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For those who do not believe me


As another Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusive.

There are  those who question me and discount me far too often in the history of the race of the Western peoples being Israelite. Such fools piss me off at times in their ignorance, so for my children I place here a series of quotes from Early Britain by Grant Allan, BA.

This book of history was published by the Society for promoting Christian Knowledge, and quotes the historical Anglo Saxon sources, so there is no doubt in any of this. You are going to be slapped in the face early in this with a word which will stun you, but it is who you are descended from in the Aryan.
In my work of linguistics, I have provided this word context of SamARIAN, as in the Lost 10 Tribes as Yankee is a bastardization of Jahn Cheese.

The following quotes come from Bæda's "Ecclesiastical History", The English Chronicle, Florence of Worcester and Codex Diplomaticus.

The experts in this subject were: "I owe my acknowledgments in the first and highest degree to Dr. E.A. Freeman, from whose great and just authority, however, I have occasionally ventured to differ in some minor matters. Next, my acknowledgments are due to Canon Stubbs, to Mr. Kemble, and to Mr. J.R. Green. Dr. Guest's valuable papers in the Transactions of the Archæological Institute have supplied many useful suggestions. To Lappenberg and Sir Francis Palgrave I am also indebted for various details. Professor Rolleston's contributions to "Archæologia," as well as his Appendix to Canon Greenwell's "British Barrows," have been consulted for anthropological and antiquarian points; on which also Professor Huxley and Mr. Akerman have published useful papers. Professor Boyd Dawkins's work on "Early Man in Britain," as well as the writings of Worsaae and Steenstrup. Nor must I forget the aid derived from Mr. Isaac Taylor's "Words and Places," from Professor Henry Morley's "English Literature," and from Messrs. Haddan and Stubbs'"Councils." To Mr. Gomme, Mr. E.B. Tylor, Mr. Sweet, Mr. James Collier, Dr. H. Leo."

The point in listing the above is to prove the evidence assembled by professors and PHD's. This is not some fiction, but absolute history. It has all been deliberately covered up, because the world elite do not want you to know they are making extermination war upon you, because you are of the Lost 10 Tribes.

You must read this part carefully and not out of context, but Adolf Hitler and his professors just did not dream up some fiction, but all of their beliefs were based on historical fact. They misplaced the High German who is a relative of the Low German, as the High German is Assyrian Semite and the Low German is Israelite Semite, but the reality is the real history of this in archeology, records and linguistics proves the people of the west are in their Indo European language base, a people who immigrated from the Persian India region, after being exiled there.

I place the quotes here for the proof of who the Britons are as much as the western peoples.

"At a period earlier than the dawn of written history there lived somewhere among the great table-lands and plains of Central Asia a race known to us only by the uncertain name of Aryans. These Aryans were a fair-skinned and well-built people, long past the stage of aboriginal savagery, and possessed of a considerable degree of primitive culture. Though mainly pastoral in habit, they were acquainted with tillage, and they grew for themselves at least one kind of cereal grain.

We must not regard them as an idyllic and peaceable people: on the contrary, they were the fiercest and most conquering tribe ever known. In mental power and in plasticity of manners, however, they probably rose far superior to any race then living, except only the Semitic nations of the Mediterranean coast.

But the mass of the emigrants from the Central Asian fatherland moved further westward in successive waves, and occupied, one after another, the midland plains and mountainous peninsulas of Europe.
First of all, apparently, came the Celts, who spread slowly across the South of Russia and Germany, and who are found at the dawn of authentic history extending over the entire western coasts and islands of the continent, from Spain to Scotland.

