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The Gold Coin


My children, and this is for the wealthy as extolled in the words of Dr. Martin Luther, the leader of Christian Reformation, in the question of this........

Is America of the 21st Obama century, with billionaires and millionaires, and trillions of dollars being spent a more satisfied place than America of 1776 with only thousands of dollars for fortunes and millions of dollars in budgets?

"God only, said Luther, and not money and wealth, maintains and preserves the world; for riches and much money do make proud and lazy people: as at Venice, where the richest people are, a horrible dearth fell among them in our memory, so that they were driven to call upon the Turks for help, who sent twenty-four galleys laden with corn, all which, as they almost were arrived, went down into the sea and sank before their eyes.

Therefore, said Luther, great wealth and money cannot still the hunger, but rather occasioneth more dearth; for where rich people are, there it is always dear, and things are at high rates. 

Moreover, money maketh no man right merry, but much more pensive and full of sorrow; for they are thorns which do prick people, as Christ calls riches; yet is the world so mad that they will set thereupon all their joy and felicity."

Martin Luther. Selections from the Table Talk

Is not Martin Luther correct in the more wealth and assets people have, the more sorrowful and worried people become?

For the rich people, has money bought any of you happiness, a family at peace and loving you or security?

Did money stop the Boston Bombing in all those rich runners being saved? Did money stop the storms which struck the country recently? Did money buy you more contentment than a 1 year old receives from a Cheerio being sucked on?

The answer of course is no.

America is not a happy place at all, for Americans are burned out as children now, in there is nothing to look forward to as adults, and the wealthy adult is imprisoned by having money as it is the only thing which they cling to which makes them feel better in a most degrading way over poor people.

Think of that feudal mindset in rich people only gain relief by having other people in misery to announce "charity to" as Rush Limbaugh does and that by being shackled by money the rich hide in fear of not being like other humans.

The "idle rich" is a term of old, and, I was discussing with TL a teacher I knew from school, who has property, a nice wife, a nice home, makes the liberal teacher salary.......and five years ago he retired from his job, but in another year, he was back at work, as he had absolutely nothing to do in life.
I have an idiot cousin who retired. He is the same idle rich, and I currently watch this dope stocking grocery shelves as a box boy in the market for something to do.

I judge both of these men as thieves. This might sound puzzling, but both of these people have more time and money than they know what to do with. They are captive in their wealth and being idle, they then steal the job of someone who needs that job to pay bills, just because they do not know what to do with themselves....and are so ignorant, they grin about it like monkeys in the zoo getting a banana, as they have no comprehension of Christian Virtue.
They should be ashamed. They as Christians should be out volunteering if they have nothing they can think of doing in jobs of assistance which require no pay, but instead in selfish and ignorance, they are stealing jobs from others.

I will relate that in America, men used to work their entire lives, and after being accomplished in their 60's, they would retire and turn to politics for a minimum wage where they would then serve the people in government, where death would be their term limit.
Politics was not a license to steal, no more than those theives in police, emt and fire who earn king's ransoms and then pad their retirement with fake injuries.

America is a place of rich man and poor man. There is the working poor, and then there is the group of affirmative action job rich, welfare rich and Wall Street rich who are all robbers as much as the named above.
America is a majority of proud, sloven and inhumane people. They are primates in this zoo, in it makes no difference if it is Rush Limbaugh siphoning all the money from talk radio, so he is thee only monkey chattering for the Mockingbird, some multi millionaire with Wall Street assets not making a difference in alms to the poor, or the affirmative action Obama handed a job draining resources from a company as others are forced to pick up the slack.  That is what America is and where is a John Kennedy not cashing a presidential check or a Ronald Reagan writing out checks as President to people who need money?

Martin Luther pegged it exactly in the trillion dollar wealth only causes hyper inflation which destroys the rich persons wealth, which is exactly the problem Obamerica is being ruined by in the 21st century by design.

There is miniscule Christian Virtue in America. What is the standard is monetary gluttony. The Dickens character in Scrooge is the modern American example as his first employer was far less wealthy, but he kept Christmas in his heart year round, with his happy family and celebrated without worrying of cost the Christmas season with his employees.
Scrooge was far more rich, but scolded Bob Cratchet for a lump of coal and lectured him about taking off part of Christmas, which he would be required to be in that much earlier the morning of the 26th.

I can not make a rich person do what is good for them in giving. I have tried and it is impossible. It is what they have ingrained in them, just as ancient Israel was off to Egypt or Babylon looking for salvation when the money stopped buying security.

God's gifts are free in sun, air and water, and yet we now have regimes in carbon taxes and water meters making profit off of what God provides free. It is the same with money in the rich do not conceive that all wealth is God's money and not theirs. When people make the mistake of thinking they are deserving or that this world is theirs, then a curse comes upon them, and money that should be the most liberating thing suddenly becomes a license to their destruction or a prison which keeps them from finding God and the joys of life.

Money does not buy joy. Money instead imprisons the heart in misery.

The solution is Biblical to be a cheerful giver and not a miserly lender in not giving thought to the money once it is sown. It is impossible to be a sparrow cared for by God when one is a raven tearing the flesh of society perched upon Wall Street.

"I really do detest being the moral conscience of an amoral world."

Lame Cherry

The people of Venice perished with their wealth, and the very water of their city became the grave of their  succor in Muslim sunken ships. The same will come to Americans of the west and other world peoples of wealth. The Venicians did not take their money with them, and you know hold that wealth, thinking it is your own, but others will hold it soon enough.

Jesus taught that those who were generous were the ones appreciated by the poor and that those were the ones who had treasures piled up in Heaven for reward there in alms to those poor.
The rich man was in hell while Lazarus the poor man was in Paradise. It is easier for a camel to go through an eye of a needle than to enter Heaven. None of that has changed.

Abraham was the richest person of the Patriarchs, and blessed that way because he tithed 10% to God's caring for worship and helping the poor. That was an Israelite national principle until they fell. That was an American principle until this age, and now ruin has come upon all.

You rich must trust in God for your every breath and be thankful to Him for every bite of food, and not trust in money for your life nor think it is you buying that food.

You rich are either going to listen now and get this lesson, or you are going to hear it from Jesus at your Judgment when He condemns you and sends you to hell.

You do not like the lesson, nor like the begging from this poor blogger, then repent and change to become Christian in action and not name only. You want praise for robbing widows and the destitute, but you will only receive reality here as your lucre is filth and your good deeds are rapine.

You examine in Christ what you can do better and then do it. All have need for improvement as chaste and decent Christians are not named among the American rich in any of their levels of worth.


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