As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The issue of the Veterans Administration is the issue of people not understanding the military of any nation. There is a military protocol in a Soldier is like PETA in their chant of a boy is a dog is an ant is a whale. That might not make sense to the civilian mind even in a Soldier is a bullet, is a rifle, is a boot, is a tank.
It is going to make the mind recoil, but the Soldier is a munition which is intended in every military to be expended and has a life expectancy plotted out just like any ship. Americans invest a great deal of effort into keeping Soldiers alive while the Chinese expend Soldiers cheaply, but in each army, the Soldier is either expensively trained and then not maintained afterwards or is cheaply created and left dead on the battlefield in order to cut costs.
That is what a Soldier is.
To comprehend this, when a helo is damaged in an Iraq War, the maintenance corps slap duct tape on the chopper to make it run. It is not some expensive replacing panels or shipping it back to the manufacturer. In like reality, a Soldier whose psyche has been scarred by military doctrine in Afghanistan in not being able to fight back is not remedied of the damage, but a narcotic is administered which drives them to suicide, as the killer is not to be dampened but increased. It is duct tape of the mind.
The other duct tape is in the VA hospitals. People are put on death lists, because those Soldiers should have died on the battlefield. In this assessment, you can not like that reality, but if you desire to fix the VA, you either outsource all treatments into what the Obama regime is destroying in civilian care or you get rid of the fine Army medical corp which is keeping people alive and let them die on the battlefield as intended.
The problem with the VA is that the Army medics are too adept at their jobs in bringing life to the dead in saving their lives. If the medics were doing what most militaries do and letting blown apart Soldiers die, then the VA would not have this problem at all. Those men would have died on the battlefields of World War II, Korea, Vietnam and Iraq and all of this would have been settled cheaply with a government flag, 21 blank cartridges and a white tombstone, and a nice salute to the family, in thanking them that their Soldier did their duty in dying properly before returning home.
In a personal story of this past year, a relative of ours was working in the VA hospital, as that is what happens in civilian doctors rotate in and out. While there they were aghast that the VA doctors were having meeting and were too busy to treat a sick patient who was dying. This relative who was not the patients primary physician tracked down the responsible doctors, entered the meeting and castigated the VA doctors for not being aware of the condition of their own patient. This particular patient was saved by a non-VA doctor.
This was not in Arizona, and was at one of the facilities which has recently been bragged about in being one of the best VA facilities in the nation.
The reason there are death lists is what you have to get through your heads in Soldiers who survive are an expense which cuts into the purchase of expensive armaments which are glamorous. No General wants to have a parade of cripples before him to command. They all like computers and missile weapons systems.
The robotics which America is turning to in warfare without conscience is what will solve some of this situation, but it will still be geezer Soldiers who will be expected to die at the moment of the end of their tour of duty. It is all about efficiency, and all old things in the military are scrapped, so do not expect a Soldier to be coddled and kept around.
This is a post which should be posted on Drudge, but doubtfully it will not to educate the public and Veterans and Soldiers as to what they are. This is the way the Pentagon's mind works, because it is the way every military works. In order for American parents to send their children to die for oils that do not secure cheap oil for Americans, they have been told their children will get bonuses and then be cared for afterwards, when the caveat is, the military protects those expensive Soldiers by making them more expensive, but the caring for life, is the tour of duty and Soldiers are expendable to die after service, and they are made to do so either with psychiatric drugs or placed on death lists to solve this munitions problem.
So either put the Veterans into Civilian care which the Obama regime is destroying or take away the medics and have the Soldiers die on the battlefield to solve the VA problem, as that is the only way to solve it. It will not be solved by more money or by firing anyone, as this is the military code. You use up shells and Soldiers in the same manner of munitions and they are all supposed to die on the battlefield.
This is once again a Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter and the only person who has explained any of this in everyone of you is being lied to. Now you at least know the uncomfortable Truth.