As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Feckless is the defining word of the Obama regime's led parry to the Crimean vote to join Russia, and feckless is the word for the Obama regime's NATO threat concerning Russian provinces in Ukraine voting democratically to join Crimea in being part of the historic Russian empire.
It is completely reckless in Americans due to the Obama puppy press have not been educated that the Obama regime has just removed 50 ICBM's as nuclear deterrents to Russia, and now the regimes "lil napoleon" of the United States Air Force in NATO is threatening Moscow with troops on the Russian border.
This has all descended now to bad comedy like the American cinema in Dr. Strangelove, in the flap running NATO is a four star American General named BREEDLOVE.
Nice ass cheek sandwich there in you got Reggie Love, Obama Peace in the middle and General Breedlove on the other side cheek.
So you understand the reality of this, under Ronald Reagan, America had 400,000 Soldiers in NATO to deal with Soviet problems. Under B. Hussein Obama, that number is 40,000 in Germany with a few thousand more scattered to Italy and elsewhere.
This is not 40,000 fighting men, but loads of lesbians, mechanics, cooks, paper pushers who might as well be the Luxemborg army of fat frumpy dolts who are more of a threat to themselves than Russians.
It was weak to threaten Vladimir Putin with sanctions over Crimea citing "international law" and it is weak to threaten Vladimir Putin over the Ukraine with a NATO force which Putin could go through like shit through a goose in a day, while having nuclear bombs for phase two.
The reality is, I completely support Vladimir Putin in the rule of law. Crimea has just as much right to join Russia as Kosovo did. Russia has just as much right to protect her nationals in Ukraine as America did in bombing Serbians when Muslims wanted their own European state in Kosovo.
When the history of the Clinton War in Kosovo is stacked against the Putin diplomacy in Ukraine, Vladimir Putin is the moral authority in all of this, for it is the right of self determination of all people to decide who governs them and what government they live under.
If one examines Chechnya, the Russians had every right to war according to Abraham Lincoln sending in troops to the Confederacy to retain the South. Vladimir Putin has conducted himself under international law, and the Obama regime has been nothing but international lawlessness.
I will point this fact out again, as no one is arresting Barack Obama's image or Eric Holder as this is plunging out of control.
Do you want any Americans to die over Ukraine?
Do you want the chance of this going to a nuclear war over Ukraine?
I do not, and it has nothing to do with leaving Ukraine to be partitioned, but has to do with friction points and what is being engaged in, is not diplomacy but threat. That leads to war and WMD war.
I am completely for Vladimir Putin and the Russians in Ukraine by right voting to join their province to Russia, as this is what America and Europe did in stealing land from Christian Serbia for Muslim money by bombing Serbia.
Let us not deem the Ukrainians some victims in this. You realize that if they had Putin's nuclear arsenal and shock troops, they would have already smashed the Russians, taken Crimea back with slaughter, and rolled into Moscow to hang Putin. That is what having force does. In knowing that, Vladimir Putin has restrained himself well.
In stating I am for Mr. Putin in this and Russian self determination, I will make the correct diplomatic policy known to not assist this Obama thuggery of the anti Christ sect, but to educate you that in all of this feckless Obamaness, there is at least one mind capable of Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan astute action without John Kennedy blowing up the world over a Cuban Missile Crisis.
What should have been done is simple. There is that Obama rent a mob in Europe and America on the same Sal Alinsky peaceniks of the 1960's. An astute leader would have flown in 10,000 of these flower children, with flowers, and started them off to stick flowers down AK 47 rifle barrels in Ukraine and Crimea.
Get it all on YouTube digitals, and then have them lock arms with flowers in their hair, little children on their backs, and march in peace toward that Russian quick strike army, singing, "All we are saying, is give peace a chance".
The Russians protecting themselves in Crimea look like thugs, and if Mr. Putin tries to protect his Russian border from flower children, he looks like an iron fist. That is what Nixon and Reagan would have done, in an international group fudged with a hell of alot of Chicom babies to put a real friction in there if the Russians go Spez on the petal brains.
That is how the Continentalist Party led by Lame Cherry would have handled this, but then the Continentalist Party would not have been butchering the world for a Neo Roman empire the way Obama has for two terms, in placing Mr. Putin into the situation he is winning at.
Wow, Lame Cherry policy in no sanctions hurting working people and no NATO to have American cities vaporized by nuclear bombs. Just flowers and Obama idiots doing what they do best.
That is the way an adult would conduct foreign policy, but then I would be conducting a Christian policy as Mr. Putin is and not a sodomite policy as Mr. Obama Jinn is, as .......that is what this all about is anal rape of Russians.
If Sec of State John Kerry was interested in putting his diplomacy where his mouth was, he could take Mr. Obama Jinn's 900 Hague followers and set them into Russian Ukraine and put their lives on the line, and tell Mr. Putin, the line is drawn here, and you are responsible for our safety as these Russians in revolt here in Ukraine are your people. We get hurt, and this goes nuclear.
