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Of course we shoot Jews


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Astute readers will note that I have been monitoring one of the pet mind conditioning zones in America, in Kansas City metro, as they are such an interesting group of primates.
You might remember the expose' on that horrid  Dana and Parks on Limbaugh's flagship KMBC, which sounds like the same sodom garbage farting out of Jeb Bush's posterior, in wanting that Christian protester murdered who was at funerals  and was anti gay, while in the next sentences saying that Christianity is not under attack in America, while promoting sodomy.

The center of  this is in Kansas in a county called Johnson, which rolls off the tongue of this Peyton Place as readily as Californians say Beverly Hills or the Kennedy's lolled out Martha's Vinyard.
Johnson  County is the 9th most prosperous shit hole  in America. Look do not feel left out in this, if you are in Minneapolis you got your expensive latrine there too, as much as Rush Limbaugh's outhouse in Florida has his, as  much as that closed gate in Texas houses the Bush compounds.
Every state has their patricians and in Kansas it is Johnson County with the sewer flush going into Jackson County Missouri which competes with St. Louis.

The reaction to the shooting of Jews in Overland Park in the the Kansas City metro is amusing, as the theme is  "We are better than this". Of course, rich people in Kansas are better than this, and that is why some jerks antagonized the person who became the Interstate Shooter on I 70, because rich people do not have to put on signal lights and can glare down their noses at white folks in camo, as they only have time to put coloreds on the leash to parade around as so many pets, for their little white daughters to f*ck just like Peggy Noonan and Ann Coulter were having a go with an Obama inflatable in their exclusive communities.

The amazing parts of this are is Obama is claiming his image is better than this too in folks can worship in peace gathered together........ah problem is these were geezer Jews and waiting for RIP, and one of them was a good Catholic...........of course no mention was made in this of Nevada ranchers having the right to graze in peace from the Obama regime's terrorists.

Even Eric office Space Holder has weighed in, in now  looking for hate crimes in this. "Watch it buddy", as  Eric Holder is about all that race hatred in shipping weapons to Mexican dope lords to murder people.

You have to wonder in this though just why is it, that a KKK, Kirkland Missouri, White Supremacist, just happened to go off on Jews.......just as Harry Reid was exposed with Obama Chicoms in that attempted assassination and cattle rustling from a Nevada rancher.

As Kansas Metro has what is called the Golden Ghetto. Prairie Village is mostly Jewish. Overland Park is gerrymandered for this. Yes Kansas was "Jew zoned" by law in the 1960's, and due to "Jewish" non association by Jewish prejudice who are rich is part of all of this as we all know Johnson County is better than this.
"Frazier Glen Cross" who was the shooter in this, has been posting about genocide of Jews for years apparently. No one in the regime had a problem with it, no more than the Obama regime has a problem with the genocide of blacks by Obama aborticides or the genocide of whites due to a Mexican invasion.

The shooter attacked geezer Jews as they were unarmed. If they were armed, he would not have attacked, but then when you are in a county which is better than the rest of fly over country, you are superior and no Fort Hood shootings ever take place, because you are a superior race, a master race, above all the lesser races like those in Wyandotte County which is where all "those" people exist who are not colored with money.

I have it on good authority in these Kansas City Concentration Camps, yes a concentration camp is where rich people have their own patrols to keep Wyandotte County trash out by very intimidating police, have Jews living in them, just like the Jews who sold poor Jews to the Nazi war machine as slave labor......just like the same rich people are selling Mexicans to slave labor in America today in the same champaign contracts.
Yes if you start driving around in those affluent communities, in not having a Johnson County tag, you will soon enough have a police cruiser on your bumper harassing you.  No one in this bothers to note that the Polish had a Jewish ghetto for poor people, but in Kansas City it is called  the Golden Ghetto as all of these people have just as much money as all the other rich black, Asian and white people.

It seems the Jewish center did not want other races or religions around. So they were concentrated there.
Shalom Village Retirement Center was the other location. Not the Peace Retirement Center. Apparently though the police were not too ready to respond in giving this shooter time for a two location shoot. Odd how the Johnson County better than others response did not notice this part....and the shooter was not shot by police.

