Editor's Note: I am going to lay out in the next three days how America was destroyed in the genesis of it.
Lame Cherry
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I am attempting in having no time nor money, to teach you beyond the cut and paste world of Eustice Mullins and Jeff Rense with Dr. John Coleman. Many of you have been versed in the basics of this in the Secrets of the Federal Reserve to the Committee of 300 in the Bilderbergs of Alex Jones, along with the manifestations of Sherman Skolnick.
Those of you who have no idea of the above, just know that everything you have had placed in you, all derive from these sources. What progresses out of this now as your 21st century knowledge base has you familiar with information corrupted, but you do not know the source.........only the code words like New World Order and Illuminati.
There were others though in Congressman Charles August Lindbergh, the father of American Hero, Charles Lindbergh, and a little girl, who was upon her father's knee, named Sarah Emery, who had resource materials from the cosmic soup, that had access to knowledge between the Rothschilds and Pike as the weed crop of the cartel seeded itself into America for control.
There are periods in this, and cultivation periods in this which you must associate. You must know the Nimrod Mystery Religion period. You must know Babylon. You must know the Rothschild cartel, and those things in between linking them, for this is what became established.
It was after the "government" as David Crockett in satire mocked President Andrew Jackson in dismantling the national bank and causing the first great depression in America, that the banking interests arose from that 1840 to 1860 period in a combat of Northeast patricians at vehement odds with Southern Political Power of American States Rights.
This is the hidden knowledge which the Lame Cherry is linking for you and bringing to the world for the first time, utilizing Mrs. Sarah Emery's treatise on this.
I will place her quotes here, and make comment where necessary, so to link this to what is destroying you now, so you will know how this has devolved, as the tactics are the same, but the weapons have morphed. Where gold was the weapon in 1860 AD in the year of our Lord, oil became the weapon in 1970 AD in the year of our Lord.......as gold can not be destroyed, but oil is consumed like oxygen and it must always be replenished like air or permanent payment on a high stakes loan.
Mrs. Emery begins this......and I place this here as you are not going to invest the time in reading her book, and if you do read the book, you are not going to be Inspired to know what you have read..........with the financial interests known as the Wall Street interests having set the stage for an American Civil War as it would profit them.
"......the attentive listener could hear from Wall Street the echoes of jubilant satisfaction, and harmonious preparations for an onslaught upon the industry and prosperity of the country. Nor was Wall Street alone in this exultation over a prospective civil war ; all along the line were ringing notes of exultation, even our beloved Michigan swelled the cry " to arms !" led on by that great leader who startled the entire Christian world by his infamous declaration, " That a nation is not worth a curse without blood-letting." A declaration that must forever dishonor the name of its illustrious author."
MRS. SARAH E.V. EMERY. Seven Financial Conspiracies Which Have Enslaved the American People
The way the cartel seizes a nation's financies is first to secure the gold backing the gold standard of currency and then by making all of the gold disappear, so that Dutch English or Rothschild banking is initiated in regime debt spending.
This is how the British Empire was obliterated, how France was annexed and how America has now become a financial debt slave gulag.
"To accomplish this it became necessary to obtain possession of the national finances."
MRS. SARAH E.V. EMERY. Seven Financial Conspiracies Which Have Enslaved the American People
"Scarcely had the war cloud broken ere the gold and silver money of the country disappeared."
MRS. SARAH E.V. EMERY. Seven Financial Conspiracies Which Have Enslaved the American People
Abraham Lincoln inherited a broke nation financially. It could not wage war without money. Money was gold and silver, but the eastern patrician finance had dried all of American gold backed finance.
Into this Mrs. Emery, intoduces the figurative, literal, Shakespearean character of Shylock as the code name for this 1860 AD in the year of our Lord, northeast patrician financial group.
Shylock was a loanshark, otherwise known as the pound of flesh or selling ones soul, for financial gain and power.
"Why Shylock had obtained possesion of it, for what purpose we shall see hereafter."
MRS. SARAH E.V. EMERY. Seven Financial Conspiracies Which Have Enslaved the American People
Did not Wall Street rejoice in the declaration of war, and loudly protest against the secession of the slave States ?
