As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I revisit the Gentleman's Agreement instigated by England, France and apparently financiers in America for the German Genocide in piecing together the exact history of this as it was such a murderous thing engaged in under Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Delano Roosevelt, two traitors to America who occupied the White House, as millions of Americans died because of World War I and II, and the culprits behind this are the most murderous of fiends in world history.
United States Cavarly Officer, Lt. General Philip Henry Sheridan, was a person of unique position, in being a Civil War General, in direct contact with General Grant who would become President, and being allowed after the South Plains Indian Campaign, to travel to Europe to view the Prussian Franco War by direct assistance from President Grant to study warfare.
The Germans were more than pleased and hospitable to General Sheridan. They knew of the American Civil War in detail in King William or as he would soon be Emperor Wilhelm I after the German defeat of France. I place here a definite statement by General Sheridan about Germany and the fatherland's leadership, in revealing that there was not one iota of ill feelings toward the German King nor the German people.
Sheridan had unique position as stated. He had literally been engaged in a border intimidation against the French and Austrians in their invasion of Mexico, in which he had been arming the Mexicans in direct violation of US policy in order to liberate Mexico from European powers.
As of this 1868 period, there was not one inkling of what would devolve almost 30 years later. I place these evidences here as the reality that the US military and the US Government had the fondest affections for the Germans.
As an interesting side not, Sheridan as he was roaming the battle areas, came across a German, who informed him that he had fought in the American Civil War, could speak perfect English and interpreted for him.
These were apparently not isolated events as much as Germans in General von Steuben fought with George Washington in the Revolution for America too.
These details matter as a sinister change hijacked America in 1897 and that seduction murdered Americans and violated the Constitution in involving America in world intrigue for the murder of the German people.
General Sheridan was praising the Germans for their abilities, kindnesses, ability at war and their diplomacy. Quite foreign things to hear, but of necessity.
Let it never be forgotten that the Americans were on good terms with Germany, and that this same group of the Emperor, Chancellor and General Moltke, were the same good people which were being plotted against for 1897.
"The Emperor William (he had been proclaimed German Emperor at Versailles the 18th of January) did not accompany his troops into Paris, though he reviewed them at Long Champs before they started. After the occupation of the city he still remained at Versailles , and as soon as circumstances would permit, I repaired to the Imperial headquarters to pay my respects to his Majesty under his new title and dignities, and to say good-bye. Besides the Emperor, the only persons I me at Versailles were General von Moltke and Bismarck .
His Majesty was in a very agreeable frame of mind, and as bluff and hearty as usual. His increased rank and power had effected no noticeable change of any kind in him, and by his genial and cordial ways he made me think that my presence with the German army had contributed to his pleasure. Whether this was really so or not, I shall always believe it true, for his kind words and sincere manner could leave no other conclusion.
General von Moltke was , as usual, quiet and reserved, betraying not the slightest consciousness of his great ability, nor the least indication of pride on account of his mighty work. I say this advisedly, for it is an undoubted fact that it was his marvelous mind that perfected the military system by which 800,000 men were mobilized with unparalleled celerity and moved with such certainty of combination that, in a campaign of seven months, the military power of France was destroyed and her vast resources sorely crippled.
I said good-bye to Count Bismarck, also, for at that busy time the chances of seeing him again were very remote. The great Chancellor manifested more joy over the success of the Germans than did anyone else at the Imperial headquarters. Along with his towering strength of mind and body, his character partook of much of the enthusiasm and impulsiveness commonly restricted to younger men, and now in his frank, free way be plainly showed his light-heartedness and gratification at success. That which for years his genius had been planning and striving for— permanent unification of the German States, had been accomplished by the war. It had welded them together in a compact Empire which no power in Europe could disrupt, and as such a union was the aim of Bismarck's life, he surely had a right to feel jubilant."
Personal Memoirs of P. H. Sheridan, General, United States Army
There are certain things to keep in mind in the above mentioned and not mentioned. The British were lurking around in the background in this war. The British hated the French and as in the 7 Years War had familiar affection for the north Germans and it is evident as London monitored both sides, they were pleased the Germans were their sword in their hand to destroy the French.
The French were the aggressors in the New World with the Austrian Empire, they had invaded and taken possession of Mexico, against the Monroe Doctrine. It was not the Germans who were the aggressors.
The Franco Prussian war as the Germans saw it, was the return of German lands and peoples, wrested from Germany in previous wars which France had gained victory in. I bring this up as this has always been the charge in later wars against Germans, "that they annexed lands", when in reality in the German Empire, these were historical German lands as much as Crimea was always Russian property.
For the reality in this, Adolf Hitler had every right to take possession of German lands, and that included Prussia which is now Poland as the Poles have changed all the German names to Polish titles. The same reality are those properties in Austria and France, as much as other peoples who have historically been traded between the major powers like Belgium and the Czechs.