Then Mr. Putin has to contend with a Russian people asking is Ukraine worth eating nuclear warheads, which Obama is reducing in numbers stupidly.
This is the precarious time for Mr. Putin. If his FSB is operational, I would send in 2000 Speznat with special anti tank, rpg and sniper capabilities, with demolitions to be known as Ukraine Freedom Fighters, to bloody any Ukrainian military action so thoroughly it would never attempt it again. Then I would leave the vote take place so those provinces would be annexed as Crimea was.
As Mr. Putin has been playing this perfectly for months in a long range strategy, I suspect he has the best possibility of success.
A successful Putin as protector of Christians and a refuge from the anti Christ, is a good thing for the world, and will save hundreds of millions of lives. The danger is at this point in Obamalove striking Russia and Russia slashing into Europe. The Bible does not address this at this time, but the feckless reality of the Obama regime with European regimes in instigating all of this over Syria is part of the worthless foreign policy of the west for the past decades.
I have said enough on this.
Today there are about 67,000 American troops in Europe, including 40,000 in Germany, with the rest scattered mostly in Italy and Britain. The Air Force has some 130 fighter jets, 12 refueling planes and 30 cargo aircraft.
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PARIS (AP) -- NATO's top military commander in Europe, drafting countermoves to the Russian military threat against Ukraine, said Wednesday they could include deployment of American troops to alliance member states in Eastern Europe now feeling at risk.
U.S. Air Force Gen. Philip Breedlove told The Associated Press he wouldn't "write off involvement by any nation, to include the United States."
Foreign ministers of the 28-nation alliance have given Breedlove until Tuesday to propose steps to reassure NATO members nearest Russia that other alliance countries have their back.
"Essentially what we are looking at is a package of land, air and maritime measures that would build assurance for our easternmost allies," Breedlove told the AP. "I'm tasked to deliver this by next week. I fully intend to deliver it early."
Asked again if American soldiers might be sent to NATO's front-line states closest to Russia, the four-star U.S. general said, "I would not write off contributions from any nation."
In March, Russian troops took control of Ukraine's Crimean Peninsula, whose inhabitants then voted in a referendum to secede and join Russia. The U.S. and other Western countries have accused Moscow of massing troops on Ukraine's border to maintain the pressure on the government in Kiev, and possibly for military use.
Speaking at the end of a NATO conference in Paris, Breedlove told the AP the Russian armed presence near Ukraine's frontier continues unabated.
To illustrate his point, the general's staff provided the AP with a set of commercial satellite photographs they said showed Russian warplanes, combat helicopters, armor, artillery and a probable airborne or special forces brigade deployed in locations east of the Ukraine-Russian border, including along the coastline of the Sea of Azov.
A defense analyst at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a Washington-based think tank, reviewed the satellite images and said the forces depicted in them don't appear to be involved in training exercises.
They appear to be "in combat readiness," Anthony Cordesman said.
But he said it's unclear from the images how much of a buildup of Russian forces there has been in the border area.
"They show there is a mixture of light and heavy forces and that they could go quickly" if ordered into Ukraine, and that they include forces to provide air mobility, according to Cordesman. "But that's all they show," he said.
The commercial provider of the photographs, DigitalGlobe, said they were taken in late March.
"What we see there is a force of about 40,000," Breedlove said. "I would characterize it as a combined arms army. In other words, this is an army that has all of the provisioning and enablers that it needs to accomplish military objectives if given them."
The Russians' assets include fixed and rotary wing aircraft, artillery, field hospitals, communications and jamming gear, he said.
Kremlin objectives remain unclear, the NATO commander said. The force could stand pat and intimidate Ukraine solely by its presence, drive south to create a land bridge with Crimea, push along the Black Sea coast to the Ukrainian port city of Odessa and the largely Russian Trans-Dniester enclave of Moldova, or invade other areas of eastern Ukraine where ethnic Russians are demanding unity with Russia, he said.
However the Russian contingent might ultimately be used, it's "ready to go essentially at command. We talk about inside of 12 hours," Breedlove said.
NATO has already reinforced its Baltic air patrols and is performing daily AWACs surveillance flights over Poland and Romania. Breedlove said he has already received enough pledges of maritime assets from NATO member states to carry out beefed-up maritime operations through the end of the year.
"The tougher piece is, how do we do the assurance piece on the land," the general said. "Because these are measures which are more costly (and) if not done correctly, might appear provocative. And everything we are trying to do in the air, on the ground and at sea we are trying to completely characterize as defensive in nature."
"There is not a shortage of what we can use. It's how do we use this in a measured way that indicates defensive capability so that we don't provoke. And that's what we will be working on," Breedlove said before departing for NATO's military headquarters near Mons, Belgium