MRS. SARAH E.V. EMERY. Seven Financial Conspiracies Which Have Enslaved the American People
We see now the genesis of this. Northeast patricians at odds with Southern political power, were driving for a war to cripple the South and seize power again, by rigging the board, before the Amerian West overtook all as a political ruler in America.
The financiers chose well. They with their European cut throats had funded abolitionism to terrorize the South, and then chose a Westerner named Abraham Lincoln to start the war, after these financial interests split the Democratic ticket in putting forward Douglas and Breckingridge to assure a Lincoln win for war.
General Thomas Stonewall Jackson, a firm supporter of the Union, stated he voted for Breckenridge as the man who could have preserved these United States from a Civil War.
There was an absolute reason the abolitionists were funded, why Lincoln was ushered into power coming from pauper roots, and why the South was enticed by the European aristocracy to revolt. It was all about war. The New York and Boston trade merchants pulled the North one way and the European elite pulled the South the other way, and ripped America in two easily.
France and England, along with Wall Street made certain to make this Civil War a WAR and not an insurrection police action, by the Northern merchants supplied the South for war and the Europeans gave them diplomatic status.
"Neither American nor foreign capitalists would loan money to the government upon any reasonable terms. True the banks would loan their notes at 20 per cent, discount, that is, they would exchange eighty dollars of their notes for one hundred dollars in government bonds, bearing a high rate of interest, payable in gold, and backed by the government; but they had not the power to make even these notes good in the hands of the soldier. Foreign capitalists would not at that time loan us any money, for they hoped and expected to see the republic rent in twain and the star of our liberty sink in a night of anarchy and blood."
MRS. SARAH E.V. EMERY. Seven Financial Conspiracies Which Have Enslaved the American People
"Appleton's Cyclopedia for 1861, page 296, we learn that the money kings of Wall Street graciously tendered loans to the government in her distress at from 24 to 36 per cent, interest—these same money kings whom today we hear quoted as those generous, patriotic capitalists."
MRS. SARAH E.V. EMERY. Seven Financial Conspiracies Which Have Enslaved the American People
Now you see the degrading of this. Financiers from both sides of the Atlantic had cut off American Government debt borrowing, worse than in the American Revolution. All of this money then was to be borrowed by Abraham Lincoln from Wall Street at rates which even today are abhorent loanshark rates.
The move was in 1860 AD in the year of our Lord to literally own America by the plutocracy (the rich few) by a debt war.
But what was Shylock to do ? The gold and silver of the country were in his possession, and they would not serve his purposes unless he could loan them to the government at exorbitant rates of interest. Knowing the necessities of the government these Shylocks determined to persist in their demands, for they had planned through the misfortune of the government to enrich and aggrandize themselves. This was why they rejoiced while others wept, this was why the tidings of war brought gladness to their hearts. By hoarding the gold and silver of the country they thought to compel the government to accede to their demands, and while the soldier was giving his life on the battle field they would gather to themselves riches and power."
MRS. SARAH E.V. EMERY. Seven Financial Conspiracies Which Have Enslaved the American People
Abraham Lincoln's response was to issue Treasury Notes. Political Lincoln had a great deal of American Common Sense. The American financiers had chosen him, over an established New York Republican, trusting they had an uneducated western dupe who would on principles plunge America into war and with no financial sense, start borrowing money from Wall Street at loanshark rates.
Lincoln though started printing his own American money to cover debt.
"From the constitution he (Lincoln) read, " Congress shall have power to declare war." Again he read, " Congress shall have power to coin money." Then to the world he declared that Congress would coin money, and that the government, at whose head stood the fearless Lincoln, would not submit to the infamous demands of Shylock.
Following this declaration came the enactments of July 17, 1861, and February 12, 1862, authorizing the issue of $60,000,000 treasury notes, not bearing interest and payable for all debts, public and private. These first issues of greenbacks constitute the demand notes, which, unlike all subsequent issues did not contain the exception clause, consequently they have always been at par with gold, and establish the fact, that had it not been for the exception clause on the greenback they would have always remained at par with gold."
