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The Conservative Transfiguration


Non ebur, neque aureum
Meâ renidet in domo lacunar;
Non trabes Hymettiae
Premunt columnas ultimâ recisas Africâ.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter......

All of my life, I have been poor. I grew up in a sharecroppers shack, which a person upon seeing it, once asked if it was a "chicken coup".
The summers were scorching. The winters were frigid. The autumns dusty. The springs wet, and so was the inside of the home.

I know of tight fisted landowners who will not put in inside plumbing. I know of those who have and have not.

Where I was raised, racism and bigotry was a luxury, as racism and bigotry always are. When your life depends on a neighbor helping you or you needing shelter from a storm, you do not ask if they are black, white, indian, mexican, asian, Christian, Catholic, Muslim, Hindu. What matters is if they kept their word and were honest.

In rural settings, those who are back biters, liars, thieves, brawlers, become weeded out, as misconduct is a luxury of those who have money and are mostly immune to the hard lesson of death for misbehavior.

I do not write the above to hope for the breaking out for violins in sympathy, but to note that I have by instinct always been a rugged individualist, capitalist, Republican and Patriot, all based in Christian Doctrines.
As stated, I never had the luxury of misbehaving or second chances as those who are rich or dwell within cities have at their disposal for bad behavior. I was formed in a world where one had to self regulate all they were in order to survive. You had to know diplomacy in gaurding your words, as one would shift in a few miles from Russian Catholic, Dutch Catholic, German Lutheran, Presbertyrians, Baptists and only God knew what else people were, in no matter the skin color, they all had prejudices and sure as the world was round, they had someone in their family you were insulting or a relative you were complaining about as there was not any degrees of separation.

In my world, you worked for opportunity which never came. Hope was a luxury you could not afford. If it was not weeds, frost, floods, rains, winds, tornadoes, blizzards, drought, insects, then it was the tractor breaking down or one of the family needing an operation which put you into debt for that year.

I state these things to express how absolutely offensive the term "red state" is as much as "fly over country". All terms said with liberal smirks of their need of validation in their pathetic existances in being small, as much as the conservative patrician disassociating themselves with those Tea Party folks in being judged beneath their caste.

I detest this Designer Negro, not for his being a Negroid imposter, nor for being an Asian, but for the reality of his snake oil with his rolled up white shirt sleeves, open collar and his verbiage  of dropping his "g's" and the use of "folks", which is the greatest insult to every human to their intelligence that Barack Hussein Obama Chin could look like a Nigger, call the majority of people Niggers, and while the entire press corp were in on the joke, as they call everyone Niggers, that this Jingobama, was speaking to a people who were so cowed they never said a word, but every one knew what this foreign bastard of entitlement was proclaiming in that caste.

The American caste is a simple dysfunction. The wealthy coastal peoples look down on all Americans outside their enclaves. They breed a mythical fagsexual voting group to promote their evil in raping American Virtue.
The boroughs are conned into thinking they are like the Kennedy's in one of the elite, but they are scorned with disdaine as the covering of the pavement, in plumbers, checkers, firemen, police, teachers are there for the service of the elite, and herding these voters into a con block of delusion, provides a voting barracade against America, so the elite will be protected in their rapine in legal crimes.

Then there are the "whites", the crackers of all types, all ridiculed. The black is given reason to believe they are superior to whites, because rich people laugh at their entertainment, but that is all that race is used for is entertainment, as they are no good for work.
No for menial work the elite caste imports Mexicans as expendable labor. To unseat Christian Virtue, they import Muslims, as Christians are financial competitors. For mental work, the elite import the Asian.

Over this they employ the taskmasters like Warren Buffett and Bill Gates, who teach the masses the rich have the right to rob the poor and to swindle the destitute.

All of this is as repulsive as the English in the 1880's refusing to allow the Irish the right to vote, as much as those masses who held not property. It went so far as to be castigated by Lord Randolph Churchill in the "mud hut" vote, in those people in mud huts in Ireland were not worthy of a vote.

‘I have heard, a great deal of the mud-cabin argument. For that we are indebted to the brilliant, ingenious, and fertile mind of the right honourable member for Westminster. I suppose that in the minds of the lords of suburban villas, of the owners of vineries and pineries , the mud-cabin represents the climax of physical and social degradation.

But the franchise in England has never been determined by Parliament with respect to the character of the dwellings. The difference between the cabin of the Irish peasant and the cottage of the English agricultural labourer is not so great as that which exists between the abode of the right honourable member for Westminster and the humble roof which shelters from the storm the individual who now has the honour to address the Committee.’

