Editors Note: You read too much my children, so this will suffice you. As for the people who have not donated, this is all you get to read for the next year. You can read it daily until you memorize it completely and can recite it without error, as all you do is exist in thievery and error.
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Thomas Paine penned the American Crisis, in his first of 13 articles, upon the retreat of General Washington and the Continental Army across the Delaware.
The first quote is well known in, "These are the times which try men's souls."
The second quote though is the one of substance, for it is the line in the sand between FREEDOM and SLAVERY. No people are free if they are taxed without representation, but when they are bound as wards of the regime, then they become slaves.
"It would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated. Britain, with an army to enforce her tyranny, has declared that she has a right (not only to TAX) but "to BIND us in ALL CASES WHATSOEVER," and if being bound in that manner , is not slavery, then is there not such a thing as slavery upon earth. Even the expression is impious; for so unlimited a power can belong only to God.
Thomas Paine
It was the clever ruse in 1776 to tell the American colonist they had rights as a British subject when they had none. It is the same ruse employed in 21st century America in the Citizen is told they have rights by taxation with representation, when that representation has criminalized every American in Obamacare taxes which are not a Boston Tea consumed but a rationed death mandated to every soul.
With the sealing lock of Patriot Act and the iron cell of Homeland with the NSA nightmare upon every slumbering hour, the American Citizen is not a Citizen but a prisoner in the gulag of the police state, for in the 21st century having commited the same crime which King George sentenced all to death over in being a person known as an American.
When you are a ward of the state from Wall Street Welfare to Welfare Street, when the pluribus is criminalized for simply being, illegally Homeland searched and seized, illegally NSA quartering the state in their every home and car to the clarion phrase, Give me Obamcare is to ration me death!", America of 1776 which ignited a revolution against tyranny was a spark, while America in the 21st century is a solar nuclear inferno radiating in super nova against the darkness of treacherous despots in 50 state capitals and 1 national Capitol offense in the homicide against every American.
Americans have not rights. Americans have no Constitution. Americans have no America. All Americans have are their criminal papers termed laws, their fines in estate taxes, income taxes, excise taxes and Obamacare taxes to lease them an existence in the chains and shackles of a gulag called America.
This has all been by design. It has wrenched from the fountain of Liberty all the children and made them the inmates of the despots possession.
This is not America. This is not a time of sunshine patriot nor summetimer soldier, but a graveyard of ghouls making a corpse of each prisoner.
1776 was not about taxation with out representation in Boston Tea, but about the entire people being enslaved. The 21st century has taxation with representation and Americans have been enslaved again. That is the issue and always has been the issue in FREEDOM and LIBERTY are not numbers in an account book of revenues to the state, but FREEDOM AND LIBERTY are about the issue of the Right of the American not to be infringed upon nor enslaved by any state.
For so unlimited a power can not be held by any government, regime or person in condemning who is slave and who is free, FOR SO UNLIMITED POWER CAN ONLY BELONG TO GOD.