As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Rush Limbaugh stated today that the day that America deals with the American entitlement programs, that this is the day that America will look like the Great Depression.
I will remind readers that President George W. Bush in 2004 tried to burn his political capital to fix Medicare and Social Security, but the Obama voters and his own Limbaugh GOP refused to do it, so here we have the Obama Limbaugh gridlock, as Limbaugh whispered in 2010, this is what we want folks.
Limbaugh's statistics are that 86 million workers providing for 160 million benefit takers. You will notice this vermin attitude which Limbaugh has for Americans thrown out of jobs, deprived of their savings by high debt spending, and the elderly who worked for Social Security as Limbaugh continues to refer to them as "people who are eating all the time" like some cancer on society.
Whether my Mom appreciates this or not, I am going to reveal what her income is from her Social Security as Limbaugh in speaking of these "benefit takers" chose the figure of 30,000 dollars per year.
People always blurt out numbers familiar to them. This means that Rush Limbaugh's family in his deceased Mum and his circle all are being paid 30,000 dollars a year on Social Security.
My Mom's Social Security after a lifetime of very heavy labor in farm fields and finishing as a lunch cook in a public school, is around 7000 dollars per year. Out of that, comes automatic Medicare payments, high heating bills, high fuel prices, high food prices and both of our savings have been obliterated, as she pays for food, as she eats daily and I get to pay for large items like a 1000 dollar water systems.
My large bill this year was Income Tax which I could have used to tin a shed for goats or build a panel fence, but my poverty income tax instead goes to pay for Rush Limbaugh's private jet as he mind rapes children with his propaganda books for his own publicity.
Yeah that's right the TAKERS OUTNUMBER THE WORKERS, as Rush Limbaugh repeats that like some Himmler refering to Jews in Nazi Germany in these rats need to be exterminated, as this supporting people not get the whip out and start beating those geezer Mark Levin parents in Florida luxury and get them back to work.
I have made an issue of Mark Levin and all of these rich people, that they could pay for their parents and not take Social Security, but they do not and they all live in luxury in posh locations of snowbird south.
I do not know what is in the "right wing" as this is NOT MY RIGHT WING, when people keep posting Limbaugh as some example, in his championing unbridled capitalist rapine on people, his promotion of sodomite Elton John, his attacks on bio fuels in rural area for Big Frac now lead by that liar Koch, and Limbaugh's constant referal to people who were created as out of jobs and in poverty, due to his group's sucking up all funding in America in Obama money dumps into Wall Street.
Limbaugh complains and calls people vermin, and the left in America as dirty as Limbaugh says nothing of this attack on humanity.
I am completely disgusted at people on the right in allowing themselves to be defined in the same terminology of nation rapists and Nazi vermin catch phrases.
I have news for all of you as Rush Limbaugh refers to people as TAKERS like a cancer infecting America and need to be neutralized, and is pushing that Vladimir Putin is Hitler in starting World War III by his "invasion" of Ukraine.
The Obama puppy press calls it a civil war, as Obama Jinn stepped into this again by not keeping his mouth shut, but Limbaugh is the danger zone in this, as his Big Frac wants Putin taken down, so that Big Frac will be selling oil to Europe to gouge Americans more.
For goodness sake you people, oil inventories in America are FOUR TIMES what they were thought to be, and gas prices refuse to fall from this Big Frac group at gas around 3.50 a gallon.
You have got to examine this. Adolf Hitler in the Himmler propaganda termed certain segments of society as rats as they infested Germany. Is Vladimir Putin saying anything about "takers" that need to be eliminated in Russia or anywhere? No it is Rush Limbaugh.
Now revisit this, in Ukraine started over Obama giving Ukraine to Putin, and Putin then stopping the slaughter in Syria, to which the cartel staged a coup and tried to take Ukraine back from Putin where it resided since 2009.
Yet Limbaugh's version of Big Frac with Obama's cartel is Putin is starting World War III as this is friction point with the west.
Why was Ukraine not a friction point with the west when Obama handed it over to Putin in order so Obama could install communists all through Muslim lands?
Why was that not an issue with Limbaugh for years in the entire enslavement of Eastern Europe by Putin, in Obama giving it away in a new Iron Curtain, but suddenly when Putin becomes pro family, pro heterosexual and pro Christian, all of a sudden Rush Limbaugh with "talent on loan from god" suddenly finds that Putin is starting World War III.
If you need a memory refresher, Limbaugh was mocking Putin when Putin told Russian Parliament that Nazis were involved in Ukraine.........and wonder of wonders, there appeared evidence of an entire movement of leftist Nazis all involved in Ukraine.
