As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I realize I utilize the above often in exclusives, and they all are exclusives, but there are the historical weave in teaching you that past engineered events as the Civil and Revolutionary wars, are once again being initiated against Americans, as much as the genocide of the 18th century was begun again in the poisoning of Americans in the 1950's causing the injected cancer epidemic to AIDS, with the poisoning of the food supply.
I am going to deliberately explain things in this post as most of what I am doing is going over all of your heads. There will be those who smugly run off with it again and piss on me, but it is vital that you understand, comprhend and realize what took place and what is taking place as you are manipulated from within your own groups, on the right and the left.
This is connect the dots and a post you should save and re read over the next month, in thinking about things. I term these the Cherry Stone files, after the original Gem Stone files.
You will notice the silence this blog has met in all other sources now online and in media. I have stung all of them and they have been ordered to censor the flow of information from their scripts. Some worry about being placed on regime lists in associating with this blog and are afraid. You are already on the lists in the sorting programs which mark every person in psychological profile. It is as Mordecai informed Esther, that either you step up, or God will raise someone in your place who will do the job, as you are no use to Him.
That is enough groundwork in this, and we begin in the salting of the name Parker Dozhier into this blog for the past two days, with his obituary from 2012 as the Rosetta Stone to open all of this.
I have featured three trappers, who appeared during the Reagan Revolution in Editor Tom Krause, trade analyst Parker Dozhier and Professor Major Bodicker. I have always had ability from God in communication and assembling data, but in these three gentlemen's minds, I learned a process of thought, as game changing as the Greek school.
This will seem a bizarre place to expose all of this, but as I told Uncle David Rockefeller here in 2008, the danger of Obama is he was the thread which would expose all of them.
Mr. Dozhier is now in Heaven, but as was revealed here exclusively it was Clinton thugger Sidney Blumenthal who in the Clinton Wars, in fury, exposed the start of Birther Hussein and the story which is about to be revealed here, as what Blumenthal was ranting about was the genesis of the treachery and treason on the right, which he had no idea of.
As Blumenthal opened this book, according to the rules, it may now be discussed.
You must understand that America is not what you think she is, nor what the propaganda tells you she is in the shadowlands.
America was a JP Morgan Trust of traitors, who were in league with the British and French, in the Gentleman's Agreement for the German Genocide in two world wars, to remove Christian Germany from Europe as a competitor. Dr. Lorraine Day has often used that phrase on the Jeff Rense program and she was right on that point.
This group evolved from the Robber Barons, and was finally exterminated by the assassination of Howard Hughes in the 1970's, to MIC or the Military Industrial Complex, which like Obama's organized communities in Chicago or Muslimlands, all became Marxist and Feudal in their scope, to be replaced by the larger entity, as only written of here, the SOCIO CONGLOMERATE COMPLEX.
The structure of this is the cartel of Europe, of the aristocracy of the old order, melded with the Ashkenaz financiers in the Rothschilds and the Vatican to pimp the flock.
On the American side, it is that Baron group which had bag men like the Prescott Bush family and the Ashkenaz and German banking of World War II, that set up a structure of after the war placed the management in the overthrow of America, into the 3rd Reich's hands.
The Paper Clip Boys from Berlin, in being imported into the Americas, took over control and evolved MIC to a secondary form, as America was being moved from capitalism to socialism and in the 21st century to feudalism again.
The Order with Obama Marxists, Cannibal Capitalists like Soros and Buffett, with support of MIC is what rules America in this feudal police planet. Andrew Breitbart threatened the operation by making the mistake in thinking he could expose the Obama regime and was assassinated for it by a European hit squad.
It is these Reich command which maneuvers this leviathan in America behind the scenes. They are the gathering with the Europeans in the Order who installed Birther Hussein. What this meandering foundation is getting to, is the revelation you have to make as your frontal thought in all of this, for from Ulsterman's Insiders, to Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Mark Levin, as has been spoken of here, along with the Obama puppy press, ALL of the above were either running conditioning MK ULTRA operations, told to stand down for Obama, or were ordered to enable the regime.
You are being minded and herded now, just as Al Sharpton does the blacks as Jesse Jackson did the blacks for his entire life as an intelligence mole, by what is the Limbaugh group. This group was arranged out of Mockingbird, the propaganda operation from the 1950's to condition one thought into Americans and the world which was pro American.
