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Easter Message


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Alright you stupid people, as you are being led about by Ukraine, visit the future where I reside, as your heads are so far up your Obama abyss in Big Frac Limbaugh, that you do not even know the war you are in.

This is why you need Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan and Vernon Walters, but you have none, and all you have is Lame Cherry in foreign policy to know this field, as this is not about stuck on stupid Ukraine, but all of this is about POLAND, you ignorant brats.

I was the only one who covered the story of the assassination of the Polish Patriot Government on Russian soil by Vladimir Putin as the cartel with Obama handed over to the Kremlin, Ukraine, Poland and the Slavic peoples, and Mr. Obama remained silent with no investigations into how that Polish diplomatic jet crashed. It was a coup plotted to buy off the Kremlin, so the cartel could sow communists into Muslim lands, regain al Qaeda to run it out of 1600 Penn Avenue, and then turn on Mr. Putin, the same way Col. Khadaffi was assassinated by this regime of terror.

Mr. Putin is acting the part of Christian now and in that as leader of the Russian Orthodox faith, has put a stop to the Obama conspired Syrian slaughter for another al Qaeda terror state as the Caliph is to be the terror enforcers to the world, once the Neo Roman and East Empire are cemented into place.
Mr. Putin is a contender in this, and with Russian resources is to be divided up as Hitler intended, and as Stalin implemented for the cartel exploitation of Slavs and their natural resources for the central European Empire

So you know that background as only revealed here, we now progress to the reality of Ukraine.

What is in Ukraine? Russians by birth and nativity. It has been Russian property for centuries as part of their empire and Soviet. That is why the Ukraine is in the balance as the cartel took Ukraine from the Soviets, disarmed it so that the Europeans would not have armed Slavs to contend with as they made them a vassal people, then gave them back to the Kremlin in 2009 as an Obama terror deal, and when Putin stopped the slaughter in Syria, they took Ukraine back from the Kremlin, and intended to use this and the Olympics to have Putin dragged through the streets.
Russians are in Crimea and Ukraine. That is why they desire by vote and arms to be Russians as that is what they are.
So while you watch Ukraine, the real issue in this is Poland.

Ukraine was disarmed by the cartel as stated so they would not threaten the central Europeans. The are Slavs and always have been part of the Russian Empire. Should they have self determination? Yes they should, but as they have not fought for it in centuries, and have been whores of the cartel or whoever had the biggest check in selling their rights of self determination, that means America has no responsibility in fighting for someone who will not stand up for themselves, nor for placing America as a nuclear flashpoint, as Ukraine could have armed all their people like Switzerland, but did not over the decades.

Ukraine has Belarus on the north which is Russian. Romania on the south, which is traditional intrigue. On the west is Poland, and that is where the balance in this lies.

Poland has been empire. No one said a word when they were given and annexed Prussia, as in Germans who were thrown out of their lands a century ago. No one said a word when the Poles changed all the German names to Polish names.
The Poles now have in place an Obama cartel initiated leftist who likes the Kremlin. That is the balance of things, because while I pray Mr. Putin remains a tool in the hand of God as a Cyrus to contend with the anti Christ of the European order, the Polish leftists are their own problem to the world, as if ascending they may become an adversary of Russia, in empowering the anti Christ central Europeans, and either be a conduit which brings forth a Russian invasion or be part of a structure which attacks Western Europe along the old axis lines.

That is why this is all about Poland as I inform you to wait for the other shoe to drop in this, as this is the piece of thee entire board, whether it is anti Christ, Vladimir Putin or intrigue in between.

I will remind you that FDR gave eastern Europe to his good friend, the butcher Joe Stalin. I will remind you that when Stalin remarked that 10 million Germans should be exterminated as a war booty that Winston Churchill was aghast and Franklin Roosevelt laughed over it.
I will remind you that FDR and Harry Truman oversaw in the invasion of Germany, the mass rape by Russian cocks of thee entire female population of German women in what would become East Germany.

This mass rape created an entire mongrel Russian race in East Germany by blood and training. Angela Merkel is East German.

Now as this starts to dawn on you, connect the dots in this. Ukraine is full of Russians in physical will majority. Poland had installed a pro Kremlin leftist by Obama when the Polish Patriots were all mass assassinated.
Germany has half a population of Russian mongrels. Even if East German Merkel is allied now with the Pater Pope of Rome, for the Neo Order of Europe, this strategy paper in another Lame Cherry exclusive just by ethnic lines and regime structures, just moved Vladimir Putin to the banks of the Rhine.

