As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Few people realize that there actually were two Teddy Roosevelts. The first was the President and the second was his son, Ted, who embarked upon a military career, much to the chagrin of his father, who thought he had more in him than that.
Lt. Col. Ted Roosevelt wrote a book called Average Americans, and it's opening dealt with the letters his father sent him at the advent of World War I. I include them here as they are personal, and speak of things never made public. In them, neither President Roosevelt nor Lt. Col. Roosevelt had any idea what they were revealing of the leviathan which had dragged America into the project for German Genocide which has been catalogued here in the Gentleman's Agreement.
There are insights in these correspondence in the President is castigating Woodrow Wilson's regime for doing absolutely nothing to prepare for war, and was now hindering volunteers in making it a "party war" and how Wilson was more wed to Internationalism than Americanism.
I find it interesting that this war was launched, and it appears that it was done so, so that the American financiers and industrialists would supply the weapons of slaughter for profit, while not allowing for American military involvement.
Roosevelt correctly terms it in the War of 1812 disaster by democrat James Madison who with Jefferson disarmed America and then declared war.
There are hints in these letters of the intrigue. We know that Wilson absolutely lied to Americans, and later to the Germans to destroy their nation. In this though, we can see that Theodore Roosevelt and Henry Cabot Lodge were part of a gung ho group doing all they could to drag America into this war.
I deem at this juncture that the "sinking of the Lusitania" as the match which struck the inferno, as much as the "sinking of the Maine" dragged America into the Spanish American War. Both events were hype and staged for effect. The person gearing the effect was democrat backer, William Randolph Hearst, and fittingly Hearst's name appears in Roosevelts personal correspondence in the intrigue.
The bizarre thing in this though is that Hearst's group are linked to pro German and pacifists. It is a dichotomy that one could be fanning the flame of war while not advocating it. The reality is though Wilson might have in public acted as not desiring war, but in private was working hard for that war on the globalist agenda.
"The administration never takes a step in advance until literally flailed into it; and the entire cuckoo population of the 'don't criticize the President' type play into the hands of the pro-Germans, pacifists, and Hearst people, so that a premium is put on our delay and inefficiency."
There seem to be two reasons for the Roosevelt antagonism now aimed at Germany. Theodore Roosevelt had wed himself to the "Anglo American" fiction of the rule of the world. Odd in his being Netherland stock in Dutch in laying claim to that as his manifested destiny. In the letters, the British with superior Naval Power, a French ally and Germany encircled, literally were checked and were getting the stuffing slaughtered out of them.
Roosevelt to save the Anglo American fiction, in knowing how heinous Great Britain plotted and murdered Americans, was now ready with the sinking of the Lusitania, as the first reason and as the British were about to be defeated, was ready to throw Americans into the slaughter.
This of course played directly into the hands of the financiers and aristocrats in the Gentleman's Agreement. He had been a pawn in the Spanish American War in that bribe from the English and French for American supply in World War I.
As stated, this triad had plotted to start the German Genocide on three other occasions and failed. When Wilson was put into office, the war was begun, with America dragged into a war which was completely against George Washington mandate in never becoming involved in foreign entanglements, but peace to all.
It is fascinating to read the evolution of Theodore Roosevelt. As in 1901 when he was placed into the Presidency, his message was one of peace. 16 years later, he was spouting warfare in a Europe where America had no reason, no purpose and not any national interest, as Germany was not attacking America and America had absolutely no 51st states in Europe to defend.
It is a shameful thing how Theodore Roosevelt was led about by this Henry Cabot Lodge patrician set of New York. Roosevelt was one of the greatest Presidents, but his breaking up of the GOP so Wilson could be installed, and then this anti George Washington and Monroe Doctrine intrigue deserves his castigation and partial blame in this, no matter his ignorance, and for that, he should be denounced as vigorously as he denounced the buffoonery of Thomas Jefferson and James Madison.
Theodore Roosevelt's meddling from the right is what caused the worst of happenings for America as it allowed internationalists like Wilson, FDR and Truman to involve America into all this world order on the blood and fortune of America squandered.
The Americans in Wilson and Roosevelt were played, as much as Bill Clinton and George W. Bush were played. The Americans for the most part are always played, and those like Kennedy, Nixon and Reagan who refuse the game, are either shot, impeached or failed to stay dead, so this cartel gets it's way.
In assessing this, I am stunned in reality, as Theodore Roosevelt does see the game being played, but is caught up in a jingoism of "save the children" from something worse, when the something worse is already in place in America.
" Either fool Bourbonism or fool radicalism may land us unpleasantly near—say halfway toward—the position in which Russia has been landed by the alternation between Romanoffism and Bolshevism."
The above is exactly where after World War II, America was pushed under Dwight Eisenhower in his warning of the Military Industrial Complex which has now been replaced by the Socio Conglomerate Complex of Obamanism. America is exactly a dictatorship with a communal mob in the 21st century.
New York put into office a socialist Mayor. Roosevelt could with disdain behold it, but he never concluded that the troops should have been called out to American cities to save these United States, instead of sent overseas to genocide Germans.