Mingled in many places with the still earlier non-Aryan aborigines—perhaps Iberians and Euskarians, a short and swarthy race, armed only with weapons of polished stone, and represented at the present day by the Basques of the Pyrenees and the Asturias—the Celts held rule in Spain, Gaul, and Britain, up to the date of the several Roman conquests.
A second great wave of Aryan immigration, that of the Hellenic and Italian races, broke over the shores of the Ægean and the Adriatic, where their cognate languages have become familiar to us in the two extreme and typical forms of the classical Greek and Latin.
A third wave was that of the Teutonic or German people, who followed and drove out the Celts over a large part of central and western Europe;"

Grant Allen. Early Britain / Anglo-Saxon Britain

"The Germanic family of peoples consisted of a race which early split up into two great hordes or stocks, speaking dialects which differed slightly from one another through the action of the various circumstances to which they were each exposed. These two stocks are the High German and the Low German (with which last may be included the Gothic and the Scandinavian). Moving across Europe from east to west, they slowly drove out the Celts from Germany and the central plains, and took possession of the whole district between the Alps, the Rhine, and the Baltic, which formed their limits at the period when they first came into contact with the Roman power."

Grant Allen. Early Britain / Anglo-Saxon Britain

In the above, we witness the two deposed Mideast powers descended from Shem, Noah's son, in separating in the Assyrian Germans and the Israelite Germans, who correctly should be termed in the Israelite lines of Samarian, Cimmerian which broke linguistically into three like sounding names for these tribes in SamARYAN, Scythian and Germani. In the Scyth the S is all that remains and in the Germani, it is the MERI which remains, as these peoples moved, languages melded, and they slammed into war contact with Greece and Rome, who like the Americans with Indian words like musquash would make it muskrat for that water rodent.

The children of Joseph in Mannaseh and Eprhaim, settled in western Europe with other Lost 10 Tribes. The Danes as in Denmark or the Mark of Dan, being a part of this family of nations.

"These three tribes are the Jutes, the English, and the Saxons. Closely connected with them, but less strictly bound in the same family tie, were the Frisians.

The Jutes, the northernmost of the three divisions, lived in the marshy forests and along the winding fjords of Jutland, the extreme peninsula of Denmark, which still preserves their name in our own day. The English dwelt just to the south, in the heath-clad neck of the peninsula, which we now call Sleswick. And the Saxons, a much larger tribe, occupied the flat continental shore, from the mouth of the Oder to that of the Rhine. At the period when history lifts the curtain upon the future Germanic colonists of Britain, we thus discover them as the inhabitants of the low-lying lands around the Baltic and the North Sea, and closely connected with other tribes on either side, such as the Frisians and the Danes, who still speak very cognate Low German and Scandinavian languages.

....Not only are the true Englishmen of modern England distantly connected with the Franks."

Grant Allen. Early Britain / Anglo-Saxon Britain

Here we see the extended families of the Lost 10 Tribes. The Franks are the French, or northern French, who are Reubenites and the link to the Scandinavian peoples who are Naphtali, Issacar and Gad. What follows is the hand of God which repeated twice, first in entire regions of these Israelites simply immigrating to England and then noted by Francis Parkman in 1880 in being removed to these United States.

"The English proper, it is true, seem to have deserted their old home in Sleswick in a body; so that, according to Bæda, the Christian historian of Northumberland, in his time this oldest England by the shores of the Baltic lay waste and unpeopled, through the completeness of the exodus.
But the Jutes appear to have migrated in small numbers, while the larger part of the tribe remained at home in their native marshland; and of the more numerous Saxons, though a great swarm went out to conquer southern Britain, a vast body was still left behind in Germany, where it continued independent and pagan till the time of Karl the Great, long after the Teutonic colonists of Britain had grown into peaceable and civilised Christians."

Grant Allen. Early Britain / Anglo-Saxon Britain

What you are reading in the above are the two tribes of Joseph in Ephraim in mass with a part of Mannaseh in the Saxons, or Sons of Isaac, moved into the Isles, at the dawn of known history, and this second and third wave of Saxons, known as Germans, came into Pennsylvania, just after the people of Amsterdam for Dan marked the way in what is now New York, and in a mass exodus these "Germans" peopled the greater part of area between the Mississippi and Rocky Mountains in the 1800's.

For absolutely no reason, except God's, these peoples left everything they had settled and moved to unsettled lands.