Do you assess that France will do anything but socially bend over for Moscow as her Muslim hordes riot in Paris?
How about those Norwegians awarded Obama a Nobel Prize or Sweden, do you think they can stop the Kremlin?
What of that socialist Spain which would welcome a leftist Kremlin?

Without one shot, the Kremlin will stretch to the Atlantic, by the will of the peoples and not by invasion.  This will divide Europe as the north is incapable of resistance, England is thatched roof of straw withtout Lady Thatcher, and all that remains is the cauldron of Southern Europe.

Before you jump to your wrong conclusions again though, progress this out to the German point, in what if Vladimir Putin is a tool in the hand of God and would protect Christians from martyrdom.
What if Germany would become neutral in a sort of Swiss aliance with the Scandinavians, leaving the Bourbon houses of Spain and France in their passions and under English influence.

This board then means an anti Christ would not have German power behind it's Babylon.

Return now to the east. What is the Serbians blown to hell for Muslim annexation of their lands by Bill Clinton, would remain as a pro Russian flashpoint.
Prophecy states the coming anti Christ empire will be of Roman resurrection. It will be a confederation of 10 nations, welded together by the Vatican. There is one verse in the Bible that hints the anti Christ might be of Greek origin. The Jewish scribes have stated they thought the anti Christ would come out of Dan.  Dan actually migrated through much of Europe in exile, including Greece.

I do not state this is the 10 nation confederacy, but what if it is based on Greece and Italy, in the Greek and Roman Empires. Add to that, Romania, Bulgaria, Albania and the assorted Balkan states, and regrettably the Czechs and Slovaks with Hungary and it becomes easily an old Holy Roman Empire.

This beast without the teeth of Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Poland, is not the same beast as one which is German Italian standing upon those two legs.

As I keep writing of this with Inspiration, I play the big chess board which matters, as that is what the cartel, satan and the anti Christ are engaged in. It is Newtonian science in the more powerful a Christian Vladimir Putin is in contending with an anti Christ, the less power an anti Christ has to slaughter Faithful Christians, and just maybe, these United States do not get drawn in again by a treacherous Woodrow Wilson or Franklin Roosevelt and become a nuclear target in this coming global war.

That is what Lame Cherry is about. Saving hundreds of millions of Christians. Having a Slavic zone protected by a Christian favoring Vladimir Putin for them to flee to so they do not become martyrs, and for the flashpoint to be in the lands of the anti Christ and not sodom America.

America stays to hell out of this leftist cat fight, unlike World War I and II, and pumps her Big Frac oil, gets her finances in order, then she is as George Washington mandated a peaceful trading partner to all.

This though is the danger zone. If Mr. Putin remains in God's hand, which I pray, he can run the board and deflate the Mark of the Beast. If he is successful, it will mean Prague will not be ploughed in it's most beautiful and peopled areas will not become nuclear wastes in this war.
This is what I strive for as Obama ivory towers try to assassinate Vladimir Putin and Limbaugh's Big Frac try to make oil slaves of Europeans in repeating world war history which was completely against Washington, Nixon and Reagan policy.

You see when you have someone Inspired who resides in the future, all of this sorts out to a few simple moves which make complete sense, and you win easily. There are no adults playing this game in the west or east and Mr. Putin requires someone to work with who can assist him in seeing the board, beyond his necessity of Russian survival against it's planned genocide.

I leave this as your Easter message my children. Every action or mistake now amplifies in time. Any scenario now can be the one which becomes the focal point. One degree of deviation will mean billions dead instead of millions in this movement toward  Armageddon.
Mr.  Putin needs to be kept in God's hand, and America needs a Christian leader by God to lead the west correctly according to George Washington principles.

All of this should be easier for you now, as you are once again shown the ship of fools you are, and how your information rudders have been steering you toward the storm, instead of clear of it.

The Lame Cherry in matter anti matter exclusives prefers assisting Mr. Putin, so he in God's direction will deal with Eurasian entanglements and not America. That stupid Sarah Palin in her selling her cream and spilling our milk has cost the west dearly. I do not know if one can arise in this or not, and I am not looking for the job. It should be enough that my Poor Richard, educates the ignorant so they start behaving as loyal Americans.

I require the big donation though from that one wealthy person, so I can continue on with this, as the above should prove just how witless you folk are in not comprehending any of this in nuance or moves. You are dim bulbs and will fall to your deaths unless the Inspired Light is there to guide you, as the illuminated one of satan will come and sacrific the total of you.

It is time one of the rich stepped up and paid for what they owe.

agtG 278Y

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