As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
When it comes to American things, it does not make a great deal of difference what the reasoning is for evil, because evil is evil, but in some ways it seems fitting that at the end of America there should be a mob rule foreign agent Obama image in the White House spreading bloody rule across the globe, because it was Thomas Jefferson who was the instigator in America of thee most heinous of crimes, which started with the wholesale character assassination of George Washington, who without, there never would have been an America, and Thomas Jefferson would have died in exile under the vice of some French whore.
For all the greatness of Thomas Jefferson in political theory and the passion of the Declaration of Independence, there began an evil couched in him, which without excuse seems to coincide with the death of his wife, whom he loved very deeply and devotedly.
Thomas Jefferson was befriended by John and Abigail Adams while in France and became friends. Years later it would be Thomas Jefferson in character assassination which would perform a coup on the second President of these United States in Federalist John Adams.
It was not alone in this, for it was Thomas Jefferson in his poison pen attacks on the leader of Federalism, in the George Washington protege', the remarkable Alexander Hamilton, which exposed Mr. Hamiliton's infidility and shame, which boiled up into fued with Aaron Burr, who then literally murdered Mr. Hamilton on the field of duel.
Alexander Hamilton had as a gentleman no intention of firing to kill Vice President Burr. He was another American lamb in the Thomas Jefferson mob democrat slaughter pit.
It was pure meanness and guile, and quite sociopathic in what Thomas Jefferson and James Madison unleashed.
Thomas Jefferson actually built his "party of republicans" which had nothing to do with Republican form of Government, but decentralized power of a scattered mob, which of course without protection would become prey to petty tyrants and tyrants of empire, upon a letter writing circuit of like minded "unbridled revolutionaries" who honestly believed in a revolution every few decades with enough murder to water the tree of liberty with blood.
Such anarchy no nation could exist, but even with warnings from John Adams over the mass murder of the French Revolution, Thomas Jefferson could not comprehend it, as in his psychopathy which is exactly like Barack Obama's image is one of self destruction, but destroys others, as these cowards will not put the bullet in the chamber and aim it at their grey matter.
After 11 million murdered French, at the end of Thomas Jefferson's life, he actually admitted to John Adams that Adams was right about France.
This all though started early, and Thomas Jefferson seeking with vehemence to wrest his vision of America away from the 1787 Philadelphia Constitutional Convention, began while a trusted Cabinet member of President Washington to start his poison pen campaign.
The great crime George Washington committed was being Presidential.
You must understand that in the world there was not one idea of what a President was to be treated at. The world only had experience with Monarchs and perhaps a Prime Minister in England, and they were all treated with royal respect.
Jefferson though would seize upon one event festering in his rank soul and attempt to destroy George and Martha Washington.
"As party hostility developed, these attacks passed from the region of private conversation to the columns of newspapers and the declamation of mob orators, and an especial snarl was raised over the circumstance that at some public ball the President and Mrs. Washington were escorted to a sofa on a raised platform, and that guests passed before them and bowed.
Much monarchy and aristocracy were perceived in this little matter, and Jefferson carefully set it down in that collection of withered slanders which he gave to an admiring posterity, after the grave had safely covered both him and those whom he feared and hated in his lifetime."
Henry Cabot Lodge. George Washington, Volume II
So you appreciate the context of this. George Washington was an elderly man at this time. He had spent most of his life outdoors in surveying, farming and making war. He suffered from rheumetism and at the time had worked out a schedule where he would only meet the public once a week for an hour and Mrs. Washington would have a gathering of people once a week too, as it was all too taxing for one man.
Yes an elderly couple in order to deal with a mob, were elevated on a sofa to appease that crowd in order to meet and greet them. This was accepted world policy and nothing out of the ordinary.
Note though in the quote, in Thomas Jefferson whispered behind the scenes in this campaign, but only released his memoirs after he was dead like a coward, and all those who could refute it were in the grave too.
That is the effeminate reality of Thomas Jefferson in he was a backbiting shrew full of scorn. He was akin to George H. W. Bush tearing down Ronald Reagan, just to gain a glimmer of light at the time, and tearing down George Washington could only build Thomas Jefferson up larger in the propaganda of death.
I have related here previously how Thomas Jefferson believed in no national defense. His idiocy was about row boats with cannons against ships of the line and militias of farmers with pitchforks and smyths with hammers against standing European troops.
This experiment under protege James Madison in the Madison declared War of 1812, got Washington DC burned, America invaded on numerous points, and the United States almost annexed as colonies again.
Thomas Jefferson was astute in taking the Napoleon bribe of the Louisiana Purchase as Napoleon saw that France would lose that American interior as America expanded in the next generation, but knowing that was it astute in using millions of American Treasury to buy something which Americans were going to by wombs and Hawkin rifles inherit by natural expansion as they took the Ohio and Illinois countries?