It was 1 1/2 miles between the two ground zeroes, and the shooter was in his car in a school parking lot. He was approached by police who told him to surrender and he did.

So making a gulag of the rest of America as you rule from your Ivory Tower, in running off their cattle or shooting their non Obama voting Jews like Aaron Swartz or Andrew Breitbart, is a great deal a basis of this.
This is not some phrase like Johnson County spews now of "Right wing shooter" when this shooter is part of a movement that is leftist, as that is what a National Socialist is, as Hitler was a National Socialist, exactly like Obama is a National Socialist as was Woodrow Wilson exterminating German Christians as Franklin Roosevelt was exterminating German Christians, as FDR laughed at Joe Stalin stating he wanted 10 million German males exterminated a part as war booty.
Instead Stalin was allowed by Truman to mass rape and impregnate the females of East Germany in one of the worst crimes in history.
This is not some phrase of "poor Jews", but these are rich Jews who can like most of the people in Johnson County buy and sell 99% of other Americans, and do just that.

This shooter for once was not someone triggered by Eric Holder or the image of Obama. He is a crisis too good to waste as Rahm Emanuel revealed. He is a conversation changer away from trying to assassinate a Nevada Mormon Rancher and the theft of his 900 cattle by this regime.

When I first heard this news I inquired of the event as cut off from the internet, I wondered if this event was Obamachurian in attempting to hide the I 70 shooter in this Kansas Missouri Metro area, and the inquiry was still stating the I 70 shooters were black. New information points to the BATF knows  that the shooter is black, but they are not arresting these interstate shooters as it would reflect poorly on the Obama regime.
Get this correctly in this Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter. There is an operation in all this Jew shooting going on, in which the black shooter is going to be neutralized and replaced by a cookie cutter Oswald to fit the propaganda who is white military nuts. This Jew shooter threw a monkey wrench into the crisis too good to waste.

I really do not understand this, as Jews in mass like blacks voted for Obama twice. Obama told Jews to get nuked by Iran and then Obama would respond. I see nothing different in this between Obama and shooter, except Obama is for a nuclear holocaust, and with Ashkenaz John Kerry roughing up  Jews to embolden Muslims to shoot them, it just does not make a great deal of sense unless the shooter is going to be the next Democrat candidate to replace the Chinoid  Obama.

I still think about the Diaspora Dead in America, led by the assassination squads of Birther Hussein  Obama in Andrew Breitbart being the first Jew dispatched in Obama still has the edge on this shooter in Overland Part in a higher kill rate. Sorry that is Park, but the Holy Ghost was making a clever typo again as Kansas and Missouri are partitioned like South Africa and the Israeli state between rich and poor, and leftwing elite and right wing fodder.

So when it is the Golden Ghetto getting ploughed it is evil. When it is the Branch Davidians, Nevada ranchland, Ruby Ridge, Libya, Syria and Gush Katiff ploughed it is a good thing.
For those who do not know Gush Katiff, that was when William Clinton was having Jews thrown out under leftist Ehud Barak off their own land, using Russian Jews (Mark Levin and Michael  Savages progenitors) to beat the hell out of, abuse and remove Jews and turn them over to Philistines.

The Kansas City Concentration Camp is such an interesting rat farm and it is why I study Sodom County, which some astute person might now be thinking, "Yeah LC was talking about this area over a year ago before any of this happened......how did she know that this area was going to be an eruption point?"
The answer is Lame Cherry knows all by God's Grace.

I do have a solution in all of this though and in lieu of gold stars on Jews in the Kansas City Golden Ghetto, I advocate every Jews be mandated to carry around golden Uzi's. I advocate that every Jew must buy a gold plated Uzi, with gold plated bullets. This will stop the shooting of Jews in their Golden Ghettos while rich people in Johnson County tell the world they are a master race, when these lab rats were chosen for psychological conditioning to liberlize them.

