As another Rush Hudson Limbaugh III tax dodge exclusive.
I harp on the rich in their hypocrisy as while they tell you how wonderful they are, they just seem to forget to mention their generosity benefits them.
Rush Limbaugh, yearly does a donationthon for Lukemia Lymphoma Society like the Marine Cripple Group. This year the lovely Gwenyth Elton Blonde who Limbaugh is wed to, as we know that she looks just like Gwenyth Paltrow as Limbaugh has told us......frankly the lovely Catherine looks like Ann Coulter who looks like an opium hotel whore, but then Obama does have that voting block allure.
The donation Limbaugh and the Mrs. made was 500,000 dollars as a salting the donation mine.
Limbaugh makes a great deal of scorn upon other entertainers for saying, "My time is my donation", but he never reveals that an entertainer gets paid a great deal of money for an appearance which is probably tax deductable, meaning that comes off their tax bill as a rich person, meaning it goes on your tax bill.
We do not know if Rush Limbaugh in his appearance takes that off too as part of his "donation" as we just do not know if he is double dipping as he never mentions the depths of his "donations", if it includes the entire day for the EIB staff, including ordering out lobster that three hours or just what is a part of this "donation" to not pay taxes which you are paying.
Oh I suppose you think that you do not really pay Limbaugh taxes for him, but yet you do, as all of those low interest rates on savings accounts in banks are low, due to all that massive debt which the regimes rack up. All that inflation is due to this and all of those bribes to Welfare Street and Wall Street Welfare are because Rush Limbaugh and his General Electric are not paying their taxes.
You have to understand the money laundering which the regime and Limbaugh are involved in. Limbaugh owes 500,000 more in taxes, but the regime allows to specific "charities" which are all set up by lawyer lobbies and medical lobbies, where their employees earn huge fees working for these "charities".
So the regime allows that 500,000 dollar deduction, meaning it comes back as 500,000 in Chinese debt with bondage interest, that busy Chicom PLA nuclear missiles aimed at American cities.
Limbaugh says, 150,000 Americans get blood cancer every 4 minutes and 50,000 people died last year. This is after 24 years of millions of dollars in donations. "More" people are now surviving, no are living now due to these donations and medical advances.
Acccording to Limbaugh 1.4 million people or something get this blood cancer every year. That would mean in 24 years, that is 33.6 million Americans now have blood cancer............
Ah so even with deaths, that means 1/10th of the US population has leukemia?
That means 1 out of 30 people you know has blood cancer. I do not know anyone with blood cancer in hundreds of people, and I would bet that you do not either.
I do not discount that the medical ghouls have not been creating diseases to profit off of and many people are being made ill. What I do discount is the numbers, because if you talk to diabetes people, MS people, Susie K people, stroke people etc.... and they will all be taking so many millions out of the population that when the numbers are added up, there is not a healthy person in America.
So what does 500, 000 dollars get Limbaugh besides the tax dodge? It would buy 5 "researchers" who get paid 100,000 dollars a year. They work about 200 days a year out of 365, getting all holidays, weekends and vacation weeks off. The days are 9 o'clock, to a break at 10 to an hour for lunch to a break at 2 to starting to look at Etsy sites around 4 o'clock as 5 o'clock is quitting time.
Oh I forgot to mention that labs or universities usually have students doing the head lopping off of mice of thing in the real work.
Sorry Limbaugh was terrifying parents just now in leukemia kills more children under the age of 20 than all other cancers because BAM it just pops up. Yes it is because they are testing the regeneration process in children via bone marrow and auto immune responses to "longevity tree of life" testing, so that when the elite get a 666 tattoo on their head, their white blood cells do not eat their tongue and eyes out.....but I digress.
Point is initiated cancers take time to develop once they are injected in to a human body in most types as the body fights them off, until like anthrax a weakness occurs. Children are best utilized in this macabre spectre in leukemia types.
Wonderful that Donald Trump just donated 25,000 dollars to leukemia society........all before tax filing reminders to sucker people for 2015 tax filings.
There is money in disease and that is why the medical group never cures people, and pushes "treatments" on them in pill popping. I use the March of Dimes as an example, and older people will remember those little white cards set up in stores for their dimes, as there just had to be a cure for what was it? Polio or something?