Mockingbird was hijacked by the Order for the Cartel. It became a social engineering unversity, just the way ABC Capital Cities was created by Reagan's OSS CIA director, William Casey, and the way it evolved to Clear Channel, and took over through Rush Limbaugh all of talk radio.
For a time, the genesis of all of this was coming through back operation funding in the Muslim Sultan of Brunei for foreign operations and the Moon family of Korea in domestic operations funding the Religious Right.
I will repeat in this, Rush Limbaugh was told to stand down in 2008, because the MIC controllers wanted Barack Hussein Obama installed into 1600 Penn Avenue. This is the "right wing" in America, which was the intelligence wing set up by Ronald Reagan and Bill Casey to combat the Nazi and Marxist menace, which were like Ford Foundation, hijacked and under direction to put this foreign agent Obama into the White House, with the chief operational structure being:
1. Obamacare for the confiscation of wealth from the American middle class and the genocide of Patriot Americans in rationed death.
2. The Wall Street fleecing of America by Geithner money dumps in Wall Street Welfare coupled with Welfare Street mandates that those funds were all directed back into the nation rapist accounts.
3. The inflation in raising food and energy prices to obtain feudal control.
You must understand this that these groups are not "American", but part of a group of "board members" where they manage this like, raising prices in your American neighborhood to keep the undesireables out, placing the poisonous industries down in Chinatown, arming the Muslim Mosque to protect your investments and looking at the people before you enclosed gates as a threat in competitors, so you bring in Mexican labor to weaken those Americans, so they do not rise up and take back all you have.
That is what Parker Dozhier was at the operational spoke of in Arkansas, which was funded to go after Bill Clinton. The Bush family ran that retaliatory operation, when the leftists used Lawrence Walsh to indict the Bush Administration to overthrow the elections and install the Clintons in 1992.
That is what Sidney Blumenthal was furious about in his venom spitting book in focusing on that Arkansas trapper known as Parker Dozhier.
Mr. Dozhier if you pull that thread was part of the campaign in that state to get rid of Winthrop Rockefeller. The now dead Sherman Skolnick who perished just after Obama was installed, as Mr. Skolnick knew many of the dirty secrets in this, always said that Bill Clinton was a bastard son of the Rockefellers in Arkansas.
This thread will now be pulled using Sidney Blumenthal's own intelligence sources as was posted here. Mr. Dozhier was associated with the group in Arkansas who knew the Clinton dirty secrets, and Blumenthal makes the point that some of this was embellished, but not a great deal, as the Clintons were corrupt and always have been.
The Bush family knows all of this, as Mena Arkansas was the hub of Iran Contra under the Reagan Administration, and tons of cocaine arrived in America as the backdoor structure of this funding operation in the Columbians were original contributors against the communist front in Central and South America.
Pull the Dozhier thread and David Hale and company appear, and in that, you have the spokesmen for the stories of the evil of the Clintons. During this time, a William Casey experiment appeared out of ABC Capital Cities, known as Rush Limbaugh, who would be scripted as an entertainer like Jon Stewart was on television, as Conservatives LISTEN and liberals need visual stimulation, paired with an Ashkenaz conduit in Matt Drudge, whose site was built by a Jewish computer genius by the name of Andrew Breitbart.
In order for this Operation BimBLOW to work, Drudge needed headlines and Limbaugh needed more than script, so entered R. Emmett Terrell of the American Spectator with his fag writer, who later got a conscience and had to confess his part, along with Ambrose Evans Pritchard of the right wing press of England, and as they all descended upon Arkansas for the Paula Jones scoops and Hillary went scorched earth on those poor women, the media wing was all steered to Mr. Dozhiers home where they could be dazzled by this brilliant form of Americana, complete with beaverburger chili and the reporters firing off semi automatic weapons, as culture shock overtook these silk suits in meeting fur coats and leather fringed tunics.
I told you here before that Ronald Reagan resurrected America in 1980 from the fur industry up in his expansion, and that fur industry was spiked from South Korean importation of American furs which was intelligence backed, and was later dismantled by the Bush and Clinton factions, as both loathed the American right in these two patricians.