While Saxon is Sons of Issac, the term England is derived from Angleland, or the Land of the Angles. Ephraim was foremost in this as this was their land, and Angle is a descendent of the Augali, whom Heroditus in his dialect named Aegli.
Aegel in Hebrew means "bull calf" and this was the symbol of Ephraim and Dan set up the bull calf as a national symbol of heathen worship. So the Aegels were the Angli, who in dialect became the Anglo, who are now known as the English, which translates in ISH as people, and Eng as Bull Calf.........in direct relation to Aegel as Aeg El, the god calf, and now the people of the calf.

The Holy Ghost moving the Prophet Amos to speak to the House of Israel, in he was sent specifically to the 10 Northern Tribes to warn them that exile was coming stated this in Amos 9:9;

"For, lo, I will command, and I will sift the house of Israel among all nations, like as corn is sifted in a sieve, yet shall not the least grain fall upon the earth."

God promised in Judgment to sift Israel, but not lose one person. He was going to hide their identity as He stated He would move them north and west of Israel, and that is exactly what took place.
The forensic linguistics though keep traces of their journey though Dan became Den, Augali became English, but their Laban and Eber nature of being white and peoples of red, blonde, brown and black hair, who the Hebrews were, kept their identity as exile and immigration moved them through the centuries and nations.
It is why these peoples in wars keep breaking along national identities in their hidden pasts.

For linguistics in Germania, ING was akin to SON, so the ING in a name meant the people of this one man. While HAM meant a stockade and TUN meant an encloser or fort. Wellington meant the people of Well protected in their gathering.

These Aryans were exact psychological duplicates of Abraham and Sarah. They carved out areas of defense, herded and farmed and were warlike. In the forests of Germany, they had their rugged individual groups, and even people of their own peoples in other enclaves had to blow the horn or they would be killed in not respecting the buffers.

The English with their seas, like the Scandinavians, the Americans and Australians are exact duplicates of this seperate community nature with barriers, militantly divided, as it is in their genetic nature in sports or states.

"In the middle of the clearing, surrounded by a wooden stockade, stood the village, a group of rude detached huts. The marksmen each possessed a separate little homestead, consisting usually of a small wooden house or shanty, a courtyard, and a cattle-fold. So far, private property in land had already begun. But the forest and the pasture land were not appropriated: each man had a right from year to year to let loose his kine or horses on a certain equal or proportionate space of land assigned to him by the village in council."

Grant Allen. Early Britain / Anglo-Saxon Britain

Abraham did the same thing, the Israelites did the same thing, the Anglo Saxons did the same thing, the Americans in their block houses did the same thing, and from Canada to South Africa, these peoples of the commonwealth, in their first makings were building defensible positions, even if enemies did not exist, as it was in their nature.

"The hall of the chief rose in the midst of the lesser houses, open to all comers. The village moot, or assembly of freemen, met in the open air, under some sacred tree, or beside some old monumental stone.

At these informal meetings, every head of a family had a right to appear and deliberate. The primitive English constitution was a pure republican aristocracy or oligarchy of householders, like that which still survives in the Swiss forest cantons."

Grant Allen. Early Britain / Anglo-Saxon Britain

Does it make a little more sense in why the western peoples by nature gravitated to Republican forms of Government, due to it was their natural tendency? Americans can be deluded by Jefferson study of Greece or Rome, but the fact is, the Americans from parish to burgesses were naturally forming the same representative governing they had created thousands of years previous.

"The people were divided into three classes of æthelings or chieftains, freolings or freemen, and theows or slaves. The æthelings were the nobles and rulers of each tribe. There was no king: but when the tribes joined together in a war, their æthelings cast lots together, and whoever drew the winning lot was made commander for the time being."

Grant Allen. Early Britain / Anglo-Saxon Britain

There was in these Germanics, besides the Thunor or the Hammer of Thunder, and their elves, dwarves etc... a common worshipped "God" who supplanted all, and his name was Woden.

