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Not Passing Over


Our Almighty Father,

Remember us for Good and not evil, for we pray that You would pass over us again as You did by the hand of thee Angel of the Lord in our parents sojourn in Egypt. For in this communion of prayer, we remember the Messenger of Your Salvation in the fulfillment of the Messiah in the Lord, Your only begotten Son, Jesus the Christ.
The world has not changed from the days of Cain in thinking You owe them for their handing You a crumb from Your provision for them, in seeking to end the Righteousness of Abel in Your children, who confess all is Yours and all is a Gift bestowed upon us due to Your Love and nothing we could act, speak or think upon to earn nor demand this, for all things are blessings from God alone.

Egypt is now the global world, and we only know this by Your Holy Ghost Who Inspires us to know all things for our understanding of this world. We ask that You not pass over the world, no more than you did Egypt in the days of calamity, but that You pass over Your children, while You multiply, recompense and visit the sins upon those who reject Your Law and even more so, reject Your Gospel.

We speak of nothing which You do not know, for You know all things. We accuse them not, for they have Moses, and satan itself accusing them, with the mockery of Mohammed, Buddah, Marx and whatever else in false teachings and false messiahs, they have rejected Your Way, Your Truth and Your Life, to their chosen condemnation and eternal death.

What we ask Father is for the quick coming of the return of the Lord Christ, to fulfill the Last Days, as He fulfilled the first, and fulfilled the New Covenant for our Redemption, in which He will return as King of kings, Lord of lords and Knight of knights, to establish Your Law by leading the Heavenly Host as the world makes war upon God at Armageddon.

The people who are called by Your Name, in the exiles of the Northern Kingdom of the Lost 10, are sojourners as in Egypt and planted in the western lands and are the western peoples. They are now prisoners by regimes who bow to satan and have removed You and Christ's Churchf or a new order of ancient rites which has been seduced by satan to believe they can be immortals without needing God. Sin can not be immortal for sin is eternal exile from Life and eternal death.
Remember Your Spiritual children Almighty Father, for persecution and war is being waged upon them across the globe. Remember as in the days of the passing over of the Angel of the Lord, where all the labor of Your children was housed in the stores of the unbelievers and by Your command taken back as wages for Your children's labor.

We ask this return not for rights, but of necessity, for we have been robbed and pillaged, are named enemies of the state, and due to this organized piracy, of taxations, mandates and inflation, we are pressed for our daily needs. We ask Lord for You to return the wages of our hands, so that we may await in this Spiritual wilderness, in full provision of stocking supplies, building shelters and arming ourselves, as Your Holy Ghost reveals the time of Jacob's Trouble will come, so leave us not like the virgins who had not oil for their lamps, awaiting the Master's coming, but make our lamps full, as you secure for us a temporary light as we yearn for the Light of the Lord Jesus Christ to Lighten this world, delivering us from all darkness.

We command in the Name of the Lord Jesus, that all evil be bound from us forever. We pray for Your Holy Angels to minister to our needs. We pray for Your healing and restoration, of our bodies, our minds, our hearts, our emotions, and our Spirits, sown into us by Your Holy Ghost, for we confess that Jesus is Lord and profess with our lives born again, we are the Spiritual children of God.

We remember Father, by Your Holy Ghost calling us to remember this season of Passover known among the sons of Eber to the time of Christ, and in New Covenant by Christ, was fulfilled in no more passing over us in a temporary covering of blood upon our door posts, but as Immanuel in Christ with us as observed in the Christmas season to now God's Spirit in us at Pentecost.
This Easter as observed is remembering by Your command, through Your Son, the Lord Christ, Our Restoration to You Spiritually. The Lord Christ has fulfilled the Passover in the first High Day. The Lord Christ fulfilled the First Fruits in Your giving the Holy Ghost to us at Pentecost, and now we await to be delivered from Jacob's Trouble and the End Times for that Last Great Day, the Feast of Harvest, whereby all Your children will be caught up to Christ in His Second Coming, to receive then the Gift in our Reward for receiving all of this in Faith.

We believe You God and give all thanks to You. We praise Your Name and the Gift of our being called as Your Namesake in Christians. We are wealthy without measure in Spirit, but like the crowds of 5000 fed by Christ in miracles, we ask for You to feed us in both Spirit by Your Spirit and Word and in body with making what You have given more than enough in overflowing in we being Your further blessing upon this earth, and to take from the evil rich whose reward has been, and give to Your children now for our Provision as has been Promised by You.
Let not these Provisions  become  a sin to us as the golden ephod of Gideon, because a stumbling block to the sons of Eber, but let us be like Mary Magdalene restored by You and Joseph of Aramethea faithful to You in these lives You have given us, to minister to the world by Your leading as an example of the blessings of God's Spirit in us.

Pass over not us in Your Goodness Father, and pass not over those who are evil, to unleash Your Consuming Flame, that the scales will be balanced Justly. Secure us to You and let us not be deceived by the evil one nor the coming son of perdition in the anti Christ for far too many were deceived by their shadow in the blasphemous false messiah set up in Washington.

We are Yours God Almighty and commit ourselves into Your hands, our bodies, minds, hearts, Spirits and all things. God bless us and keep us. God make Your Face to Shine upon us and be Gracious unto us. God lift up Your Countenance upon us, and give us the Peace which passes all understanding, keeping our hearts and minds in Faith, in the One True Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son and our Lord, Who lives and reigns with You, ever One God, Your Kingdom come and Your will be accomplished, in that same Name, of Jesus, we pray, Amen and Amen

Come Lord Jesus, let us dwell with You in Your Second Coming. Amen and Amen, come quickly.


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