Do you feel my breath on your neck now as I whisper in your ear, "Do you get it?" Do you understand the apparatus and how it was housed in an area of Patriots taking on the Soviet anti nuclear, anti fur, pro sodom and anti Christian "rent a left"?
Parker Dozhier exposed all of this in the Trapper under editor Tom Krause, how this rent a mob, showed up protesting with full leftist Mockingbird support covering it in the media at every Soviet event in the American you get it now that this mob as a KGB extension, is the same mob in the Wall Street protestors and the same conduit of the "black wilding" for Obama racism which has Afroids beating on white Wisconsin people at their state fair?
See how you pull the one thread, and the entire rug starts pulling apart as it attaches to all the other threads in the 21st century.
Some might wonder at this point why this blog exposes the conduits on the right in the MIC head group of Limbaugh and does not invest a great deal of time in the Mark Halperin or Chris Matthews group. The answer is, I expect Charlie Rose to do what he does in being part of the intellectuals, but when those like Ann Coulter and Peggy Noonan who are minders to shepherd the right, not only smear Birthers and openly vote for Birther Hussein Obama, then it is a matter of betrayal, treachery and treason, in taking trusting Americans out and stabbing them in the back.
Rush Limbaugh knew all of this Obama information, but was told to stand down in 2008. Mark Levin like Ann Coulter attacked Birthers in "Obama would not be impeached" and Sean Hannity after he attempted to help the Tea Party in Ohio was ordered to stop or he would be fired.
The reason all of your FOX conduits are so lackluster and not exciting is the operational controllers of this, told their people to stand down, as their directors wanted Barack Hussein Obama installed to the White House, for the very reasons named above in profit and control.
This was an intelligence operation, and those on the right were ordered to go along with installing Obama and they did just that.
This group flipped 10 million GOP votes for Obama as Karl Rove was blackmailed over it and finally told to bite the curb by Roger Ahles of FOX. They helped Obama in covering up that electronic theft of votes, as the Bush family hated John McCain and wanted to make a fool of him.
They were part of the insiders who took out Sarah Palin and made her a whore so she could save her own skin.
They were the part in deluding Mormon Romney of "their support" when it was proven here Romney was a Strawman who worked with Ron Paul to obliterate the Conservatives on the Republican right. Same operation is taking place for Jeb Bush in this intelligence scheme.
I have mentioned here how Limbaugh gets a bit too big for his britches, and has to steal other peoples work like mine, and how he goes on mic and chants, "Bristol Palin has no talent" as a dig at giving Sarah Palin another defeat in a loss on Dancing with the Stars, and how he currently is using his ear implant to draw in audience like his mind rape books of children to pull the heartstrings........all the while not telling the listeners that his "auto immune" disorder which made him deaf was due to his being an oxy dope addict.
I have told you previously and you have to get it, that Limbaugh is so crippled and a non steering force, due to this blog exposing him and those Newsbuster frauds who were another operation which set up Dan Rather in his minder job at CBS over the Bush National Guard documents, in the same blessed way HW went in and kicked Dan's ass on live television, that Obama ignored Limbaugh, but that this Order needs steering on right and left, and that is why Obama Jinn started harping on Limbaugh and Limbaugh was once again featured in liberal media rants, to give his half brains a thought that Limbaugh really matters.
What I return to is the reality which you have to understand in this group stood back and allowed Barack Hussein Obama to be installed, and to enable him in election theft.
Of course, Limbaugh strikes at McCain, Romney and Jeb Bush as he cripples that wing and it assists in the fray the diversion of thought, but it all goes back to the "powers that be" on the right which Obama spoke of, in these Koch brothers and others, allowed in 2008 the crash control of America in the centralization of all monetary assets as in the 1929 engineered crash.
You have to understand there are factions in the factions, and minders in the factions, in Colin Powell and Richard Armitage for the Rockefellers unleashed Plamegate, in order to force out Dick Cheney, so Powell would be Vice President, as they destroyed Scooter Libby and White House Counsel Alberto Gonzales and George W. Bush did nothing with Karl Rove to stop it. Just as they did nothing in allowing BATF to drive out all the gun dealers in America.
That hand grenade which was thrown at George W. Bush in eastern Europe was supposed to end him right there, and Powell was to be Vice President already, but with Cheney and a weak heart installed as President, it would have been Afroid Colin Powell as Vice President who would have ended up in the White House.