This Jew shooting does not interest me, as one good Catholic bites the Rosary and no one cares as it is all Jews.  I would like to arm Catholics too.....give the poor ones Webley Revolvers and make the rich ones buy sawed off shotguns, as then when a left wing extremist goes on a Jew shoot, they will know that not seeing Uzi's, they have Catholics on their hands.
I am for arming all religions, the Lutherans can have Lugers and submachine guns. The Egyptians had that Hakim rifle and I think the Muslims should all have to carry Hakims. I think though to be democratic that the religious can apply for Freedom of Religion in getting a Thompson Submachine Gun if they would like to be American first.
I personally would like to carry a Tommy Gun, with a drum clip, perhaps a nice pink one, where I could have a Jimmy Cagney ammo pouch in pink with "You Dirty Rat" embroidered on the side.

There were 28 9 11 calls, 1:01 to 1:21 pm, and the worst of it was the vehicle was vehicular profiled.

Dr. William Corporan (grandfather)
Reat Underwood (grandson) (Pronounced REET I think as law enforcement calls it Rhett.) (ah Christian)
Teresia Terry Rhodes Hastings Romano, (the Catholic)

(The poor souls according to law enforcement in the wrong place at the wrong time.)

Frazier Glen Cross jr. 73 years old, aka Frazier Glen Miller, (the shooter)

(The guy according to law enforcement in the right places at the right times.)

This is a hate crime according to the FBI. I wonder then what a love crime is. A hate crime is trying to hurt someone with murder, arson, vandalism, motivated by bias, due to ethnicity and religion.
Apparently a love crime is trying not to hurt someone with murder, arson, vandalism, not motivated by bias, due to ethnicity and religion.

Apparently if you love murdering, torching and breaking things, not giving a thought to it, and doing it without race and creed, it is more acceptable in you get a better deal in prosecution, than if you accomplish murder, torching and breaking things due to race and religion.
If you love your work like Obama and the image do, then you get better treatment from the FBI.

One moment in this when Obama was flooding out white people in the Um Dakotas in the Missouri River flooding, why is that not a hate crime? They were targeted by Interior just like that white Mormon rancher in Nevada was targeted.

Ooooo, buddhists will all have to carry SKS rifles, Russian Orthodox AK 47's, an America hyphenated by guns in defining them.

The one bright spot in all of this is finally we know from Kansas City Johnson County media that Frazier Glen Cross had absolutely no association for familiarty with Johnson County and simply came there to shoot Jews. Thank Obamaness that Johnson County as a master race has not produced this Missourian, as Johnson county could not possibly in all their wealth and police state communities have any of this taking place.

It is instead why Johnson County Animal Damage Control raises coyotes and eagles to knowingly eat on the pets of citizens and why murder, rape, battery, narcotics trade, reported daily are just an illusion....as the master race is above all of this......Missouri stuff, as Johnson County is .......well above it all.

Ah, the inspiration for Frazier Cross was the group of Obama leftist Jews like Max Blumenthal who hate Neocon right wing Jews like William Krystol and are against them for their being against Hussein sounding named Barack Obama's image, according to Rush Limbaugh.
The primer for this rabid democrat from Missouri, were Obama leftist Jews who are backed by interests known as Ashkenaz George Soros.

"A Jew government tries to buy the US government for the Neo Cons away from Birther Hussein", that is what Frazier Cross, democratic candidate and admirer of Obama voter and writer, Max Blumenthal at Media Matters, was motivated by to shoot two Christians and one Jew.

I do not know if ADL, Southern Poverty Law Center (recently removed from the FBI information list) or Eric office space Holder is going to be arresting George Soros and Max Blumenthal, along with other Obama Jewish propandists who attack the Jewish state, Jewish leaders like Benjamin Netanyahu with the names "Neo  Cons", in the same way, they were arresting White Supremicists for inciting others to violence.

If you want the one person who is responsible for motivating Frazier Cross, it was "show the shoe bottom to Benjamin Netanyahu" Birther Hussein Obama.

That is the reality in this, in Johnson County Kansas mater race is not going to inform you of any of this, in it was Barack Hussein Obama, the leftist Jewish molotov mob and their fundmaster, Ashkenaz  George Soros who was behind stoking this democrat in Frazier Cross.

Makes it a bit more sticky now does it not eh, in the operation to set some white guy up for the  I 70 shootings, when that which is trending is a black couple.


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