As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter......
I place before you the real history of how Davy Crockett ran his legislative contest and funded it against a Dr. Butler who was the son in law of General Andrew Jackson.
The reason being, the politicians had nominated Davy Crockett to make sport of it and him as a strawman to knock down, being Crockett was poor and uneducated.
"I told him that when I set out electioneering, I would go prepared to put every man on as good footing when I left him as I found him on. I would therefore have me a large buckskin hunting-shirt made, with a couple of pockets holding about a peck each; and that in one I would carry a great big twist of tobacco, and in the other my bottle of liquor; for I knowed when I met a man and offered him a dram, he would throw out his quid of tobacco to take one, and after he had taken his horn, I would out with my twist and give him another chaw. And in this way he would not be worse off than when I found him; and I would be sure to leave him in a first-rate good humour.
He said I could beat him electioneering all hollow. I told him I would give him better evidence of that before August, notwithstanding he had many advantages over me, and particularly in the way of money; but I told him that I would go on the products of the country; that I had industrious children, and the best of coon dogs, and they would hunt every night till midnight to support my election; and when the coon fur wa'n't good, I would myself go a wolfing, and shoot down a wolf, and skin his head, and his scalp would be good to me for three dollars, in our state treasury money; and in this way I would get along on the big string. He stood like he was both amused and astonished, and the whole crowd was in a roar of laughter.
From this place I returned home, leaving the people in a first-rate way; and I was sure I would do a good business among them. At any rate, I was determined to stand up to my lick-log, salt or no salt."
Davy Crockett
Yes David Crockett funded his political career with coon hounds and wolf bounties. It would be a grand reset if American politicians had to fund campaigns on the coons they killed by their hounds and the wolves they made bounty of. Certainly end these traitors and foreign agents now infesting America with a regime.
Oh and Davy Crockett won his four way race by 247 votes.