I am going to forensically take this name apart in the simplest of Anglo Saxon Germanic names of Man and Woman. Man being the image of God, and Woman, being "that who comes from man in the image of God, gives insight into the name Woden, as Wo is a feminine form of a matriarchial people as in "mother country" compared to the Assyrian German Fatherland.
So we have Wo, "that who comes from" and then Den, or Dan.

Judges 18:29; "And they called the name of the city Dan, after the name of Dan their father, who was born unto Israel:"

The tribe of Dan was resolute to worshipping their father Dan. They made the idol calf, and named everything after their father Dan from cities to peoples. What this confers is, this group of 10 Israelite tribes and those following them, adhered to the worship in their past of someone of God. The name Woden means "that Dan of God".

"the pedigree of Ida, King of Northumbria, runs as follows:—"Ida was Eopping, Eoppa was Esing, Esa was Inguing, Ingui Angenwiting, Angenwit Alocing, Aloc Benocing, Benoc Branding, Brand Baldæging, Bældæg Wodening."

Grant Allen. Early Britain / Anglo-Saxon Britain

The history of the Western peoples is a remarkable on in God's workings. The ruling classes in the Aryan of India to the Russ of Russia to what is the west of current date, all translate back to these Shemite roots and that God given Wisdom people peopled as the Sons of God from Adam to Noah to Shem to Eber to Abraham and to Jacob who was named Israel.

The Anglo Germanics who fathered America were the tribes worshipping that Dan of God. How is it that an Indo European language group, tied to Asia, with archeological data showing ancestry from Asia and north Europe, and who happen to be worshipping Woden, a Biblical figure, and later proponents of that Mideast God YHWH, can be denied being Israelite when all of the evidence states they are?

You have to be flat world bone head to deny the combined facts.

The English historian, Grant Allen, like his historians have no clue they are writing of Israelites, but they provide hard proof in the Aryans and who they were when they came out of Asia.
When one knows the identity of the Aryans is Samarians, and they are linked in obelisks to the Khumri which is a bastardized use of name King Omri of Israel, then everything links directly back to King David and the Patriarchs.

God did not abandon His people. He simply denied them the title of Israel as they denied God and have been in denial since the exile.

For those who do not believe me, your stupidity is aggrevating, but it changes nothing.

"Thus the Anglo-Saxons, before the great exodus from Denmark and North Germany, appear as a race of fierce, cruel, and barbaric pagans, delighting in the sea, in slaughter, and in drink."

Grant Allen. Early Britain / Anglo-Saxon Britain

Judges 5:7; "Gilead abode beyond Jordan: and why did Dan remain in ships? Asher continued on the sea shore, and abode in his breaches."

Yes you Dutch merchantment, English traders, Norse shippers and Yankee clippers, why is it you dwell by the shores and so are drawn to the oceans?

"In this manner the people of the Baltic and the North Sea ravaged or settled in every country on the sea-shore, from Orkney, Shetland, and the Faroes, to Normandy, Apulia, and Greece; from Boulogne and Kent, to Iceland, Greenland, and, perhaps, America."

Grant Allen. Early Britain / Anglo-Saxon Britain

If these peoples did not conquer by land, they accomplished it by river in the Volga in Russia, the sea in Carthage and ocean to America and all other points so far west, it was east.

The following is the reality in English annals. Ethelwulf, the EL being of God, and Wessex kingly line, traces to the legendary Woden of Dan in these sons of Isaac, and from there the direct line to Noah and Adam.

"Thus the pedigree of the West Saxon kings, inserted in the Chronicle under the year 855, after conveying back the genealogy of Æthelwulf to Woden,"

""Woden was Frealafing, Frealaf Finning," and so on till it reaches "Sceafing, id est filius Noe; he was born in Noe's Ark. Lamech, Mathusalem, Enoc, Jared, Malalehel, Camon, Enos, Seth, Adam, primus homo et pater noster."

Grant Allen. Early Britain / Anglo-Saxon Britain

Sceafing was filius or family of Noah, and was said to have been born in Noah's Ark. Whether figurative as Shem or a son of Shem, this then traces back to Adam.

nuff said


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