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regime crime only pays


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Being honest does not pay in Missouri, as a little boy from South Dakota, staying at a hotel, found 10,000 dollars in drawer, and turned it over to two off duty police officers.

Instead of Missouri teaching a lesson in honesty, Missouri has now instead of giving this money back to this honest child, as you know this was money from some uncaptured criminal element by Kansas police, they have now stated that the child did not meet Missouri law.

What is Missouri law?

Well the child would have had to have filed a document within 10 days of the finding the money, to prove he wanted the money.

He next would have had to have described the money. Yes that is the law, as apparently in Missouri money is elusive and they do not know what it looks like.

Next, he would have had to have posted 4 notices of his desires, in something like nailing it to the court house door.

So this honest child in wanting his money back, which he turned over to police in trusting all would be honest, has now been robbed by Missouri, and for that matter Kansas, as you should know they are both joined at the city in Kansas City, has been taught that regimes rob you and you should never, ever call the police, trust the police, or tell anyone about what you are doing.

But this child was raised in that backward moral state of South Dakota, where South Dakotans are lied to by types like Tim Johnson or Dennis Mutard Daugaard and taken advantage of, as these people actually live by a Christian code of obedience to the regime, in thinking it will look out for you.

Seriously, what is 10,000 dollars of dope cash or police pay off left in a drawer, going to make a difference to a billion dollar state or to a cop with a million dollars in kickback, that Missouri could not do what is right, instead of like whoever it was in following Nazi law in turning over Anne Frank?

This is an expensive lesson, but I hope this cowpie brain child and his cowpie brain parents, are now educated to never trust the regime, never trust the police and to keep your mouth shut, as Jesus said in not letting your left hand, not knowing what your right hand is doing.

Children need moral guidance, but they need parents who are not going to impart to these urchins a guilty conscience in keeping what they find that some criminal has left or lost.
Granted one has hotels with registrations and names on rooms, but I doubt any crook is going to track someone down for 10 grande.
If not in a hotel safe, a parent could put a note on the money in their bags which are rifled by hotel staff at times, as cover, the following: Money from drawer. Intend to turn it in but too busy now, and that way if one is raided, you are covered.....and if not, you hoof it back to South Dakota, and then over the next years, under the IRS tax limits, put it into a bonds or something as the start to life for the kid.

My Grandpa and Beloved Uncle, always taught me to act like a stupid person, and never know anything. Ignorance is the best advice in all situations. When a police state thug a few years ago fleeced me in highway robbery, I engaged the jerk asking questions in what to do, and shook his hand thanking him with a smile. It stunned the thug as people are supposed to cower and be sullen.

I know if I ever by God's Grace ever find a bag of money without any identification like a billfold, the first thing I am going to do, is hide and the second is to get a bank pen to mark it to see if it is genuine, and then I will place it slowly back into the economy for my benefit and for the IRS to collect taxes in retail taxes.

That is what a parent needs to teach a child, as these cowpie parents just taught a child that guilt over doing what is right, is nothing compared to remorse for years eating at you for doing what is "right".

So the moral is, the moral kid found criminal money of some regime sponsored crimes in Missouri, and in turn was robbed, so the regime in Missouri got the full cut.

Amazing is it not that all hotels have security cameras, check ins and clerks, and after months, the off duty cops nor the Missouri police could not find one lead on fingerprints on the drawer, the money, the cameras showing who was in the hotel, nor the name of the criminal who was last in the room.

The only crime which pays as Obama has proven is regime crime, as being honest in this Age of Obama, gets you the Anne Frank sentence every time.

*But wait, the liberal I monitor on Rush Limbaugh's flag blower torching it in Dana or Parks, I do not know which is the husky male laughing female or the feminine male, has posted this Schaefer boy story on the Ellen DeGeneris webpage pleading for Ellen to help out.........as the husky laugh mansexual like Muchelle has stated that Ellen will help, as Ellen loves stories like this, and Ellen will give 10,000 dollars, as she does does stuff like this, as Ellen is just like Oprah, but only better.

I do not know why that is not a racist attack on Oprah by two white folks or why being a lesbian makes one "better" compared to black lesbian Oprah, which sounds sort of like some new type of homoism or raciphobia in favor of blonde blue eye white Ellen over black, brown eyed sooty Oprah, but it never occured to me that Ellen DeGeneris is the new messiahette better than Birther Hussein.

I just know that Ellen has never donated here.

Yes according to husky laugh Dana and or Parks, she is now telling everyone to reach out to Ellen as she will fix this..........by Twitter.

I know if Ellen donated 350,000 dollars toward a home in which I acquired Tunis sheep I will not engage in gerbil sex with, that I would not think that Ellen was better than Oprah, as they both backed the destroyer of America, and at least the one confirmed sodomite, being unrepentent is going to hell.
I know that going to hell is not a better person no matter how much money a lesbian is giving away in prejudice, bias and bigotry to those she only helps out.

Ellen gives money like Oprah to gain Limbaugh public relations. Just like the regime only buys votes on Welfare Street or Wall Street Welfare for public relations.

I would appreciate if Ellen and Oprah would prove they were good and get into a donation war here in money dumps. I would generously donate to the IRS tax system to fund their unfortunate fans.

I know it would make me better in taking sinner's money and washing it in the blood of Jesus. I do hope that Ellen repents as does Oprah, but I know I will still not say that Ellen is better than Oprah.

So this starts out that a foolish boy has not been educated proper in the ways of the world by a dad, and now it falls to Ellen who is better than Oprah to fork over lesbian bucks from Mockingbird, as that is what is funding all this conditioning programming to show the boy the money.

........or show the popular girl the money with a whopper donation here.

Husky man woman is now stating she intends to hunt down and batter the Jenny McCarthy mothers who do not vaccinate their children if her child gets sick. I wonder if Ellen vaccinates and would still be immune to being beaten to death by husky woman if her liberal offspring get ill.

For a reality check here as this is off subject, but I battle idiocy in the idiotry, like the Limbaugh flag pole blow job station in Kansas City, I had all 3 types of measels and it never killed me. I had the German virus twice in relapse, and it was not a problem.
I had chicken pox......no problem.
I had mumps....no problem.
I had croup....not a problem.
I was though innoculated for small pox and the great diptheria, whooping cough and tentanus as a child.....and as an adult for the lock jaw and got a bad reaction from the vaccine in fever, joint aches and not feeling too well. I was sugar dropped like all for polio which was something I still wonder where it came from suddenly after all that biological weapons stuff after World War II.

In a healthy child, the measels and chicken pox are not a problem. One can have problems with shingles if your body is weakened.

Having some sicknesses is not a problem as much as having influenzas when you are young, as it gains immunity. Taking all these vaccines does ruin an immune system, and the contaminants did cause AIDS to be introduced as much as cancer introductions.

Vaccines do kill people as some people react to death with them. Obamacare and sodomy is killing piles of people, but husky male voiced females have no problem with that....perhaps Ellen needs another Tweet on that and not on stupid South Dakotans.

....and who has the money, but the fagsexual billionaires funding both the right and left, just as the John Maynard Keynes pedophiles contracted it to be.

  1. Kansas City Star‎- 21 hours ago
    But Tyler and his father, Cody Schaefer, of South Dakota, ... A Missouri law written in 1939 outlines the steps finders must take to claim lost cash ...


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