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Just Assisting


My children, Infowars has the angle on this and there is no need to expand upon the reality which has taken place across these United States in BLM land grabs to the raising of dangerous predators as was done in South Dakota and Wyoming to slaughter bambi and thumper.

What is of effect in this is what I was going to publish from Thomas Paine's work Common Sense, in which the Americans of 1776 were deliberately set up to revolt, so the King George Regime would crack down and confiscate all the American property.

I am convinced someone is again ramping things up for a revolt either before the cartel revalues the dollar down to steal your savings in order to crush the people with fear as was done in Waco, OKC and Ruby Ridge or is gearing this up to a 2015 operation when the real economic rapine would be engaged.

The cartel has all of these scenarios war programed out. They are spiking fuel prices for a reason. This attack on Mormon Bundy is not by accident, and is beyond a land grab for his quarter section of sand.

Nevada is the West yet, and they have people there of Lexington type, unlike most of America. If this goes some place, just remember you are not leading this, but someone is wanting this eruptions for the same purposes that King George thought he could win easy in America and crush all descent.
That is the history and the connect the dots.

I apologize for not being on this, but I do not have internet access and I can not keep on things without some rich person stepping up with that 350,000 donation.

Someone though wants what is taking place to take place now. If this starts, Americans are going to have to prosecute this in all 50 states or they will be prosecuted in all 50 states. This starts be aware the regime will fight back with all they have to murder each of you without quarter just as King George unleashed scorched earth, gang rape and murder on Americans.

I place below the post I just completed earlier today as an understanding of this. This is not just about taking American land as that has been going on for a generation. This is about someone spiking this now and a Waco or Ruby Ridge slaughter or a militia slaughter of the police state so they can then come after you, just like in 1776.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It is interesting in the regimes in America, as of late the Obama regime, seem intent on placing people on terror watch lists and by ability making a select few go insane in attacking some place of congregation.

The history of this is in Thomas Paine's Common Sense in Lord North's proposal to the Colonies of February 20th, 1775 as a remedy, but before it could be placed before the Colonies in May, on April 19th, 1775, General Gage had opened the attack on Americans.

As Thomas Paine ponders the subject, England started the war in thinking they could seize all property as William the Conqueror of Normandy seized all English lands in 1066.

The punchline of this all is after the Paine quote:

"It ought to be remembered, that the first petition from the Congress was at this time unanswered on the part of the British king. That the motion, called Lord North's motion, of the 20th of February, 1775 , arrived in America the latter end of March. This motion was to be laid, by the several governors then in being, before, the assembly of each province; and the first assembly before which it was laid, was the assembly of Pennsylvania, in May following.

This being a just state of the case, I then ask, why were hostilities commenced between the time of passing the resolve in the House of Commons, of the 20th of February, and the time of the assemblies meeting to deliberate upon it? Degrading and famous as that motion was, there is nevertheless reason to believe that the king and his adherents were afraid the colonies would agree to it, and lest they should, took effectual care they should not, by provoking them with hostilities in the interim.

They had not the least doubt at that time of conquering America at one blow; and what they expected to get by a conquest being infinitely greater than any thing they could hope to get either by taxation or accommodation, they seemed determined to prevent even the possibility of hearing each other, lest America should disappoint their greedy hopes of the whole, by listening even to their own terms."

I listen to the city as I am imprisoned in this asphalt desert. I have listened to it by degree over the past years and I have heard something in it that I have not noticed previously. My ears bring to me sounds of affluence at all hours not working, but a rise in the gunning of engines and the deep rumble of loud pipes. In forensic psychology, one makes statements as such because it is an elixir and a venting of frustration in the need for power in feeling helpless.
It is why Southerners are drawn to NASCAR as they have been made poor so long since the Civil War.

Something has changed in a key element of society in both male and female and they are on edge.

Lord North sent General Gage by the King to disarm the Americans, knowing this would have them reject the terms and bring about the war.

The city is growling and someone is making it do this for reason.

The Europeans plundered Asia until no more money existed. Then they brought the plunder of tea to America to tax the Americans, and when America refused to be robbed, the pretext was made to cause a rebellion where America could then be plundered and end all further protests.

Someone knows the city is growling, because someone has a new Asian product taxing America in Barack Hussein Obama's image.

Do you not see what is patterning, if you are deaf to the animals growling around you.

agtG 249

The EPA is in the process, right this very minute, of seizing control over all private land in the United States. They are following the United Nations blueprint, their minion Gina McCarthy is implementing it, and B. Hussein Obama is facilitating it.
Anywhere in America where it rains or where water collects or through which water moves will now, according to this new rule change they are implementing, be under their control. Not because Congress or the people give them that authority or jurisdiction, but simply because they are seizing the power. It is just another component of the illegitimate tyranny which is oppressing the American people.
On Tuesday the agency which operates as the misnamed Environmental Protection Agency unveiled their proposed change to the Clean Water Act, which would extend their regulatory control to temporary wetlands and waterways.
This definition consists of any water, including seasonal ponds, streams, runoff and collection areas and irrigation water. It could include runoff from watering your lawn, or puddles on your own property. They will control the presence of and can prohibit through regulation, your right to the water and your actions regarding water upon your own land. The opportunities for their abuse would be limitless.
Louisiana Senator David Vitter, the ranking Republican on the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, offered an understated precautionary objection stating, “The ... rule may be one of the most significant private property grabs in U.S. history.”
The EPA proposal would extend their authority to include “pollution regulations” to “intermittent and ephemeral streams and wetlands” – which are created temporarily during wet seasons or following rainfall.
Recognize this for what it is America; The EPA is giving themselves legal jurisdiction to replace our rights with their permissions anywhere it rains or water exists.
They are expanding the same kind of California fish-based drought or Nevada tortoise land restrictions or Oregon spotted owl tyranny to every square inch of the United States.
The EPA is asserting that all ground water, whether temporary or not and regardless of size is part of the “waters of the United States.”
Their position is in contradiction to the Supreme Court rulings in 2001 and 2006, restricting the EPA to flowing and sizeable, “relatively” permanent bodies of water such as “oceans, rivers, streams and lakes.” Of course, progressives just keep trying until they get what they want, and they never have enough.
The proposed rule change is now in a 90 day comment period during which they will assess just how much they can get away with, based upon public outcry and pushback.
Senator Vitter accused the EPA of “picking and choosing” their science and of attempting to “take another step toward outright permitting authority over virtually any wet area in the country.” He also warned that if approved, more private owners could expect to be sued by “environmental groups.”
Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) shares Vitter’s concerns, warning of potential economic damage and questioning the EPA’s motivations.
She said, “[I]t appears that the EPA is seeking to dramatically expand its jurisdictional reach under the Clean Water Act. If EPA is not careful, this rule could effectively give the federal government control of nearly all of our state.
Of course, that is exactly what they are after, as well as 49 other states and territories.

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