As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter........
If I put to you a reality that there was a slicked back hair puffy white guy with polo shirts, who liked putting things in his mouth and sucking on them in bragging about it, and as a feature of his day, he started out with conversations fixated on homosexual athletes and ended with sessions of handing out gifts to little children, would you consider this normal or abnormal, as in something which you would have red alerts on in not letting your family anywhere near this man as he sounds like a pervert?
What if I added that he was on his fourth marriage and the last being a blonde, and no matter the subject of conversation of Iranian terror nukes or Vladamir Putin on terrorism, the subject always comes back to the treatment of homosexuals in Iran or Vladamir Putin being anti gay.
By now you have figured out probably who the subject is in Rush Hudson Limbaugh III, as this has been the content daily and in pattern of his EIB program. What is most interesting in this, is Limbaugh is featured on FOX and Obama lips, but there is not one liberal posting what this blog does in pondering what is abnormal in a male fixated on every homosexual subject and then ending with initimate conversations with children and giving them gifts.
If what Limbaugh did was ride around in van to the gay bars, and then finish outside your child's school the red lights would be flashing in Amber alerts.
I have highlighted here the conditioning of Mockingbird to graduate normal people into the sodomite thought process by overloading them in making them think the subject is all there is. In a study of the feed off of KNBC in Kansas City which is the Limbaugh "conservative" flagship, there has been the oddest mimick on this station of being homosexually saturated.
Personally, I do not want to hear about homosexuals as I never think of them. I only address the issue here to expose what is taking place in America, as the homosexual agenda is geared to introducing legalized pedophilia to American thought.
The resistance to this child rape is not going to come from the Chris Matthews left, but from the right, and it begs the question in this, how is it that a Mockingbird funded conduit to condition the right, has had nothing but a perpetual scripted format about homosexuals accepted in society and then topped off with an old white guy cuddling up to children he is handing out gifts to in that Limbaugh series of books.
I desire you to visit this in remembering the Soros things which were generated against Republicans in ruining them. Do you remember Sarah Palin accused of molesting boys and her husband having sex with his daughters? That is the way the left thinks, and yet with Rush Limbaugh tossing up hangers to be hit out of the park, the liberal left absolutely does not touch Limbaugh. In fact, it has been shown here in Limbaugh's sagging ratings, that Obama Jinn is the one who actually lifted Limbaugh out of obscurity to my drawing attention to Rush, after ignoring him deliberately for 4 years.
The historical fact is Rush Limbaugh's pattern is a fixation on homosexuals and children, not in a condemnation ever of sodomy, but a constant drumming of it.
You will notice that the liberal antagonism against Limbaugh stopped in 2008, when Limbaugh went quiet on Obama in helping Obama be elected, and the infamous wedding of having Elton John perform at Limbaugh's wedding.
The left is not bringing any of this up. The right is not bringing any of this up. It is something though that requires answers, as Mark Levin and Tom Marr went quite pro gay awhile ago.
If this is your bent and you want this as the face of your Conservativism, then you are at home, but for me the issues of God, family, American with the patriotic mandate of moralism on every issue as Ronald Reagan weighed issues as did George Washington, states that Rush Hudson Limbaugh III is not the face of what Conservatism is.
Rush Limbaugh and Mark Levin have a history of attacking American farmers, and backing high priced terror oil, against the bio fuels of George W. Bush. Their attack hid that crop prices rose George Soros price fixing out of Chicago, and instead fixated on blaming American farmers.
There are issues of Limbaugh having no idea where the American oil boom was and not exposing that Wall Street went into those states and stole all the oil like the Dutch did in giving beads to the Indians for Manhattan.
Levin and Limbaugh have both stood against Birthers and the impeachment of Obama.
Limbaugh attacked the Pater Pope over the Pater being against capitlistic rapine of nations, giving Americans Conservatives the face of that immoral position.
Limbaugh promoted on FOX 24 the liberals in a message which was the conditioning of a black liberal president or a white female liberal president.
Added to this again, he was on a FOX cartoon bashing George W. Bush.
There is the issue of the absolute sodomy fixation of Limbaugh, and then the issue of using children in manipulating them for market share.
This blog makes astute commentary on George W. Bush and has castigated him on policy, but never taken cheap shots on him. This is about issues and if the above is not what you reflect, then ask yourself why is Limbaugh not challenged and why is it that you are allowing this to be the face of your identity.
I am positive that none of you are for policies to make terrorists richer, your daily conversation begins with sodomy and ends with how to manipulate children, and is covered over with defending economic predation.
If Rush Limbaugh was in your neighborhood, I am positive that you would tell your children not to go near him, and it would not because he was a "conservative", but because every alarm bell would be going off in you that something was not right there.
It is obvious the Conservative brand has been hijacked for purpose. It is obvious that what is the voice of conservatism across the board is absolutely not addressing any of the issues which are on your mind.
A greasy old male who is fixated on sucking on things, is fixated on sodomy, is fixated on children.
What does that tell you.