Certain title was gained, but considering that Americans had not title to the Spanish West, Florida and the British Oregon Country and simply took it by occupation which the Europeans could not do by settlement, then of what value was that 1804 Purchase but wasted America funds to prop up Napoleon for Waterloo.
So if the Louisiana Purchase is disputed as President Jefferson falling prey to French machinations in selling property they had already lost, then the legacy of Thomas Jefferson was the poison pen against George Washington when America needed stabilty as a new nation, the coup against John Adams, the murder of Federalist Alexander Hamilton the finest political mind in America and perhaps the world, and the disarming of America which led to British bullying in the War of 1812, in which America was almost lost.
In reality, there never would have been a War of 1812 if President Thomas Jefferson has simply expanded the President John Adams Navy to contend with the British to keep them from seizing sailors off American ships and to place troops on the Canadian border to remind London America could bite.
The last charge does go back to President John Adams Massachusetts incompetence in fearing a standing army. The reality is that Alexander Hamilton attempted with the full support of George Washington to finally bring a permanent Army to America to protect America. President Adams though dismissed the foresight of President Washington and the leadership of Alexander Hamilton to lead this Army.
This New England brine alienated the Federalists as John Adams purged them from his cabinet, and of course with Jefferson's poison pen, brought Jefferson to power and created the War of 1812.
Thomas Jefferson would not have been so successful if he did not have prejudice and bias dulling the minds of his opponents.
One of the strange measures of the 60 years of Thomas Jefferson rule, was that to appease the French, President Washington had appointed as ambassador, James Monroe, an effeminate fluff brain of unscrupulous nature, who conducted his own poison pen campaign against Patriot Alexander Hamilton.
America would have been better off if Thomas Jefferson had died, instead of his wife. It was the middle life of Jefferson which is heinous, and without the redeeming factor of the Louisiana Purchase, he worsened America in 8 years in power.
John Adams in his New English arrogancde was more suited than Thomas Jefferson for Mount Rushmore. In reality, with even more faults, Andrew Jackson belonged on Mount Rushmore before Jefferson as Jackson at least attempted to preserve the Union and acutally seized Florida from Spain, much to Congressional whining.
The image of Barack Hussein Obama is the meanness of Thomas Jefferson in attacks upon George Bush with Bill and Hillary Clinton, with intrusions into Muslim lands, all without the Louisiana Purchase from France.
That is the reality in all of this and is the history as leftist throw Jefferson, Madison, Franklin Roosevelt around like weapons, and these were all mean men of low device.
It is the real history to be remembered as to what took place, as there were not two more vehement detractors of Thomas Jefferson's ill managed tenure than patrician Henry Cabot Lodge and President Roosevelt in their historical writings.
Thomas Jefferson was a nasty little man and Barack Hussein Obama Chin at the demise of America is an even nastier and smaller person to bookend the end of America.
"This incident, however, was but an example of the political capital which was sought for in the conduct of the presidential office. The celebration of the birthday, the proposition to put Washington's head upon the coins, and many other similar trifles, were all twisted to the same purpose."
Henry Cabot Lodge
Yes let us not celebrate someones birthday. Let us not honor the person with a coin in their would be no America if he had not held his frozen Army together for years in fighting for America. Let us find fault with every thing of George Washington, as he only put up his own wealth for America, his best years of his life and never was paid for, except for expenses, after the war was ended.
Thomas Jefferson bankrupted the plantation of Montecello due to extravagance. George Washington, even in butchering a hog a day and with 100 cows had to buy butter, as he was feeding so many guests visiting him, prospered with all the time he was away serving America.
That is the reality of history recorded and more Lame Cherry exclusives in matter anti matter.
That nasty little man.
"We would even consent to drop into oblivion the precious legacy of Jefferson."
Henry Cabot Lodge
George Washington in life did not hate Thomas Jefferson, but George Washington weighed Thomas Jefferson in the balance and found him wanting.
As Cabot Lodge writes, George Washington was strong and masculine and Thomas Jefferson was subtle and feminine.
The one time that George Washington penned any lines about Thomas Jefferson, was this one sentence which sums up the reality of Mr. Jefferson, that while George Washington appointed Jefferson Sec. of State, it was deference to the public interest.
January 8, 1783 "What office is Mr. Jefferson appointed to that he has, you say, lately accepted? If it is that of commissioner of peace, I hope he will arrive too late to have any hand in it."
George Washington
General George Washington and President George Washington weighed men correctly, and he weighed Thomas Jefferson correctly and should have never allowed him anywhere near the Government.
The Secretary of State post should have gone to the aging Benjamin Franklin or to Patrick Henry the Virginian. Mr. Henry was not chosen due to public opposition of the Constitution, Thomas Jefferson instead wrote his hatred of the Constitution in private, being a clever man.
America would have been much better for it than 60 years of mob rule based on that nasty little man, Thomas Jefferson.