When the cheers and laughter had subsided he went on to quote the famous lines:—

Non ebur, neque aureum
Meâ renidet in domo lacunar;
Non trabes Hymettiae
Premunt columnas ultimâ recisas Africâ.

‘But if the right honourable member for Westminster were to propose to the Committee that he himself should have a vote at Parliamentary elections and that I should have none, I feel sure the House of Commons would repudiate the proposal with indignation and disgust.’

Lord Randolph Churchill was the antithesis of my world. He was a nobleman. His father was a Duke and his family of English renown.
He rode and hunted with hound. His schooling was private and of University. It was a world of allowances and liesure, and a home, of parents who parented with love.

He would transform from wealthy ruler to champion of the people ruling based in Parliament, Church and Monarchy.

His transformation in detesting the slaughter of Egyptians and Boers to the maltreatment of the Irish, would produce a political child of Conservativism in Sir Winston Churchill who would save the world from the greatest menances up to that time ever produced in Joseph Stalin, Franklin Roosevelt and Adolf Hitler.

History has now proven one absolute, and that was Adolf Hitler was not the worst of the three, but Joseph Stalin was genocidal butcher and mass enslaver as Franklin Roosevelt proved the worst Neville Chamberlain appeaser and Harry Truman proved thee worst Neville Chamberlain enabler in liberalism to Stalin and Mao.

Indignation and disgust is what Conservative Lord Randolph Churchill felt against those patricians who would deny the people their rights or make prey of the people for their profits.

There is no difference for the modern patrician feudalcrat from a Bush faction of kinder and gentler to a Clinton faction feeling your pain. They are both exploiters in both vote to rid a nation of unprofitable blacks for expendable Mexicans and enslaved Asians. The world of Ronald Reagan in a United America of all classes, creeds and colors loyal to the American Dream was stabbed in the back by George Herbert Walker Bush, robbed by William Jefferson Blythe Clinton, disarmed by George Walker Bush and buried in the holocaust abyss of Barack Hussein Obama Chin.

"President Ronald Wilson Reagan brought to the world the American Dream. Birther Barack Hussein Obama Chin brought to the world Global Rapine."

Lame Cherry

For those on the left who feel superior that their liberals champion election theft by allowing anything to vote which is not American, this is not about disenfranchised voters and you know it. It is about a coup using illegal elections to seize power which you could not gain through the Supreme Court illegally legislating.
It is despicable, for you win your battles and lose the entire war by your delusions that you will ever be able to manage that mob which is incapable of self governance, as they have not the Governance of Christian Virtue to maintain a nation, even a feudal nation.

This blog denounces every one of these racists and bigots, who deny every American their heritage while raising up ludicrous perverted actions as sodomy as a constituency. Immoral actions are not a Constitutional Nation nor are self destroying decisions a governing people. Immorality and selfishness are anarchy and lawlessness.

America is occupied by feudal criminals who mock people with morals as less then human and criminalize virtue.

It is an act of treachery and treason to tear down the social safegaurds and ridicule the masses for their self governance, while making iniquity and sin legislatively legal.

I grew up in a world where hard work was rewarded with poverty. I believed it was a world where every one was responsible to make their own way. That reality though only is workable when there is a fair equity in people being rewarded in their work to keep that labor in money and possessions, and when, the institutions which were designed as the hand up have not been hijacked to enslave the people more in debt through entitlements.

Entitlements? Go on welfare and the feudal lords make certain the system is rigged to keep you poor in using that money to only buy their conglomerate foods and to ghetto house you in low rent housing as the rich in your city do not desire you as neighbors.

Receive a student loan, and you are the debt slave to that all your life, as the colleges have inflated those rates for the feudal masters to sheer you for life in you will never get ahead.

Yes get Medicaid, and then in your illness you will like all poor people on insurance, find treatment runs out just as the benefits do, and then you will be euthanised.

Hitler's concentration camps, Stalin's gulags and Mao's re education camps are working models in gulag America. Never before in history have people on this scale, armed and with resources yet, been imprisoned in an entire nation, as the masses believe the lie they are getting something for nothing and that they are still free.

The American borders are not gaurded and passport demanded to keep foreigners out, but to keep Americans in so they do not escape.

In my transfiguration, I have been forced by God in these events to become the champion of all the poor. To become the defender of all those with virtue. To become the protector of the enslaved in calling out to the entire demos, the mob, that emancipation, liberty, life and your dreams are there, if you will just harken to understanding that you have been imprisoned without bars and made criminals by your own system.

I have not remained silent in any of this disgusting degradation of people. People are more than voting blocks, hyphenated groups and a mass to ridicule and exploit.

