As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
America is required to produce a George Washington III in image of Ronald Reagan, in ending foreign entanglements and building American production in energy and supply, for her allies, in order to escape American annihilation in a coming global war.
The Lame Cherry Doctrine of Continentalist Policy addresses this:
1. America must drill for oil, and become a production source for her allies, and drop prices to 50 dollars per barrel, which will resurge American might and cripple the oil terror states of money.
2. America must build immediately her two allied military and economic forward bases in England and Japan, to create European and Asian trading partners in the forward bases of Antwerp Belgium and Taiwan.
3. Germany must ascend in her old empire lines.
4. There must be a central Slavic States Confederation of trade.
5. A partnership must be engaged in between Russia and these United States.
6. China must be balkanized in a Hong Kong Cantonese nation, landlocking a Mandarin Chin people.
7. Wars of WMD will manifest in the Muslim lands along sect divisions, and by this neutralize the nuclear terrorism.
8. Argentina and Brazil will be overthrown to Republican status as Chile is, and end communism there.
9. Mexico will be reduced to Honduras status with America annexing the Texas territories of northern Mexico as is American right.
10. America will be stimulated by a massive disaster shelter building progam to prepare for global war.
Unless a real American President is put into 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue with a real American Congress backing this doctrine, the installed entity will be no more than now, in Nero fiddling while the world burns in nuclear flame.
The anti Christ projection of war in this in order of battle then concludes with a German Federation, the southern Babylonian 10 will engage in a WMD polluted Middle East. Russia and the Slavs will not join in being American allied. The American bases will not join in Japanese satellites nor English.
This then leaves a landlocked Chin Mandaran, caustic Islam and Indian Indonesian 200 million to meet at Armageddon for slaughter.
200 to 750 million dead compared to 6 billion perished with most of the productive lands a smoking nuclear chemical and biological cesspool, is acceptable manipulation of definitive future events.
La'me Cherry is not President, but one could be created, based upon this doctrine which would prosper capitalist and bring order to the socio conglomerates. It is in competition to cartel protocols, but so was Ronald Reagan.
There is a necessary alternative to Birther Hussein Obama regime conflict and poverty. Either Americans make the choice for anti regime in a Washington III or they will be consumed in the fiddled time.
nuff said