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Wall Street Quickies


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

So the exclusivs of Lame Cherry on Wall Street Welfare in the stock market being all rigged by Timothy Geithner bribe dumps of e money transfers to the elite, is now a subject of 60 Minutes and the Mockingbird chirper of this is..........Michael Lewis, note author of Money Pitt or something that Brad Pitt was paid to laze around in.

Of course Flash Boys, is about Steve Kroft attacking global capitalism in "big Wall Street banks" and the insiders in high frequency traders, while making victims of all investors.

This is about computer trades in programs which buy stocks before it can be recorded. The computers actually automatically purchase stocks in buying stocks cheaper than you are about to, and then selling those stocks back to you at a higher price........all in a fraction of a second.

You get a slower program buying stocks while the houses have faster computers buying those stocks first, and then selling them to you before you can buy them. It happens alike in selling stocks in these "trending" programs eavesdrop on stock orders, and dump stocks before your sell order can be completed.

The question in this is, why is Michael Lewis making this known as CBS is performing the expose'?

It is competition, in someone has been leveraging power in going against the Obama regime in the cartel, IR/ Edward Snowden's MIC Group, and this is their retaliation in exposing this,

Of course for some unknown reason, the things this blog has been exposing in Tim Geithner money dumping, stock buying, reselling in Wall Street Welfare is not involved in this exposure as that is the real crime.

Ask yourself what Mr. Lewis does not ask as he is not to bring it up. How much money can a mogul make who is an insider like Warren Buffett connected to the Obama regime when they have foreknowledge of an e money dump onto the stock markets?
Yes the e traders in the hyper programs are making fractions of cents at a time, which amount to hundreds of millions of dollar, but when it is a money  dump, the numbers begin to be in the trillions.

I revisit Warren Buffett, Obama supporter, in knowing Obama was going to steal the 2008 election. Buffett on the attack on American investors when everyone else was going broke, had like 60 billion dollars to "invest".
Buffett bought up a railroad monopoly in America. Suddenly Big Frac in North Dakota was booming, because in 2008 Barack Obama shut down Canadian oil pipelines to America driving up prices from 1.87 Bush43 to 4.00 dollar Obama 44.
Buffett was given the contracts to ship all that oil by his railroads, which if you recall was exposed here, was being oil being DRILLED ON RAILROAD SECTIONS OF LAND which Buffett received in purchasing Burlington Northern lines in North Dakota and Montana.

This is illegal, criminal and economic terrorism of Americans and Michael Lewis nor 60 Minutes can not see these crimes by Warren Buffett to George Soros in being Obama voters. Change this though to the skimmers on Wall Street which Mr. Lewis is focusing on to "non Obama backers" in they are competitors making hundreds of millions of dollars not available to the cartel.

That is what the complaint is about. It is against those who have control of this, and they are being alerted to either give up their skimming so the cartel has control or they will be prosecuted.

This is about drying up competition money in the same way Eric Holder went after Swiss bank accounts by Americans in order to end that funding of other political movements. It is geared at the 2014 elections in no one being allowed to disrupt those already defined outcomes and to not allow it into the currency reset or 2016.

This is about criminalizing what is now legal actions in speed trading, so that if those involved in that Snowden financier group know now that the porn viewing SEC or whatever is going to confiscate this money in fines and throw these people into prison.

Once again the real story explained in Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

nuff said

agtG 365YY

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