As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
As Rush Limbaugh mislead you on the faux story of the LA Clippers owner being outed in some racist realities, the reality points to something more.
This is about an organized plan to rob an old man of his NBA team. It looks at this point, the old white guy is going to be forced out and the team will then be bought by some Afroid as an Obama Holder regime latex tech lynching of an old geezer.
For the FBI rent a minder group in NAACP and Al Sharpton picking basketballs as a plantation crop, this was all staged, and as this is about another liberal, like that Missouri shooter working for the FBI blasting "Jews" who turned out to be Christians, and the absolute cover up of another black Obama voter shooting at white people on the Kansas metro highways..........ask yourself who is going to benefit from this when butt sex Magic Johnson is behind driving this.
Someone is stealing an NBA team from an old white guy just like Obama stole General Motors from old white guys. That is the reality of this set up and organized criminal theft.
Donald Sterling, the NBA Clipper's owner, is facing a latex tech lynching of an old white man. Someone chose at this moment to make an issue of his racial views which were known for decades.
What is the conspiracy in this, now that the Clippers finally are going into the playoffs? Who is inflicting an old geezer, and screaming about lost revenues, but an organized group, seeking to gain a team from this?
They will drive down the price of the Clippers and rob him in organized crime.
That is the story and nothing more.
As for Donald Sterling, Limbaugh says he gave like a million bucks to a bimbo who bangs NBA owners, and buys condos for them. As all are attacking Donald Sterling, I would gladly accept his money in a million dollar donation. I will not have sex with him, but I at least have exposed this while the rest of the world is trying to steal his NBA team from him.
Donate a million bucks Donald. You probably said the same things Mormon Bundy did. This is all part of making racism for political suppression and profit. Sterling broke no laws in this, but those now extorting business from him are the criminals.
Donald Tacowitz Pacowitz Whatowitz is a Polish Ashkenaz who changed his name to Sterling, and he apparently hates Afroids he admires in Magic butt sex Irvin Johnson as he, Donald, bangs some Obama covered latino who recorded all of that.
This is racism for profit and ask yourself who is targeting Ashkenaz in America like Andrew Breitbart being puffy pink as John Kerry calls the Jewish state apparthied as Chinoid Obama shows them the sole of his shoe.........
The FBI Rent a Minders are out in this, Butt Sex Johnson is out in this, and the liberal media are out in this, after this Polish Ashkenaz.
Who is going to benefit from this, as it looks like the NBA will force a sale to a "black" owner group who likes showers scented in feces penis? The NFL went socio conglomerate butt sex.............ok what is the organized crime syndicate employed in this Obama Operation Anal Runner back door pushing all of this.
Who decided to intimidate and bring down a very rich and powerful Ashkenaz Jew in America?
Some might call this another Lame Cherry exclusive broken again in matter anti matter.
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