As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
As Rush Limbaugh has not had from his script writers in the Koch brothers of Big Frac, the meaning behind the NFL lessening the rules for marijuana testing, along with Colorado being weed capital of America, it fall again to the Lame Cherry to explain what is really going on as Limbaugh is perplexed over is this moral degeneration or is it not being able to enforce it.
Ok for another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter explaining where no one else is scripted or informed enough to go.
If you remember 2008, Obama's people showed up in South America in the summer and promised Obama would be in the White House. Shortly after that the al Qaeda in Africa with their Boeing fleet was hauling cargoes of coke out of South America into Europe, as Hillary Clinton was forcing the regime's dope lord back into power in Honduras after the people there threw him out.
I covered how Afghanistan is now through the Obama regime an al Qaeda opium cash cow as part of their business......this entire Obama regime has been the old Rockefeller Rothschild money laundering syndicate for the global dope trade.
I told you the reason dope laws are on the books is to make a monopoly for the elite who make money off of this. There would be no money in it, if everyone could grow dope and sell it.
So this sounds odd in Colorado and a push now in Missouri for marijuana, as why would the monopoly being endangered with open sales? To explain this in exclusive, revisit the Obama regime shadow backers in restructuring the terror and the dope networks in this world under new management and shipping routes.
You know it involves child sex rings, weapons and whatever too in the new cut, but this is about dope now in explaining this.
What the Obama regime has been pushing is legalizing weed, for the purpose like opium in China, in expanding the distribution and profit structure.
Ask yourself where this dope is coming from? Someone has to be growing it, and the DEA is not burning down their pot houses......which means these are sanctioned operations like Eric office space Holder running guns into Mexico for his drug terror lords.
Starting to make sense now, in the Obama reset, that the socio conglomerates are like in the dairy industry are going to be on corporate farms raising dope at monopoly prices, and protected by the DEA.
How much moonshine is produced? How much cigarette or cigar blackmarket is there? Almost none and it is because the regime manages it for profit and protects it.
There is out there, exactly like the Obama "green" operations were money laundering syndicates, an elite world order group who are moving to create immense profits in the hundreds of billions of dollars.
This is all sanctioned now, and shepherded for a return to the opium trade days. It is obvious when it is pointed out. You know it is a matter of following the money. The last dope money trail which was covered here exclusive was created by the Birther Hussein regime, cutting out the old routes of London, and moving directly into Kosovo Islam and now Spain.
Ask yourself when the last time is you heard of one DEA raid seizing tons of dope coming into America? Since Obama stole 1600 Penn Avenue, there has been absolutely no drug seizures featured in the press.
Did all dope shipments stop? Not in the least, as under Obama they dug tunnels into America out of Mexico to bring in dope.
As stated the evidence is all there and now it seems obvious, but this is not some Limbaugh half brain misdirection, but it is follow the money, and the money says this has now become the regime running dope for hundreds of billions of dollars in profits.
I suspect this will be built up, and then acquired as it always is by corporate structures like George Soros, Archer Daniels and Monsanto.
So now you know what is behind all of this, the coming dope plantations of the conglomerates for Obama, sanctioning and protecting this predation on humanity.
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