I wonder at the work of God through man, and how the minions of satan in religion and in state, have for 500 years blinded the world to the one man God raised up as a Spiritual Moses to demand the world let His people go.
That is what is most interesting in this, in just as Jesus had to arrive to stop the very zealous Saul of Tarsus from destroying the Church which Jesus had planted, and on the road to Damascus Saul became St. Paul, the great Christian Evangelist to the world, there was necessary emancipation of Christians from the church of Rome in the Vatican in a middle age Exodus, even greater than the first Exodus of the Israelite peoples out of Egypt by Moses.
For the record, the Germans for the most part who were freed from the Vatican and state, were exiles from Israel having moved with the other lost 10 tribes through Asia and Europe, would be visited again by God to provide them an Exodus from the unHoly Roman Empire which was keeping them from the Gospel.
This reality must not be lost as the minions of satan have deliberately covered this up. Some factions in Protestantism in jealousy from the English or other Israelite tribes of different languages have joined in censoring all information on the greatest event in Chrisitianity since the Resurrection of Christ.
Not even the rising up of Joan of Arc to save France from extermination in the Reubenites is akin to the Exodus of Martin Luther.
There are going to be three Exoduses. Two are spoken of in the Bible. The first came from Moses arisen by God in leading the children of Israel from Egyptian bondage to the Promised Land.
The second came in the rising up of Martin Luther to lead the children of Israel scattered then in European borders from the bondage of the Vatican and the Empire which controlled that Continent. This was not recorded in the Bible, but it was of necessity in the majority of those Germans, French, Lowlanders, Scandinavians, English, Scott and Irish were Josephite in his son Mannaseh, who were destined to continue their migration west to what would become America as was promised by God, for the use of that immense wealth to Evangelize the world.
The third will appear in the Exodus led by Jesus the Christ when the Lord having marked His chosen will call them to come out of the world as His people, for the establishment of His 1000 year reign.
This is all exclusive here, and has never been taught before. The greatest human event in history from the time of Jesus rising from the dead, was the rising up of Martin Luther and the establishment of the Lutheran sects from Calvinists to Hugeunots. This was the Exodus which moved England to her become by God the British Empire of Protestants, who breaking away in that King James Bible, became the Pilgrim Reformists of the New World in America.
There would not be Christianity in this world if not for God working through Martin Luther. He was a remarkable man who was threatened with excommunication and death by the Vatican and State. He was an Inspired man of God who caused the Vatican to release their own new version translation, as Luther had translated the Bible into German which then was the court of King James translating that Bible into English for the Christians of the world.
I find it amazing that one man could translate the entire Bible and that was not the end of it, for the documents assembled in the work this man did, is as equal to the work of St. Paul.
"THE AUTHOR of our catechism was Dr. Martin Luther (b. 1483, d. 1546), the great Reformer, through whom God effected the Reformation of the Church, in the sixteenth century. He began the Reformation with his Ninety-five Theses against the sale of indulgences, contended against the many errors and abuses that had crept into the Church, and preached and taught the pure truth of the Gospel, until his death. (Ninety-five Theses, 1517; Translation of the Bible into German, 1522-34; Larger and Smaller Catechisms, 1529; Augsburg Confession adopted 1530.)"
Joseph Stump. An Explanation of Luther's Small Catechism
The Martin Luther led Exodus of 1517 AD in the year of our Lord, the greatest event upon which human history was built for the modern era now squandered to spiritual enslavement again.