The German Manifesto under Hitler was the acquiring of their lands. They fully intended not to spread west, but to spread east and make the Soviet sphere their greater German Empire. For this the Ashkenaz Hitler set up by the Rockefellers and Rothschilds has been maligned.
If the French and English had not attacked the Germans over that 1897 Gentleman's Agreement, Germany would never have bothered with them, as Hitler for management reasons saw a purpose for the British Empire.
When through historical fact, one obtains a clear vision of events, then one understands the Germans had every right to do what they were doing in 1868 and in 1940 AD in the year of our Lord. They were not in the wrong, but had every legal authority to to what they were doing.
As a reality in this, I have made mention of the Japanese on Taiwan putting electric fences around their mountain headhunter tribes and performing genocide on them. The Americans attempted civilization of their Filipino headhunters instead, but it was US Government and military policy to note that it was none of the United States business what Japan was doing to her own peoples.
The Germans had every right under Adolf Hitler to sign aggreements with Ashkenas elders for the forced labor of their poor Jewish Ashkenaz ghetto classes, and to do with them as the Germans saw fit......exactly as Franklin Roosevelt had every right to put Japanese in internment camps, or the American government had every right to intern every savage Indian or hose them down at Wounded Knee for not following orders.
All this will sound startling to people now conditioned to the wiles of using American blood as world police state, but why is it ghastly for Germans to work Jews in camps, while Muslims across the globe slaughter Christians as a state policy and no one says a word about it, no more than the genocide of the German Lutherans?
It is because this world order is anti Christian as much as anti Lost 10 Tribes. The Germans could be used as a tool to destroy France in 1868, but becoming a competitor to the cartel, Germany was then offered up as genocide, and all of Russia and Slavic peoples were put into a massive work to death camp to exploit those peoples and resources after Truman's 1945 "victory" in Europe.
I desire every reader to understand how you have been manipulated to be anti German as much as anti Christian. How Germany in Israelite Germans were the greater portion of US population and her peoples fought for America in American wars.
You have been deceived by this Wilson Roosevelt Manifesto which was written by European aristocracy and financiers and signed in your blood by American financial traitors.
This all matters as the American Genocide has come. It is why they keep telling you the white race is over in America. They are preparing you for your extermination and replacement and criminalize you if you dare to speak of this or resist.
It is why the cartel has dumped hordes of Muslims into Europe and Mexicans into America. The global elite is ridding itself of competitors.
You have been lied to, are being lied to and no one is telling you the Truth save this blog.
Germany and Hitler never attacked America to begin World War II. It was Franklin Roosevelt who attacked Germany for global conquest and the genocide of Christian Germany. There is a monument in Washington DC for Franklin Roosevelt, the enslaver of eastern Europe behind an Iron Curtain with Joe Stalin and the partitioning and rape genocide of Germans, while Adolf Hitler is the one held up for contempt for not doing 1/10th the extermination which Roosevelt, Truman and Stalin engaged in.
I do not say that Adolf Hitler was a good man, but Germany had every right to administer her peoples as she saw fit, as America did, and Germany had every right to manifest destiny in the east as America had in the west with her Indians.
I will offer again the evidence that it made no sense for the Germans in their forced labor camps to make them disease zones, as Germans would catch the same disease, and to starve the poor Jews as the Jews were there to work. The reality is that the America bombing campaigns destroyed the supply trains to these Jewish camps and is what caused the Jewish "holocaust".
Now before you leave this as an "act of war", fully recall that there were German firms like Bayer tied to America which were never targetted.
Someone in allied bombing left off Ashkenaz and financier targets, and knowing of these concentration camps bombed their means of supply, knowing what would be the holocaust result.
It is the same reality that the Rockefellers and Armand Hammer was doing business with the Soviet Union in the Cold War while other western interests were not.
I am attempting to educate you on this beyond jingoism of national patriotism that there is an evil which has gained control of most nations and has been conducting them to heinous acts, which those peoples have been herded into by propaganda.
The last real American history written was by General George S. Patton in his memoirs. If you desire the correct mindset of American and western foreign policy, then you must revisit the histories published before 1900 and read of what George Washington, Randolph Churchill, Kaiser Wilhelm, US Grant, Phil Sheridan, Theodore Roosevelt were thinking of in western policy, as it will open your eyes to how you have been lied to.
These men spoke of peace, not war. The political advancement of their peoples and self determination, along with a high standard of living in co existence with other nations with domination in their spheres of influence, so they would not be dominated by other nations.
These treatises are for your education in the Lame Cherry exclusives of the Continetalist Party movement of one in matter anti matter.