People have unalienable, meaning you have rights which you can not be separated from.

Ronald Reagan proved that America and the world could have deflated prices, low energy costs, abundance, all employed who chose to work for their dreams, property, money and investment working for you and wealth you were not penalized for having nor producing, and security in knowing the government was protecting you and not spying upon you.

America is now a nation of feudal rule. It is a prison for the masses who are exploited and abused in being violated in who they are. People have the right to be who they are and that is not a crime, as long as their conduct is not destroying that protective layer of society which produces the environment of healthy minds, souls, emotions and bodies.

If America was a greenhouse, the windows have all been shattered, a herd of animals stampeded through it, the elements have beaten it and pestilence has consumed it, and yet the propaganda talking points are that all is in recovery, just give the regime more dictatorial power and all you really need is more abuse and all will be fine.

Every American must have pride in themselves and then be released to be who they are. Being a welfare robber whether in a East LA barrio or a Manhattan high rise in Wall Street bribes, is a suicide of the soul, for it degrades the human in depriving them of the value of a reward for being moral, being educated and employed in labor they enjoy.

Unless a voice is adhered to which is calling out, as was Lord Randolph Churchill's in 1880 to save the Conservative right, the Conservative right will cease to be as it was deliberately extinguished in all the lands of this world.
When the anti Christ arises, there will not be a Winston Churchill to answer that son of perdition, no more than there would not have been a Ronald Reagan to stand against the evil empire of Soviet Marxism.

Chinese communism which Barack Hussein Obama Chin extolled as his favorite system, is nothing reformed. All it is, is an injection of exploitive capitalism which makes communism profit, instead of operate in perpetual debt. The profit of the feudalcrat in Asia is a human worked to death to require no reward in retirement for all that labor.

The New World Order is nothing new. It is the antiquity of feudalism in exploiting people in the masses by the few. Every Chinese, Indonesian, Indian, Indochinese has the same right as ever Slav, European, Russian and South American, as does every African, in that unique experiment now denied to the American.

Every human in this world has the Right to life, liberty and the pursuit of their happiness in the throwing off of all restraints by regime, for a government whose only reason for being is protecting them from domestic and foreign threats to their person and property, and each person then has the Responsibility to live that life in a moral, honorable and dutiful manner.

A wealthy persons excerment stinks as equal stench to that of a poor person. No one has a right to wealth  in the exclusion of others. It is a cancer upon society to amass wealth without work.
Biblical Doctrine had a reform for this in a 50 year reset in all debt incurred and property amassed was forgiven and redistributed to the original family inheritance.

This has been the undoing of America in the patrician elite too long without work and too long in exploitation have stolen from the American their right to work for their own prosperity and to keep their own profit. The feudal system is now a taxation scheme where poor and rich are rewarded with money dumps not to riot to keep themselves enslaved as conglomerates profit at everyones expense.

The demand must be a reset in America. Either by Biblical Jubilee or by the Constitutional Right in the 10th Ammendment in Americans retain as do all peoples the right to not have their life infringed upon by the few to make it an exploitative existence.

The liberal used to espouse these ideals, but the liberal in power has no ability to bring about success as they enable failure to maintain power. It falls then to the Transfigured Conservative to rescue the masses from the patrician of the manor born in the right as much as the fagsexual mogul on the left, who both disdaine and exploit the peoples.

People in this world require emancipation from the threat of the regime order making them live in fear that every police cruiser is there to intimidate them and that every dollar they have is going to end up in some rich person's bank account.
This is not class warfare. This is setting people free from the slave hut they have been confined.

All people have the right to keep every penny they have and to not have that money stolen by unjust prices. That is the right which superintends all other interactions.

This Lame Cherry stands for every person's right to be who they morally were meant to be in living their lives as God intends.

-her hand against every man and every man's hand against her-

What else would it be in the wilderness, having been raised in the brier patch, than giving no quater and accepting none, that only one Commandment presides in denouncing all who do not care for others as they would be cared for.

Amen and Amen


"I pay the greatest attention to anything he says because I find that what he says to- day his leaders say to -morrow. They follow him with halting steps, somewhat unwillingly; but they always follow him. They may not always like the prescription he makes up for them; but they always swallow it.’

Lord Chamberlain

*Yes they pay attention to the popular girls for I satiate the thought process and soon enough they parrot the chirps of the birds on the wire twittering at their internet windows, thinking their thoughts are their own as they attempt to ignore and censor, with disdaine, the overwhelming thought of the Lame Cherry.

"They swallow the nectar of Lame Cherry and vomit it up as their own."

-Lame Cherry

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