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Bot U Obama


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Who has been proven right again? Lame Cherry.

The Drudge headlines point to the Obama regime, is under siege from America.

The point is Holder and Muchelle have been kicked out of Kansas and Oklahoma. This is Operation Rift.

Now for the fun.

Did I not tell you that in Kansas Metro, that the democrat who was blasting Christians there and it was termed Jews, that there was more going on there in a black man, who was captured, and that this white democrat mucked things up, as another white shooter was being made a Boston Scapegoat like the Chechens?
Yes I did.

Did I not inform you that the Obama regime was contracting with Jewish hackers in 2008 to target people like me, did I not inform you that Anonymous and this entire hacking crew was working for the Obama regime, and did I not inform you that the BATF was dripping with informants for Operation Rift?


FBI Informant Linked to Cyberattacks Abroad...

WASHINGTON — An informant working for the F.B.I. coordinated a 2012 campaign of hundreds of cyberattacks on foreign websites, including some operated by the governments of Iran, Syria, Brazil and Pakistan, according to documents and interviews with people involved in the attacks.

Yes Lame Cherry did.

Now the Birthers have a real favorite son in Kazuyuki Hamada, in his insider intelligence is reporting that the Obama's are on the splits and Obama is as foreign as Chinese  take out.

Nothing about dancing little boys with Barry Chin, but all the same, a Japanese with connections is outing the odd couple as things are not going so well for the Fang Jinn.

Did you notice though the creepy cock pose of the image of Obama in not just bowing to a bot, but apparently the image desires to rape a robot. I have never seen such lust in a demon's eyes since.......well West World or Blade Runner.
Who gets their froggy on for a white bot eh?

The we got that Mormon Bundy making commentary like this blog does, and being called a racist when wondering how Obama genocide is helping the black folk.

“That’s exactly what I said. I said I’m wondering if they’re better off under government subsidy, and their young women are having the abortions and their young men are in jail, and their older women and their children are standing, sitting out on the cement porch without nothing to do, you know, I’m wondering: Are they happier now under this government subsidy system than they were when they were slaves, and they was able to have their family structure together, and the chickens and garden, and the people had something to do? And so, in my mind I’m wondering, are they better off being slaves, in that sense, or better off being slaves to the United States government, in the sense of the subsidies. I’m wondering. That’s what. And the statement was right. I am wondering.”

I will admit that while I did write this would be another EAST WEST drama, I am surprised that the power elite have decided to try and make this a Nig issue, in it is not like Al Sharpton runs alot of sheep out in Beaner and John Wayne land.
This kind of commentary from Mormon Bundy gets you back slapped in agreement in Reagan Blue State America, just like noting that steer who likes getting rode by the other steers in the feedlot is a queer duck.

I wonder who offed Queen Camilla's brother..........sorry that is a different subject.

Boehner is really bone on this as he thinks he is safe. Ohio is race bait central and as things spike, those rednecks out there will have long memories.

This I suppose is old to readers in pushing the entire media to lurch into releasing some facts which means in all of this, that somewhere, someone in MIC is having a turf battle again over what is being planned.  That is probably enough to get through.......had a hail storm I just went through, was white as snow, and thankfully had car parked under pine tree, so the tree got it.

Any way that is the blossom budding for this post, and thank you to the support and kind words of those who care. I pray we all have a better day ahead.


So Obama is coming to town tomorrow, but I can't find my pig after looking all day
I finally give up and go inside by hear rooting around in the guest room and there is my pet pig Clover in there in bed.

I say to Clover, "What the hell are you doing in that bed when you got that pig pen outside?"

Clover says,"You seen Michelle Obama right?"

"Yeah", I answer.
Clover says, "You know Obama's flying in tomorrow right?

"Yeah", I answer.
 "I figure the safest place to not wake up having sex with him is a human bed."

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