MRS. SARAH E.V. EMERY. Seven Financial Conspiracies Which Have Enslaved the American People
Now began the intrigue, as the bankers from New York, Philadelphia and Boston began to maneuver to find a way to still carry out their financial enslavement of America. The names of these bankers are the financial cult which has destroyed America, and fixed the names of the next period into your minds in JP Morgan led New York Finance in 1900 AD in the year of our Lord.
There had to be a market created for the cartel's gold and that market returned to the verbiage used in policy that afflicted America in the era of President Andrew Jackson in "bills or payments to the American Government had to be in gold".
"We find that only four days after the passage of the legal tender act to supply the country with government money, a bankers' convention was held in Washington, consisting of four delegates from New York banks, three from Philadelphia, and three from Boston. Shylock was alarmed ; he saw in the legal tender act a friend to the people, that it would transfer the monopoly of the money from his hands to the control of the people, he saw in it a precedent which, if established, would forever after enable the government to relieve itself and the people without submitting to his usurious extortions. He knew, too, that the government supplied with its own money would have no occasion to call from its hiding place his hoarded gold, unless by some means he could create a market for it."
MRS. SARAH E.V. EMERY. Seven Financial Conspiracies Which Have Enslaved the American People
"....exception clause on the greenback, and was consummated by act of Congress, February 25, 1862, wherein it was stipulated that the greenback should be legal tender for all debts, public and private, except duties on imports and interest on the public debt, which from that time forward should be paid in coin. Shylock rejoiced ; he had accomplished his purpose, he had created a demand for his gold. Henceforth government should bow to him, and none should question his right to wield the golden scepter of money king.
"For Congress to stipulate that only a certain article should be used in payment of certain government debts was simply to create a demand for that article."
MRS. SARAH E.V. EMERY. Seven Financial Conspiracies Which Have Enslaved the American People
Now you have the crux of this in how Abraham Lincoln was outmaneuvered. The financiers had a gold monopoly in ownership, and they used their conduits in Congress "for sound Dollar backing in paying United States debt", to avoid what in that era is the current image of Obama and Bernanke Federal Reserve Quantative Easing, or the regime buying it's own massive slave debt as no one else will........ required that payments be made in gold to service that debt, as to do otherwise would have caused absolute financial collapse in America it was said of the Dollar's value.
Mrs. Emery states that after the Exemption Clause was passed by Congress, that world finance descended upon New York for the kill in devouring this fatted calf of commerce.
"You remember that during the war our cotton and sugar crops were cut off in the south and we were obliged to import these articles from foreign countries. At one time the duty on sugar was 76 per cent, about the same time the premium on gold was 185 per cent. That is, it took two hundred and eighty-five cents in greenbacks to buy one hundred cents in gold. Had it not been for the exception clause on the greenback the importer would have held his sugar at $1.76, but besides the import duty he must also pay the premium on the gold. One hundred cents in gold cost him two hundred and eighty-five cents in greenbacks. At the same rate, seventy-six (the import duty), cost him two hundred and sixteen cents in greenbacks, so that instead of paying 76 per cent duty he actually paid 216 per cent, or 140 per cent more than he would have paid had there been no exception clause on the greenback."
MRS. SARAH E.V. EMERY. Seven Financial Conspiracies Which Have Enslaved the American People
"This $1.40, which went directly into Shylock's coffers, was added to the price of the sugar and paid by the wage-worker, the manufacturer, and every other consumer of imported sugar. In the same way we were compelled to pay enormous prices for tea, coffee and several hundred imported articles. In the year 1864 the American people paid, in consequence of the exception clause, nearly four hundred million dollars, or about eighty-seven dollars to each family. With wages at $2.00 per day the head of each family worked forty-three and one-half days during the year, or nearly one day in each week for the gold gamblers of Wall Street. The government never received one farthing of that enormous sum, and the masses of the people never understood why they paid such exorbitant prices."
MRS. SARAH E.V. EMERY. Seven Financial Conspiracies Which Have Enslaved the American People
Do you understand how this exemption clause scam worked now? It was all about inflation of goods purchased and deflation of the United States Dollar, and "in the exchange of Dollar to Gold to Bonds" is where the financiers were economically raping every American in sticking them with the inflation and the debt.
