As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
With the last Conservative, Victor Davis Hansen, pondering of the mind of liberals and Rush Limbaugh in dispute while stating he wanted to keep liberals around as an example, the more important issue is the reason for liberal or progressive community rapine.
One has to understand that a monarchist arises from a mob, by being the most successful thug in enforcing their will on their own kind and on others in war. A monarchist is a parasite which feeds on the body politic.
A leftist though in a despot is a cancer, which feeds on the body politic to it's extermination as the tumor of this becomes larger than the body.
This may not sound that different of creature, but the society arises from the monarch in brutal control. It is that order which produces security of production of food, clothing, shelters, so that knowledge and contemplation of that knowledge is possible.
It is at that point that the educated become the indoctrinated, as the monarchy in the brute male, choosing pretty little females of not much intelligence, then produces offspring which is effeminate, dependent upon an armed police state to stay in power, and starts trading away absolute power to the reformers, who look for ways to domesticate a nation in burdening a society with elderly, crippled, retarded unfortunates.
This seizing of assets for the poor and unfortunate, then devolves into the securing of assets for the sloven and the deviant.
At that point, is when the liberal cult arises and is not a parasite feeding of the body which a monarchy seeks to not eat alive, but to maintain so the monarchy continues, but the leftist, in order to gain more power, is a cancer eating the body alive in a self suicide.
There is not going to be an end to leftism, until the food supply ends. Socialism to communism, either seizes food supply for the disenfranchised to seizing the food supply to starve the population into submission.
Food is a weapon, and as long as the central authority is in control of that food supply, and offering it for sucour or control, leftism is a feeding cancer in the welfare state or Wall Street Welfare.
The moment though that food becomes a portion of 20 lions on one wildebeest, is the moment that liberalism dies.
When one has a sexual deviant wasting energy in raping others, sexing others, producing offspring which are taking your individual portion of food, as much as the sloth who will not hoe the crop to produce a potatoe and expects your potatoe, in the mob rule of democracy about the embers, a reality is produced. The deviant and sloth might overpower the producer portion, but it has to sleep or squat to relieve themselves, and at that moment, the individual burdened ends the threat of the deviant or slothful, and gains the Conservative reality of morality which is the basis of all cultures.
This is why the adulterer was killed as much as the sodomite, in founding cultures, as they were a threat to the food supply. The same result was the measure to the slothful in those who did not work did not eat, and soon perished.
Isolation from bad behavior was the political surgery which founding cultures maintained, as a failed crop, a bear, a cold snap, a bug bite or an enemy, soon enough inflicted the culling necessary for bad behavior.
So until the central protecting police state is knocked from the foundation of food distribution to the cancrerous left, and the ability of the police state negated to enforce protection of the cancer, the cancer of leftism continues to feed.
Rome is the waymark of this series of liberalism in making Christians the enemies of the state, the resorting to the games to distract the public, and the legalizing of every debauchery, is the foundation of the ending of leftists.
Out of this arose again the monarchs who culled the burdens upon society.
It is only when food supply is cut off and the leftist is starved to death and the remnant ends by militant action that liberalism ends by natural selection.
Immorality requires a food source and full stomachs to carry out that non productive deviancy, being protected by a deviant group that consumes too much resource as everyone wants the pretty whore and the steak dinner to not work for it.
The treatise on this is leftism has to assassinate Conservative morality to survive, while Conservatives must kill the leftist when revolution arises from liberalism, in order to save themselves and to resurrect a people into a nation.
That is the reality in the plus minus.
nuff said