Channel: Lame Cherry
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Who needs Salvation


Yes what is the need for Salvation when it is lifetime away.........

"I remember a Fable, said Luther, which fitteth very well for these times, and for this purpose, discoursed of before.  A Lion, said he, making a great feast, invited all the beasts thereunto, and with them also he invited swine.  Now, as all manner and sorts of dainties were brought and set before the guests, the swine demanded if Brewer’s grains might be had for them. 

Even so, in these days it is with our Epicures; we Preachers bring and set before them in the Church the most dainty and costly dishes, as Everlasting Salvation, Remission of Sins, and God’s Grace; but they, like swine, cast up their snouts, and root after Dollars, Crowns, and Ducats; and, indeed, said Luther, “what should a cow do with nutmegs?” 

She would rather content herself with oat-straw."

Martin Luther

Yes who needs the ambrosia of Lame Cherry, when the rich have the fodder of currency, investment and property to satiate them..........up until the time the casket lid is sealed shut, and then all that comfort is left behind by the rich and hell awaits.

nuff said


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