Yeah Jonas Saulk or whatever his name was found the cure in about 5 years, but a generation later you still got the March of Dimes from an era when a dime would buy you a heck of alot of candy. Charities and disease never are allowed to go away, because alot of people get paid huge amounts of money like in global warming to do nothing, but BAM scare people to give they are terrorized by the IRS and contemplating all irate over what taxes they just got stuck with and factor in that money will get off their taxes next year and make them all smile.
Hey suck it you people who are out of work and can not afford it, because as Rush Limbaugh repeats like a Ken Doll, "those people are EATING all the time!!!!!!".
Limbaugh can run 15 to 20 percent ahead every year in donations, and yet just like his book sales, or Jerry Lewis telethons, the donations are already in the bank before the event takes place, and the half brains of Rush Limbaugh's audience think it is they who are making the donations in millions of dollars.
Have you ever seen a Limbaugh book for kids? Have you seen some blood cancer patient laying dead in the Walmart? Have you ever met someone with a Limbaugh t shirt from donating money?
Answer No, No, No.
I in no way discount crippled Soldiers or Americans suffering from blood cancer. I just detest hypocrisy. I know that Soldiers have massive benefits packages paid for by tax payers, just like the government dumps huge revenues into all of these "research" groups via universities or foundations.
I would bet that a cure for most cancers which are known would happen in 5 years, if you actually passed a law that all researchers who took money for their projects would be executed in 5 years if a cure was not found.
Rush Limbaugh says he is under a great deal of pressure to ask people for money.......and as he says, he does not want people asking him for money. I would though knowing how plotting Limbaugh is, just like his "black" Beau is on staff like his Jewish friend in Levin gets to pee in the Limbaugh jet, are all part of a scheme like his book selling, for public relations.
There is a warning flag in this though, that Limbaugh keeps harping about the poor people in fleecing them of a 5 dollar donation, as "it adds up". That means as people "answer the bell" like Pavlov's Dog, that is Limbaugh's own verbiage, in he knows in his Big Frac Koch backers in how bad things are in America, in no one has the money in those "people who eat every day" in the big donations any longer.
I can tell you that if Jesus does not come back, that in 50 years, the same people ranting about climate change will bring doom in 10 years and the same researchers will be screaming for donations to cure something that is just around the corner.
Limbaugh is "giving" away his merchandise to donors, which is of course free advertising as part of the Limbaugh scheme to always enhance his market share. Again all tax deductions which are pointing more Chicom nuclear missiles at a city you are in, all tax deductions which are inflating oil prices to fund oil terrorists in Muslim lands and all tax deductions so the American economy stays in the Obama Super Depression.
There is no money in curing anything, so nothing is ever cured, just like wars crop off the dolts who go off to fight for the cartel in thinking they are fighting for America.
Where is the death tally from the Obama KIA's daily harped upon by Rush Limbaugh as he is such a Marine loyalist? Never hear about that, no more than his digging into just how much bang donors get for their buck, as this is not about a cure, but about public relations and a tax deduction, just like every donation from the rich is as it allows them to keep more money from the IRS and you to pay more in your daily lives.
This is an issue with me suffering in health as I do without medical care. It is an issue as Rush Limbaugh plagiarized ideas here and from others who contacted him, and he never acknowledged nor paid for them. Limbaugh is nothing but a scheme using kickbacks, tax deductions which has deprived numbers of Conservative personalities from making a living as his EIB charity has sucked up hundreds of millions of dollars which would employ them.
That 500,000 dollar Limbaugh donation is money stolen from poor people who would not be getting blood cancer if they were not gridlock guinea pigs of this entire corrupt system.
Limbaugh is a subsidy of the cartel paid for in your pennies stolen from you.
Odd how poor people not having jobs and "eating every day" are railed against by Limbaugh, but a Tim from Mt. Vernon Missouri taking a 14,000 dollar bag of mice blood pills as his "treatment" for leukemia has Limbaugh imploring listeners about donating "so Tim can live".
Yes would we not all want to live plagiarists paid their bills.
nuff said