As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.......
I wonder of the honest facts that if it were not for a yellow journalist lying about Davy Crockett and a break with President Andrew Jackson, that Davy Crockett would have been President of these United States and not slaughtered at the Alamo, as those events are the ones which brought him to his end.
The reality is David Crockett, no matter party name, would have been the first Ronald Reagan as that is exactly what Davy Crockett was.
"A publication has been made to the world, which has done me much injustice; and the catchpenny errors which it contains, have been already too long sanctioned by my silence. I don't know the author of the book—and indeed I don't want to know him; for after he has taken such a liberty with my name, and made such an effort to hold me up to public ridicule, he cannot calculate on any thing but my displeasure. If he had been content to have written his opinions about me, however contemptuous they might have been, I should have had less reason to complain. But when he professes to give my narrative (as he often does) in my own language, and then puts into my mouth such language as would disgrace even an outlandish African."
David Crockett
February 1st, 1834
Washington City
"I have met with hundreds, if not with thousands of people, who have formed their opinions of my appearance, habits, language, and every thing else from that deceptive work.
They have almost in every instance expressed the most profound astonishment at finding me in human shape, and with the countenance, appearance, and common feelings of a human being."
I have published Davy Crockett's comment on government spending in how he was given hell by a constituent for giving away government aid to other people, as no government had a right to provide welfare in taking money from someone who produced it and then awarded it to someone just because hard times had taken place, as everyone had hard times.
America has always been a place where 90% of the population was poor and the propaganda made it all seem everyone was rich to keep them from revolution.
The ordeal as this blog has examined was the Andrew Jackson war on a national bank, in which Jackson took the national treasury and put it into local banks. This mismanagement caused the first depression in America.
This was the great debate of Thomas Hart Benton and Henry Clay and Daniel Webster, in the "government" as Davy Crockett in disgust termed Andrew Jackson as being looked upon as the government of America.
It was a point though that David Crockett went at odds with over his former General in the Creek War.
"I am glad all over that I lived to see these times, which I should not have done if I had kept fooling along in war, and got used up at it. When I say I am glad, I just mean I am glad I am alive, for there is a confounded heap of things I an't glad of at all. I an't glad, for example, that the "government" moved the deposites, and if my military glory should take such a turn as to make me president after the general's time, I'll move them back; yes, I, the "government," will "take the responsibility," and move them back again. If I don't, I wish I may be shot."
Davy Crockett. A Narrative of the Life of David Crockett, of the State of Tennessee
Davy Crockett was a poor man all his life. He was raised poor and in rags he worked. His entire life was one of knowing the value of money and that the money belonged to people who worked for it.
That is why it is interesting in Davy Crockett who was turned out of office over this, was at odds in noting that the solution of destroying the main bank, while giving money away from the national treasury to be mismanaged worse by local banks was something injurious to national economic health.
In this, Ronald Reagan was the inheritor of Davy Crockett's Republicanism, for Mr. Crockett believed it was the people's money and it was the role of government to protect that tax money from mismanagement.
The great tragedy in all of this is after President Andrew Jackson, America elected only one leader in Zachary Taylor to the White House, and when America needed that leader, he died shortly after taking office.
That entire period saw the most worthless of Presidents who only created an environment either hemming in Americans from western expansion, giving Britain all of Canada which was American land by purchase, and instead of annexing northern Mexico which was Texas property, giving it to the power of empire.
If a man full of vigor had been elected President in this time, there is a reality that America would have probably gained north Mexico and all of western Canada in a great American expansion as Crockett was a westerner. Such leadership would have probably stopped a Civil War from ever taking place.
Davy Crockett had common sense which was even more backwoods smart than Abraham Lincoln. Mr. Crockett was astute in Congress and completely American. He certainly could not have done any worse than anything else which was in the White House, and the course of history might have been one which Abraham Lincoln would have been just an Illinois Senator, and when Mount Rushmore was carved, it probably would have been Washington, Jefferson, Crockett and Roosevelt on that monument.
If only, that chance had come.
nuff said