For whatever reasons the Spirit moves one, I was moved to look up my school mates and even though an evening has passed, I am still unsettled over it all as it seems just one gaping wound.
It seems that two obnoxius fat girls who did not comprehend watch a washing machine was are the ring leaders of this page on Facebook. I still can see their glowing sheen of dirty jeans from some type of Walmart painted onto their bodies. It is not that they were anything heinous, it is just the one told me I had a booger in my nose in front of a group of people and I just never quite liked that and the other I can still see their pig pen lawn covered with junk as being good Catholics they bred like rabbits.
The booger girl had just died from cancer, which was indeed horrid, but it was puzzling in the nice things people were saying about her in how everyone elevates in death beyond obnoxious booger girl.
I observe things in forensic psychology and that is what probably bothers me most as I read these people as I do all people. I see the signs of former beauty queens posting religious stuff, pink nipple stuff for cancer and children stuff. Someone has a great deal of pain going on in their inner soul, putting up photos of serene waters, and no photos of husbands nor mention of them while still married.
I know the photo of the serene waters. It was a place of a family cabin long ago. Strange how the looking across the waters into the distance is wanting a happy childhood past or yearning to be in some future tense now that life is all gone in the present.
I see things unpleasant and know what these children are talking of.
Oddly I saw people, I had no idea who they were. Some I did know and they were not even in my mates class. That is odd to me, in people so needing to be a part of something in their childhood, that they seek out anything remotely close to just be in that arena again.
Oh to be children, now that independence is here and they so long to be dependent again.
I did not see a great deal of spouse things, not a great deal about children and grandchildren. Some divorces I did appreciate as I could never figure out why some nice girl married a complete ass. It was nice of them to divorce though so I no longer have to be irked over that.
I do think that most of them have grown up to be nice enough people. The booger girl at least died before Obamacare killed her. I see their sadness though. Guys into camping and wildlife as they have no place in life. Guys with huge fish to present their accomplishment in bachelorhood. Guys just sitting older in a chair on the coast probably still married to a woman on the coast of the same school who is probably sitting alone too.
I wonder of the ones not up there like me, either who do not care or are too stupid to find a webpage. I swore in school that I would never go to a reunion as I hated school so very much. I never liked these people in the least and that is perhaps what bothers me most is it makes me sad as I expected more in they should have been happy.
In looking at them, I was humbled in how good God is to me, in I have TL and a life ahead of me, and all of these people have had their life and it is all in ruin.
Sure there was the hose beast. All grinning and looking old with a cake of mascara, with her best friend daughter or something at a professional sporting event and other things, not willing to make the effort to go to the funeral of booger girl and asking if others are going to make the effort.
The hose beast of course is like many who grin, but are still the soulless things I detested as a child in all the hurt they caused, and no one bothers yet in politeness to tell the hose beast off with a line of, "Hose beast, we nominate you to be our official school representative of the funeral."
I only saw one jock there, and he had his clutter of family all smiling about him. He was a nice enough jock I suppose, but even in the appendages is defines all he is. It is one of the secrets of photos in watch what people have about them, are hiding behind or holding up. Pictures tell so much what is in them by the emptiness inside of the person.
The hose beast defines herself as having so much fun, but is miserable and sees the defintion of status in attending a professional sporting event. Beauty queens have placid waters they yearn for and hide behind, as they are not wide as they are tall. Even clergy have photos of no wives, but children and aging parents in just wanting to be looked at to just convince themselves of how wonderful their lives really are.........that they are telling themselves as they wonder if this is all life is.
Oddly, I appear the most famous, most successful and most popular girl. I built a publishing empire, re defined net speak, and have had John McCain and Sarah Palin parroting me, Rush Limbaugh plagiarizing me and Birther Hussein growing a bitchin' beard for me as Muchelle showed us her panties........certainly have the biggest file from a host of intelligence agencies of the lot of them.
Yes none of them like most have never had the shadowlands discussing and reviewing if they should be assassinated. I wonder if it would be assassinated, but I suppose it is, as my federally employed cousin once said, "Regular people get murdered while the famous get assassinated."
I guess being famous puts me in the assassination category. Oh for the marks of success in life, I do not attend professional sporting events, but the regime does make the most dangerous game of me.
I behold these people in this thing called life, and see them as shredded as most people are. They are losers and so wanting identity. I could care less about fame and the glam, and is why I shun it. I would rather converse with someone not famous as someone who is famous.
What I am still comprehending is I may be poor for now, but I have a life like most of you. It may not be picket fence pretty, but it is certainly better than what the lot you went to school with.
As I will deem my rats in the maze a case study in the graduating class from Gestapo High, this would project out just what kind of shattered nation America is and every western people. These were children raised in a Christian community and the Mockingbird and MK ULTRA savaged the majority of them.
It really sucks to be worm food and your obituary lists your dog as one of your friends or your greatest joy in life is a barbie doll at your birthday like when you were 5.
It all would be better if I had any satisfaction in this being revenge or if when someone died that I prayed for their family and absolutely did not care the person was dead. All this is though is a gaping wound in hope gone with people lying to themselves in wasting more time in not building a life as God intended. As garbage as you think your life is, you have a shop of treasures compared to what these other people have.
I conclude having my own escheleon archive and assassination flags, beats the hell out of what these other people are trying to convince themselves is life. Guess that is why God made me the popular girl.