As no one else is going to say this to defend Americans from Rush Limbaugh, I will from the AMERICAN RIGHT in my Mom is not a taker Mr. Limbaugh. My Mom is not a vermin for existing Mr. Limbaugh. My Mom does not get 30,000 dollars a year like your clique of rich sucking the lifeblood out of America Mr. Limbaugh.
The reality is in all of this is Rush Limbaugh is espousing Himmler propaganda while Vladimir Putin is espousing Chritian Virtue.
Russia has not invaded the Ukraine as Vladimir Putin is far too intelligent for that. What Vladimir Putin is doing is the same thing that the General Phil Sheridan did in attempting to liberate Mexico from the Austrian and French rulers.
Putin simply allowed some of the Russian Nationals in Ukraine who fought in Afghanistan and Chechnya to borrow supplies dumped on the border, as much as Mexicans borrowed things left by Sheridan.
In Obama terms, the Ukrainians brought APC's and black shirts to the east Ukraine fight, and the Russian Nationals in Ukraine brought tanks now, and to show their allegeance to their 1956 Mother Country of Russia they have Russian flags on those tanks........and not.......(wait for it) Soviet flags as Rush Limbaugh accused Putin of trying for Big Frac to say Putin was recreating the Warsaw Pac.
So the elderly in America according to Rush Limbaugh are takers. The out of work are takers. The Trig Palins are takers in being retarded. The handicapped like Rush Limbaugh's Marine cripples are takers. The sick in Rush Limbaugh leukemia are takers, all with the Limbaugh Koch smack of it that these are vermin in enemies of the state which need to be eliminated as Obama's clique does not say a word defending Americans, as Obama thinks the same thing in his rationed death.
When people in Ukraine are fighting for their right of self determination, they are freedom fighters. When a rancher in Nevada is fighting for self determination against the Obama police state, Rush Limbaugh stays silent and allows Obama rampage to ensue.
Now I have stated that Adolf Hitler actually began his annexation of taking the original German lands from France, Prussia in Poland and Austria. That was Germany's right as a nation in taking back what was their land. Vladimir Putin has that same right in Ukraine, and if Americans ever became Americans, it is America's right re annex north Mexico and clear out the Mexican invasion into America.
I warned you of Limbaugh and his claque in is Ukraine worth delivery of nuclear missiles to your neighborhood, as that is what Limbaugh policy is for Big Frac while they are calling you vermin to be exterminated.
Rush Limbaugh is the Himmler in all of this Hitler sounding propaganda. Hitler was attacked by England and France. Hitler attacked Stalin before Stalin could attack Germany. It was FDR who instigated the declarations of war in Japan and Germany for his internationalism.
Too much of all of this has been lied about by the Obama and Limbaugh propaganda skewing the Rush Limbaugh in Big Frac wants to annex Europe to sell oil, Balkanize Russia to gain their oil and gas, while this group assassinates Vladimir Putin.
I am not an advocate of Adolf Hitler as national socialism is evil as it is under Obama in America. I pray that Vladimir Putin continues to be a tool in God's hands, as a strong Putin weakens the coming anti Christ which saves hundreds of millions of lives.
What Rush Limbaugh has been scripted to do, in putting Ronald Reagan's identity along with the Founders in terming people who are poor, sick, crippled and old as "takers", along with trying to make oil slaves out of Europeans, is of the Margaret Sanger and Rockefeller funded groups which with the Rothschilds in Marxism seizing upon that reprehensible Darwinism, is the pollution of Nazism and Communism, and from the identity signature of Rush Limbaugh is a Limbaughism that parrots this disgusting propaganda.
Ronald Reagan never refered to Americans as takers. He certainly had vision enough to free Europeans and not make them into oil slaves while trying to assassinate a nuclear Russian armed leader.
I am done expecting people to figure this out as few understand this, and the majority is non donor referring to me as a "f*cking retard" whose messages the FBI now have.
America is being drawn into war again on a global scale, exactly as Theodore Roosevelt's right wing was gung ho against Germany as Woodrow Wilson's internationalists all answered to the financier aristocracy to create the German Genocide. What is the 21st century version is Limbaugh and Obama working for the Russian Genocide, for Big Frac oil enslavement and ivory tower rule by the cartel.
I desire none of that. I want Putin as a Christian who can deal with European intrigue so America does not have to, in drilling it's own cheap oil, recovering, paying off China debt, and being at peace as the world goes toward Armageddon.
For those who have not figured on this, get your heads out of your asses and ask, do you want a Lame Cherry Peace, where Putin is dealing with European upheaval as you live in peace, or do you want an Obama Limbaugh making Europe an oil slave state as you fight a nuclear war against the Putin who is standing up for Biblical standards?
Answer the question as that is your job, and maybe then you will find that cursor as a person with money and make the big donation as the one person who is trying to save you from what is coming.
nuff said