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Jungle Rense Fever


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I had heard from the beekeeper that Jeff Rense was some wife abuser or something, but as I am too busy to waste time on personality stories, I paid no attention to it as it happened two years ago, but it was a rather interesting meltdown in Mr. Rense in a meltdown with Alex Jones and in this period, Henry Makow, was part of the wash, as the last wife of Jeff Rense was posting all sorts of things about him online.

I do not know Mr. Makow personally, but in fringe contact, he has always been quite Benjamin Franklin in a Canadian way in associating with the public in always being diplomatic and well measured in being polite. There was a situation on the Rense site where Mr. Makow had been censored in his posts and that is where the row started, as one does not cross Jeff Rense.

Mr. Makow reported a most interesting array of information in Mr. Rense earns like 450,000 dollars a year, asks listeners to donate to his show in a PBS type thing that brings in 20,000 dollars more in addition, and apparently Mr. Rense has properties in Santa Barbara and the Northwest, where he currently resides.
Things like 100,000 dollars for a new foundation for his estate house, a three wheel motorcycle and some Woodie restoration car project.
I sat there thinking not allot about the half dozen ex wives which Mr. Rense had or the interesting things his current ex wife was posting in yelling at her for an hour at a time as she did not appreciate enough Mario Lanza or whoever that entertainer was, but I thought, "How on earth does velvet voice Rense get people to donate 20 grande to him when making almost half a million dollars?"

That is a wad of cash to get people to part with and I certainly never had any celebrities donating here.

I have never spoken allot of that 2008 period as it was a bizarre experience for me as Jeff Rense was kindly posting things on Obama from this site. There were strange things which did happen, such as a post showing up at his email which was basically blank, except for a highlighted part by the Jewish contractors which the regime had kept to send a message to me as a threat.
Yes I have the adults interested in what goes on here and from Mr. Rense's response, it puzzled him to what it meant.
It meant I was not dull enough to audition as Andrew Breitbart as I understand the difference between being shot over and shot at.

My experiences were odd as Mr. Makow makes a list of people banned from the Rense site, as I assume I was, except for that post which Mr. Rense published an email address which is still receiving hate mail from the REVENGE OF STANLEY ANN DUNHAM from the not too intelligent Obama voters who are part of the Jeff Rense audience.

The things that struck me as peculiar were Jeff Rense re wrote an article I wrote and posted it under my name and never informed the public. In an instant, he became rude over the spelling of Simone Peres, instead of Simon Peres, in the French. He became very rude over Sarah Palin in calling her stupid, but considering the alternative was the Obama regime of crime, the faults of one horse one does not focus on when the other is going to get you killed.

There was a moment in the Lawrence Sinclair saga, a saga where I said I would never forget him, as he was assaulted a great deal and no one deserves that. I had at the time met Mr. Sinclair in email  through a person who did know him, and in correspondence I wrote to Mr. Sinclair warning him, that it appeared there were those in media, including Greta at FOX who were minding him, and reporting all their information to a directing force which was keeping track on Mr. Sinclair.
The reason that matters is on the Rense program that evening, Mr. Sinclair started making a comment on this very issue of it appeared the media were watching him for the Obama campaign, and just as he started to express this, Mr. Rense cut him off in not allowing that information to be provided to the public.
That was a most telling event.

As I have had enough of the abuse of women and the leading voice against it, I simply stopped all of the association, and just trusted to God and the blog to post the information.

I remember an archive on GeorgeAnn Hughes site, the Byte Show, which had guests who related how the entire radio show graft worked, in the magic was all about getting one sponsor and then you took in a few hundred thousand dollars a year. This is a business and I watch how some of these odd businesses appear to sponsor a number of programs from Rush Limbaugh to Alex Jones, and something always hints in the whispers of the mind that at source this is Mockingbird or Soros as the entire media is designed to appeal to various groups by their prejudices and biases.

 I was on the Rense site recently and was saddened by how bad it is, as the core writers are really off the rack. I realize Mr. Makow is no longer there, but there really is a lack there. Steve Quayle is as vaccuous and Alex Jones reminds me of Muppet News in that blue eagle doing a topic discussion and the panel all nattering about other things.

The zenith of the fringe radio as information minders has set it's sun. It used to be fun as when Art Bell ran things, but now is much like World Net Daily in it is just unplugged and lays there. It is what happens when this blog started cutting a wave and was being censored by all the outlets.
As an insider insight in this, there was a man running all of this Mockingbird and the fledglings and doing a wonderful job at the Enquirer spin, but he burned out in the scripts and he was moved up, and the creation he engaged in has simply suffered without his efforts as he had talent.

The problem is they are all old men now as Jeff Rense is 66 years old with a gimp leg and unless you are like Rush Limbaugh having a staff of writers, even that old guy is not capable of getting the market share. He is doing a bit better with the Koch writers in MIC moving things, but it is like Mark Levin who has to do like 12 hours work for an old man and that is hard to keep ahead of the curve.
Before me are 11 files opened of stories completed today at 2 o'clock eastern and I took my first call from TL at 3:30 AM. I do what I can in overloading to gain an edge in not having internet access except for moments in trusting God will come through with moving someone to a big donation, because some rich person responds to the whatever God puts in them.

I think if I had 470,000 dollars in one year my heart would have palpitations as I would not know how to react with all the burdens I have in being freed from them.  Not like I would retire, but it would not be Paris or Mercedes, as TL and I would build a house with our own hands to save money, and like Noah get critters that I have written of for survival, but I would suspect for a few years most of my time would be about building furniture for the house. I built all of the woodwork in TL's living room in our time together last year.
Being a woodwright as one of my vocations, I really enjoy how it becomes fluid in your hands to become things to your will.  It would be a great luxury to build a bedroom set of Mahogany, but a dream I have had since shop class.
Of course I would have to break out the guns in being able to on budget afford to harvest wild game again, as that would be a treat, but the astute will notice due to my being raised in poverty, that all of my pastimes are not wasted time, in they either are providing food or creating something so I could afford them.
Rich people have the luxury of engaging in things of not consequence as in sports like golf or collecting things that burn gasoline, as those activities produce nothing or cost money.

It should be enough in all the exclusives broken here that I should be rich, but that is not the case as exclusives do not bring wealth.

I though have to do dishes as my 15 hour day has a few hours before TL appears in the hope TL is not going to have to work all weekend as someone has to rest sometime.
It is one reason why I stay out of trouble as I am too busy to get into situations.

I never seem to have groupie problems, unless it is dirty old men or lesbians trying to go to bed with me. I wonder if dirty old men try to go to bed with Jeff Rense. It used to be a draw between dirty old men and lesbians, but I have not paid a great deal of attention as late as their getting exposed here for what they are tends to keep the gaggle busy with George Clooney or some other yummy male lezbo.

It makes me think of that med bim who was selling her Bing and had a bid of 550,000 dollars. There seems to be a great deal of money out there for so many things not blog related.

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