As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.....
The mistake that people make in doomsday, disaster or bunker shelters is they view them as homes, when in effect they will fall short of a home condition as much as the housing in basic training, and it is best to view your shelter as a submarine, for in mirror that is exactly what a bunker is, in a submarine submerged in the soil upon land.
15 liters of air are required for a sleeping man to 85 liters for an active man. In simple reference then, a liter is a fat quart, which would mean that 15 liters is 4 gallons plus one. As most know a milk container, and the size could approximate 1 foot, by 1 foot by 1 foot cubed, you can deduece that a sleeping person requires a two cubic feet supply of air per hour, which is simple to chart out, as is the reality that a working person requires 21 long gallons of air, or a non concentric cube of 2 feet by 2 feet by 5 feet.
The one constant you will find is that air will run out allot sooner than the mathematics of a 10 feet room will allow, so you will need ventilation and air which is conditioned to not suck in more contaminants including moisture.
Enclosed environments are equal whether of a submarine or a bunker. Each immediately show the effects of the cooling of the earth or water and condensation occurs and must be dealt with as much as ventilation.
The astute method is a bunker ventilation system of filtration which would pass air through a secondary port or small shelter to the surface for re oxygenation, free from contaminants of nuclear, biological, chemical or such odors objectionable to the occupants.
A heat pump which exchanges hot or cold, does the most efficient service for environmental necessities.
The gopher hole technology of rodents is most educational to produce the most comfortable environment for human gophers.
All of this is a vital reality in comfort is paramount, and the greatest enemy you will face if secured properly, as one can hardly court martial or hang a family member gone cabin fever. Locking then in a room as a brig would create an enemy within and thrusting them out would produce an enemy without who would no doubt find a group of other enemies to acquire your provisions for their own use.
The German submarine commander discovered early that the allowance of having each of the crew peer through the periscope, which was a task only assigned to the Commander or officers, due to the tight fittings required in early boats to keep from leaking, in it required a great deal of effort to turn the tube, that this mere look above the ocean was enough to quell the crew into knowing they were safe.
Seeing is believing and once the isolation of fear is dispensed, the psychological misteps are avoided.
A camoflagued method of surveying the horizon is therefore of service to more than ascertaining the surroundings, but in keeping the inhabitants psychologically sound.
Power generation is the choice of solar power, for by battery storage and wise use, an environment can become self contained. Additional power generation by physical means soon becomes something of a chore and uses up oxygen and creates persperation filling the environment.
Wind is motion and is a worse beacon for attention.
Combustion generators produce fumes which must be generated and of course gain notice by sound signature.
A lengthening measure can be employed by an electric motor with generators attached to prolong by amplified use the limited power necessary to produce light and environmental comfort.
For a submarine each 33 feet of depth produces 1 atmosphere more of pressure on the hull which is one kilo of weight to every square centimeter. In the bunker setting, the affects are not atmospheric pressure but geological pressure in it requires 3 to 6 feet of earth to shield against heat, cold, radiation and weapon of conventional means.
A nearby building, tree, earthquake or a bomb detonation nearby in shockwave or throwing up debris will have the same affect as a depth charge in fracturing your bunker and increasing pressure upon it.
It is as vital to have a way in as a way out and even more necessary in a breach to have a disaster shelter within your bunker connected to the way out in the event of an emergency.
Underwater graves and underground graves lose a great deal of appeal for those still breathing.
Diversions are a part of this in pets, and while a plant pet makes for a better oxygen release and air cleanser which might produce food as lettuce, it will require light. The best source would be solar and could be obtained by setting the plants out provided the environment outside is safe from biological, nuclear, human or animal contact.
If you have a pet, you are stuck with it for feeding, grooming and cleaning, and knowing it will smell ten times worse in a bunker as you will. Also know the septic system will have to be cleaned one day and you will be doing this.
Best diversions are fish, with small rodents as gerbils, or dog sized rodents or cats. Diversions lose their appeal quickly as much as do birds.
The reality to remember is that like a submarine, a bunker is something which one enters not perpetually, but with the intent of surfacing more often than not, so the appropriate barriers as in a fort to shield your position are a necessity as much as location for observation. You want to see, but remain unseen.
Robert Rodale the now non breathing organic gardener produced a pamphlet long ago which had a small home self contained, which had use for everything, including sewage for fertilizer, and in correct use, the methane produced by decomposing human excrement, when contained is a fuel like natural gas which you can cook daily with, which is a welcome addition providing ventilation for the oxygen consumed.
I once observed a Manchurian pig farmer who had no wood, having a slurry pit of hog manure, with a vent tube which fed the methane to his burner in his kitchen. It was the one bright spot in his millet flour eating existence in North China.
In wrapping this up, I provide one more heap of knowledge and it is concerning ventilation and entrance to the bunker which is beyond the submersible. That is the reality that nuclear radiation only travels in straight lines. Meaning if you place a 90 degree turn, the radiation is not capable of making that turn so keeping you more safe from the effects of nuclear poisoning.
As I review the above, I conclude for million dollar knowledge, I have just provided about 20 million dollars worth in saving your lives when your mama is probably going to be looking at your ration of freeze dried poodle with longing in hope you got tits up.
In most cases, in a nuclear event of ground zero, you will need to be shut up probably no more than 14 days. For chemicals, the period would be until the next good rain. For biologicals, even with weaponized anthrax, it is probably the same rain shower.
Given care one can venture out almost as quickly as a U boat crew after a dive. Your enemies you will face are your own sweat, air quality and temperature. They do not make movies about this in high drama, except noting the people who go nuts as what goes on between your ears is the problem in people and manifest psychologically.
One must as in a submarine, think of a bed or chair as the ground zero zone, and that walking to a kitchen or gally is their treat as a cross country vacation.
As I have found playing games and reading will tire you out in fatique after a few days as much as working a periscope. Laptop computers with videos prove the best rationed diversion for psychology and the remedy of physical fatigue.
That would be now 25 million dollars of knowledge for your life.