"The socialist vote [in the New York mayoralty election] was rather ominous."
Roosevelt castigates the New York mob for selling their votes in the same cell phone give aways as Obama bribed the population with. Yet Roosevelt, exactly as Rush Limbaugh could not see the corruption of Wall Street being bribed with war bonds as much as Obama money dumps.
"The socialist vote [in the New York mayoralty election] was rather ominous. Still, on the whole, it was only about one fifth of the total vote. It included the extreme pacifist crowd, as well as the vicious red-flag men, and masses of poor, ignorant people who, for example, would say. 'He'll give us five-cent milk,' which he could have given as readily as he could have given the moon."—November 7, 1917.
Theodore Roosevelt. Average Americans (Kindle Locations 48-51).
It is telling in this to witness how even the learned, intellectual and powerful in Theodore Roosevelt was seduced into engaging America in the German Genocide. His emotions ran away with him as it did this entire sect.
It is part of this entire hidden history which is laying out there in plain sight and as relevant today as it was in 1918 AD in the year of our Lord, as America has become under the Obama regime the assassination squad for the global order.
You must understand this to understand anything of this, as George Washington would have never allowed American entrance into any world war as Theodore Roosevelt was advocating in his patriotism and American imperialism. Ronald Reagan would have never allowed American involvement in these Obama machinations nor Crimea saber rattling as Barack Obama has undertaken.
America has no Constitutional mandate to be involved in any of these foreign entanglements. I place the Theodore Roosevelt letters below for your learning as this process of tracking all of this unwinds to reveal what is really behind the curtain and who is pulling the strings.
"Father and mother believed in robust righteousness. In the stories and poems that they read us they always bore this in mind. Pilgrim's Progress and The Battle Hymn of the Republic we knew when we were very young."
Theodore Roosevelt jr. Average Americans (Kindle Locations 178-179).
"Of the children who composed these picnics, two died in service in this war, two were wounded, and all but one volunteered, regardless of age, at the outbreak of hostilities."
Theodore Roosevelt jr. Average Americans (Kindle Locations 196-197).
*The German Genocide was not just about the annihilation of Christian Germany, but it was the genocide of Theodore Roosevelt's family, as much as the best of Americans, the best of the French, the best of the British, all by design.
"Of course, the root of our trouble lies in our government's attitude during the two and one half years preceding our entry into the war, and its refusal now to make the matter one in which all good citizens can join without regard to party, and paying heed only to the larger interests of the country and of mankind at large.... I now strike hands with any one who is sound on Americanism and on speeding up the war and putting it through to the finish; but we ought to take heed of our industrial and social matters too."—Thanksgiving Day, 1917.
Theodore Roosevelt jr. Average Americans (Kindle Locations 58-62).
"Of course, we are gravely concerned over the way the British have been pushed back; and our people are really concerned over the fact that after over a year of formal participation in the war our army overseas is too small to be of great use."—April 14, 1918.
Theodore Roosevelt jr. Average Americans (Kindle Locations 83-85).
"The administration (Wilson) never moves unless it is forced by public pressure and public pressure can as a rule only be obtained by showing the public that we have failed in doing something we should do; for as long as the public is fatuously content, the administration lies back and does nothing."—April 20, 1918.
Theodore Roosevelt jr. Average Americans (Kindle Locations 86-88).
"We are really sending over large numbers of men now, and the shipbuilding program is being rushed; but the situation as regards field guns, machine guns, and airplanes continues very bad. The administration never takes a step in advance until literally flailed into it; and the entire cuckoo population of the 'don't criticize the President' type play into the hands of the pro-Germans, pacifists, and Hearst people, so that a premium is put on our delay and inefficiency."—May 12, 1918.
Theodore Roosevelt jr. Average Americans (Kindle Locations 94-97).
"I, of course, absolutely agree with you as to the tremendous difficulties and possible far-reaching changes we shall have to face after this war. Either fool Bourbonism or fool radicalism may land us unpleasantly near—say halfway toward—the position in which Russia has been landed by the alternation between Romanoffism and Bolshevism."—July 15, 1918.
Theodore Roosevelt jr. Average Americans (Kindle Locations 109-112).
"On Labor Day I spoke at Newburgh shipyard and spoke plainly of the labor slackers and the unions that encourage them; and on Lafayette Day, at the City Hall, I spoke of the kind of peace we ought to have, and nailed to the mast the flag of Nationalism as against Internationalism."—September 9, 1918.
"The Germans have been given a staggering blow, and while I hope for peace by Xmas, I believe we should speed everything to the limit on the assumption that next year will be the crucial year."—October 20, 1918.
"During the last week Wilson has been adroitly endeavoring to get the Allies into the stage of note writing and peace discussion with an only partially beaten and entirely unconquered Germany. I have been backing up the men like Lodge who have given utterance to the undoubtedly strong, but not necessarily steady, American demand for unconditional surrender. It is dreadful to have my sons face danger; but unless we put this war through, their sons may have to face worse danger—and their daughters also."—October 27, 1918.
Theodore Roosevelt jr. Average Americans (Kindle Locations 115-124).