Seven Financial Conspiracies Which Have Enslaved the American People (1888).
Now you know how they overthrew America. They split the election of 1860, to put Lincoln in power for the Civil War. They next gained control over American finance and then shot Lincoln for winning the war.
Finally the Rothschilds bought up the war debt with other treacherous American bankers, overthrew the election of 1870 for Grant, and were paid not the 60 cents on the dollar they paid, but a full price.
I hope you are paying attention to the names. GRANT, SHERMAN, MORTON.
Oh and if you like irony, President Grant was ruined by speculation, and had to on his death chair from throat cancer write a book to be sold for his family's security.
"In 1875 John Sherman said, " We are following in the footsteps of England," and no one knew better than he the scheme that had brought us to that deplorable condition. In 1879 this same John Sherman, then a millionaire, in a speech made in Toledo, said that " To refuse to pay the bonds in gold would be repudiation and extortion, and would be scoffing at the blessings of Almighty God." Think of it ! A man becoming a millionaire out of a $5,000 salary, and then talk as if he had anything to do with Almighty God. But as John Sherman grew rich, the country grew poor."
MRS. SARAH E.V. EMERY. Seven Financial Conspiracies Which Have Enslaved the American People (1888)
Enough of this installment.
William Tecumseh Sherman - Wikipedia, the free ...
One of his younger brothers, John Sherman, served as a U.S. senator and Cabinet .... in May 1857, and he relocated to New York on behalf of the same bank. .... This was a new regiment yet to be raised, and Sherman's first command was ...Wikipedia
Oliver P. Morton - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
After President Ulysses S. Grant came to power in 1869, Morton became one of the most able and reliable floor leaders for the administration. He helped ...Wikipedia
To convince Grant not to sell gold, the two schemers recruited a man named Abel Rathbone Corbin. Corbin, also a financier, had married Grant's sister Virginia. Gould and Fisk used Corbin to get close to Grant. Again and again, the men arranged to meet Grant at social gatherings involving the Corbins. Gould and Fisk used these occasions to talk about government money policy. Corbin backed them in these discussions, in which the financiers argued against the government sale of gold.