The Obama regime did thee exact same thing in driving up the price of oil with the cartel and Big Frac. In the 21st century, the duty on gold in the exemption clause has been replaced by the duty of monopoly price fixing on oil, which in turn inflates all prices from houses, gas, electricity to food, being extorted from each individual.
Wall Street charges you for your own money, while Chicago commodities set the rate at which you are financially raped in this unbalance of trade in this 21st century exemption clause inflicted to legally rob you.
"Think of the situation. The soldier facing death on the battle field for $16 per month, sends that money to his sorrow stricken family to be used in supplying them with the necessaries of life ; and in the purchase of their food and clothing with this blood-bought treasure, they pay indirectly to the gold gamblers of Wall Street from 25 to 50 per cent."
"The exception clause had depreciated the greenback. This was a part of Shylock's scheme."
MRS. SARAH E.V. EMERY. Seven Financial Conspiracies Which Have Enslaved the American People
As you have had a few moments to digest the above how this "commerce" or piracy works, let us now revisit as in St. Paul repetition in teaching the reason for this scheme as I stated in Dollars to Gold to Bonds.
"Now why did Shylock wish to depreciate the greenback ? Simply to enable him to get more of them in his possession with which to buy government bonds. Having purchased such legislation he could buy bonds with greenbacks at face value, and by means of the exception clause he could turn his gold into greenbacks at enormous advantage."
MRS. SARAH E.V. EMERY. Seven Financial Conspiracies Which Have Enslaved the American People
"A cargo of goods has entered one of our ports ; government requires the duty to be paid in gold. The importer proceeds at once to Wall Street, which, after the exception clause was placed on the greenback, became the great gold market of the earth, and as Judge Kelley justly said, " It invited from all the money centers of the world their most voracious vampires to come here and fatten upon the life-blood of the American people." Thither our importer wends his way, and as it chanced to be the month of July, 1864, he found he must pay $285 in legal tender money for $100 in gold.
Let us now return to our Wall Street broker and see how he has been effected by the calamity of war. The $285 in greenbacks, which the importer paid him for the $100 in gold, he immediately invests in government bonds at face value. His next step is to draw interest on his bonds, for the act of February 25, 1862, stipulated that his interest should not only be paid in gold but in advance. Having drawn his gold interest in advance he is prepared on the morrow to sell it to the next importer, and with each exchange he clears $185 on every $100 in gold."
MRS. SARAH E.V. EMERY. Seven Financial Conspiracies Which Have Enslaved the American People
You can understand the commerce in this again in your 21st century rapine in the North Dakota oil "boom". Gas was 1.87 in 2008 under George W. Bush as President. The Designer Negro Barack Hussein Obama Chin with help of Big Frac, British Petroleum well sabotage in the Gulf, Obama oil wars and the regime shutting down Canadian oil flow into America via pipelines, drove up prices as rewards to Obama's Muslims and a bribe to Mr. Putin, as the Chicoms were allowed to buy up western oil assets at 100 dollars per barrel crude in the Bush era, knowing crude would in the Obama era be maintained at that level.
North Dakota received beads for Manhattan Island cuts in North Dakota crude, with the majority of that revenue going to degradable roads of asphalt and concrete run by the syndicate interests, as Wall Street reaps the lion's share, led by Warren Buffett in his illegal monopoly on railroads and Harold Hamm's Oklahoma oil drilling on mostly Indian and Buffett railroad lands in this "boom", which has done nothing but drive up inflation in North Dakota making it a fiefdom, which will collapse to California 3rd world status in a few years, as North Dakota will not have the money to maintain it's welfare state.
You are in an Obama rampage of debt, and being gleaned in his record stealth taxes, inflation and oil pricings, exactly in this E Commerce mirror image of what Americans faced in 1860 AD in the year of our Lord.
The last nail in this cross of triumverate evil of crucifixion was the National Bank Act of 1863, the foundation for the Federal Reserve of Jekyl Island a generation later. It is the same scam of today in the cartel loans Americans their own money at interest, and then charges Americans double interest on Bonds take out to pay for the original money not being backed by anything but raising the debt ceiling.