I told you there are factions in this, and a like faction buried Barack Hussein Obama on June 13th, 2013, as part of the Snowden operations in MIC re asserting itself, as we now witness by Limbaugh's cuddling of the Koch brothers who were upset the sodomites could not be bought with a bribe in a hospital donation.
I am not going to digress in this to other information already posted here, as there is too much for your minds to cope with again, but the reality is that the "Limbaugh group" were ordered to stand down, to betray their own followers, and to allow Obama to be installed, as their controllers desired Obama in the White House for their feudal reasons, and the Limbaugh group, has enabled Obama and his image to not be impeached.........because this is all about keeping rationed death, in case you missed the "polls" which stated that Americans do not want Obamacare repealed (that is a lie), but now want socialist medicine simply "fixed".
That has been the conditioning plan all along, after the Hillarycare rejection and leading this all to the Obama debt swing which was plotted decades ago for another Nixon era Dollar reset or devaluation, to wipe out the middle class and small business completely.
As long as this blog keeps on the subject matter which has been already spoken of, and does not go Breitbart, it is a lamp in this hurricane not blown out by the cartel or their factions, even if there were discussions to terminate me. The blog has purpose in it gives stage to the workings of this adept group of their practice. It is not so much in tracking people now in who visits here, as all of your psychological workings are already plotted, but the blog is more a a rockets red glare up in the night. You are cattle in the field, sheep in the pasture, and critters in the hedge, and the cartel gauges how their mass psychological conditioning has enveloped the stock, as to who notices that flare in the sky, and then how all go back to munching on their cud as warnings have no meaning for the majority any longer.
I see I have been writing now for almost two hours on this. When I fast posted on Parker Dozhier on Thursday night, for his mention on Saturday, someone really did not like the screen grab of the Sidney Blumenthal book, and refused twice on high speed Wifi to load it on blogger as it was not codex known.
The accipidrae has a hood placed upon it as the hawker moves about the field. Your hoods have been taken off again, and those with any inspirational light will comprehend with delight the meaning of the above in how very important it all is.
I told you that Tucker Carlson in the Romney Caller just did not happen, and for that little simp ass who messaged me that I was jealous of Ulsterman in exposing his "insiders" as the majority of you bit on that rat trap, all of it will happen again and you are being conditioned to all of this.
I would that the powers would just buy the blog for a few Michelle Malkin millions and I would go do brier patch things, but how does one purchase a field of razor wire laid and make it a public conditioning agent, without all that ANALGATE and Boston Bombing stuff not cropping up.
I have taught you now how this works on the fields of Cassius and Brutus, the lean and hungry look with the deluded Patriot thinking the ends justify the means, both whose work installs the perpetual tyrant.
I need to rest and pray, and hopefully in Holy Angel care, make the trip safely to get this posted at the library, so it will appear on Sunday when all of you slumber.
I can understand fear in rich people deluding themselves into thinking if they do not donate they will be safe as summertime soldiers and sunshine patriots, who allow others to Breitbart for the cause, but you have no one on the right or the left. Your leaders are coming for you and that money, because it makes you a competitor, and they will take it from you as much as Stalin did the Jew farmers, Hitler did the industrialists and from John Edwards on the left to Sarah Palin on the right you are picked off like nits.
I have no genetic sense to be afraid, as like George Washington, I rather enjoy being shooted over. I have noted a change in the surveillance as the current regime is dead and a new order is taking it's place with that reset agenda, and this faction is not greatly interested in this information, unless it touches on Dozhier information, as were in the days of George W. Bush.
The only real liberty is the enjoyment of taking a stand on the ground your feet are upon and showing you have the dare to face what is out there. You will find that you are left in peace, because you are not on four legs, but two as a human and are too expensive to deal with.
As long as one does not do something stupid like Andrew Breitbart in threatening the regime, nor like the Chechen boys in Boston become expendables of the police state in posting idiot things in an asset of the regime, you will not become puffy pink nor pressure cooked.
Now that you have the information of how the Bush family took control over what William Casey built in talk radio, and then caused it to stand down, so the foreigner Obama would be installed in betraying all of you, you know how you are being manipulated again in misdirecting you so another Reagan will not arise.
Alright I need to go rest and pray to fuel the jets again to get this posted.
nuff said
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