I do not have interest in Sandy Hook but I do have an interest in patterns. The gunning of Gabby Giffords, the Wisconsin Sikh shooting, the Colorado Joker and Sandy Hook all form patterns. Multiple shooters, multiple victims, insane white males, and a process of interdiction from outside forces which points to historic elements of the Charles Manson familyin association with the mind control Process Church of satan for helter skelter for political ends.
Bill Ayers is of these protocols using blacks to rape Jewish girls, drug initiation and sodomy. This all entails back to a pattern in the Obama regime of utilizing the MKUltra fringe in a quasi manner of the way his brain was reprogrammed over the years to keep his eyes from rolling back in his head when his brain capacity had reached maximum input.
In forensic science little of Sandy Hook matches the political propaganda. The example of the teacher who has been heralded as a "heroine" is case point. We have been informed by Connecticut authorities that a long gun was the principal weapon fired in the school. The problem is the green car of the teacher which exhibits both an exit hole and an entrance hole.The exit hole is in the area between the winshield and the passenger side door at an angle of a rifle which would be extremely hard to shoot. Preliminary examination states this is the .223 caliber. The entrance hole points to a .30 caliber larger fired at an angle . An exchange of gunfire occurred in that car. This points to a relationship between the two shooters in something beyond a mother-son feud transferred to Sandy Hook. Two shooters were noted like in all the other arenas. In this arena the designated shooter would return to grounds he was familiar with to hunt. What it appears is school had started, the teacher knew the shooter, and contact had been made via cell phone. A meeting was arranged during an emotional exchange that the teacher necessitated a meeting. For some reason there was apparently a preliminary shootout. We do not know if it was drug related but criminal elements seem to indicate something was taking place like in the Manson and la Bianca hits of helter skelter in child porn and bad drug deals.
In this process programming seemed to have taken place so that once the initial triggering was enacted the ushered in results for the propaganda ensued. Reasonably in the time constraints in the timeline, the shooter could not have dispatched that many victims with multiple shots without there being two shooters. The on the record evidence of the green car teacher speaking with the shooter trims the timeline down even further. Therefore this points to a second bullet sprayer as was noted who then after completing their part capped the shooter and left the building and drove away.
The patterns indicate a process of mind generated responses for specific scenarios. There are psychiatric drugs involved, secondary controls involved, and in half the cases the original shooters being blamed are dead with the other half drugged insane or incapacitated mentally to remember what they did. In the Bill Ayers era Charlie Manson to Jesse Jackson were designated to control events to keep them from going revolution or to spark them for political maneuverings. These are engineered events and coming from a central plan. Patterns mean things and when patterns reproduce it means the same select group is implementing a protocol of the same mind paradigm. These are well staged events. There is coordination. They are moving in and moving out without leaving traces and leaving behind the evidence to point the direction that they will it to lead. The Sandy Hook long rifle for example is a .223 military caliber. The 5.56mm ingests large volumes of full metal jacket bullets from federal contractors with perhaps a lake city stamp. The pathologist in Connecticut stated in obscure terms these were hollow point fragmentary rounds to do tissue damage which are not normally used in this type of firearm but with two shooters the fragmented bullets could appear in a coverup of not close inspection to appear to be from one shooter. Firing pins and extractors can be duplicated without close examination in a microscopic level to appear from the same weapon. The pathology of this was sloppy, the forensics was sloppy, the entire process was one of lack of an examination of the evidence or bullet trajectory. That green car is a smoking gun and yet no one has examined how a shooter got into the car of a teacher which means access and how the events there led back into the school for this mass execution which Mr Obama and the liberal elite have now transformed into an exact event which was predicted in an American gunrunner. This fast and furious event at Sandy Hook repeats a pattern that Mr Obama has noted so he is well aware of the paradigm. There is more that went on at Sandy Hook than the pathology of a deranged son eliminating his mother's facial signature. We will never know no more than Bill Ayers, no more than the secrets of Charlie Manson, exactly what took place in the reasoning which triggered these people but when resurrected patterns appear from the 1960s the same group which created the protocols are back and have initiated these responses as certainly as Bill Clinton, Janet Reno, Eric Holder, the BATF, burned down Waco, blew up OKC, and shot up Ruby Ridge for political expediency.
I'm not a journalist who cares about any of this nor am I a reporter gossip. I know what I see and it's there. And while others are muddling through details thinking of things, this is pulling the skeletons out of the closet. This is Tavistock and Stanford. This is the Ultra group and their grandchildren who have found new toys to experiment with in triggering for Mr Obama his exact policy which was predicted for this push.
You have also forgotten my children about the stolen election. This was all factored in when this was initiated months ago. Yes. This was planned months ago with full knowledge.
Another Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusive.
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