Think of it explained this way. The Rothschilds in Europe sign you up for a Rockefeller Chase Manhattan credit card which you do not want.
They then have the image of Obama buy you an energy guzzling Green Car, in which you are ordered to buy electicity for and gas for at extreme rates. This confiscates all the money you have, so you can not fund another Reagan Revolution to save you, and at the end of the month you are forced to take out a loan to pay your debt from a Federal Reserve Bank..........so you are still paying for the original car debt on that interest and the bond debt now to finance that debt, as the Birther regime continues to raise taxes on you to "service" that debt created for you in the original debt, which you did not want.
"The next scheme for robbing the people was the national bank act, passed in 1863. Of all the villainous schemes of robbery ever practiced upon any people our national banking system stands preeminent. By it Shylock was permitted to invest his greenbacks in government bonds at face value ; upon these bonds he not only drew gold interest in advance but by means of the bank scheme he actually had 90 per cent of their value returned to him. While drawing interest upon the entire investment in the form of bonds, 90 per cent of it has been returned to him in the form of national bank notes, and it is with these he carries on his banking business, loaning them out upon the most advantageous terms. On the one hand he draws interest from the government; on the other, from the same investment he draws interest from his individual debtors.
MRS. SARAH E.V. EMERY. Seven Financial Conspiracies Which Have Enslaved the American People
To sum this up, in 1860 AD in the year of our Lord and 21st century of our Lord terms, as stated gold and silver were the mediums sought to gain financial power in America. This though has never been about money in the European aristocracy or Rothschild financiers. It has in illuminated thought been about absolute control of nations, spiritual control.
One can have all the money in the world, but unless one controls the media to condition people's minds to not revolt and take back that which is stolen from them, the regimes to pass laws making your criminal acts legal while making the Citizen a criminal for simply being, and a police state to enforce that terror of the gulag........money will be robbed from the elite as it always was.
Therefore not just making money and gaining power in both sides of war was not the end game. Wars once had purpose, but when one is tearing down regimes and having to take time to rebuild them, a much better situation was devolved in police state wars, communism for control of peoples while exploiting national resources, Dutch English banking of debts for nations in which their own money is loaned to them by this cartel, and the transfer of currency backing from gold to oil, as oil is consumed, it is the perfect medium to inflate the costs of living in order to seize control over every nation by making all debt slaves, and thereby gaining absolute control of national syndicates by the Socio Conglomerate structure.
The above is why many of your are confused, as the cartel had a game plan in 1860. It had a plan which shifted from gold to the Federal Reserve in the 1910 era. It then shifted again in the 1970 era from gold to oil, and in the 2008 era, the Birther Obama era, shifted from debt currency to electronic currency in which "wealth" was magically generated by the push of a key for the super rich and thereby massive debt was generated to enslave every person and all their descendents forever.
It had to devolve as this kind of piracy would have caused a revolution in any of the other periods, but now people are so confused and have not linked any of these periods together, they simply go mind numbed in a stupor failing to understand any of this, until the Lame Cherry in matter anti matter linked this together.
This is simple in gold to debt currency, to oil to e currency. Money is not the purpose, but the purpose is making you a financial slave of debt while telling you that you are free, so you do not rise up in revolt.
Once again, this is something you should print out, you should copy and paste, and you should re read this again once a week over the next few months so this sorts out in your minds and you understand this fully, as if you know the origins of this, how it devolved, you then know how you are currently being rationed death, and why what seems like insane image of Obama policy......is in fact successful economic enslavement of the world by the feudal few.
There is method to their madness, and their madness is not insane, but cold blooded intellectual protocols done with absolute purpose.
I do hope this helps each of you. In monitoring those like Rush Limbaugh, I do hear the chatter of this blog being espoused in the scripted golden EIB mic. This is all successfully filtering through. God has changed the international conversation by this blog, no matter the censorship or the teleprompter script being read.
Mockingbird has a problem in which came first the hen or the egg. There are those who were left to make mountains of mole hills and while they have Fahrenheit 451 seared the minds, the embers are starting illuminated thoughts in the pages of the mind.
Yes cryptic in that paragraph, but the rest is an open volume for your bound mind.