As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Rush Hudson Limbaugh once again missed the story concering the Pater Pope coming out in strong denouncement of sodomy, in marriage being the Genesis of God between a man and a woman.
Limbaugh focuses on this as a Pater and homophobia, when the correct political focus in this is, the history that the Pater in Brazil said that sodomy was a godly thing.
How does a Pater Pope go from feces scented penis at the beginning of his reign and now something has put all that platex vagina smell and excrement penis scent back into the closet of Rome.
What could have changed in this? Limbaugh noted that Obama had made a visit, but why would two men who agreed on sodomy and goremorrah, yes I mean goremorrah, suddenly make a split?
This is why you need the unscripted Inspiration here to explain this, as the one event which took place was Russian Orthodox disciple President Vladimir Putin came out protecting marriage, children from sodom adoption and Crimea from the anti Christ, being adored by Slavs and Americans, who now according to Pat Buchanan, have listed Russia as the first defender of all Christian morals.
That is the key in this. Vladimir Putin becoming a Cyrus in the hand of God against the anti Christ and anti Messiah has become the Protector of the Faith, and to this the Pater Pope whose selection of German and Italian leaders is setting the stage for the anti Christ to come to power in Europe, is now having to react to Mr. Putin in trying to wrench back hundreds of millions of moral people from the Russian leadership.
That is what is behind all of this. Mr. Putin has made Mr. Pater change his false doctrine in line with all the change the Obama regime believes in.
This is a very telling moment in history in the Prince of the Russian Orthodox Church has just forced the Pater of Rome back into the closet.
I have an Inspired warning for the American sinner and it is no longer view events from Americancentric view, as Mr. Obama's image has destroyed America Exceptionalism and Leadership, so other dominant leaders have emerged and they are reacting off the most dominant man in the world in Vladimir Putin.
I call your attention to the Bible as the Book reveals exactly the glue which holds the anti Christ Neo Roman Empire together, and that is the Catholic religion as the Holy Roman Empire was held together by one common allegeance. That is the iron for this miry clay of the 10 toes or 10 nations of this empire.
Vladimir Putin is become the cohesion of morality, and the world population faced with sodomy or morality, is going to group behind Mr. Putin, especially in Europe than behind new sodomite religion of the Pater and the anti Christ.
The Pater had to make this move, as he was about to have left 10 Vatican type city states to make an empire from to lead the world to Armageddon.
Amazing is it not in Putin did have to go to Rome like Paul to bring the Gospel. It is still my prayer that Vladimir Putin is kept safe for Christ's purposes and not end up crucified by Rome as Paul was.
This was the large news of the year in Vladimir Putin converted the Pater, because the Pater was in danger of losing his grip on the Roman Catholic Faithful. This is the oldest fear of the Vatican in the Eastern Church of Christ absorbing the Western of Rome in leadership.
The Pater doing this reveals that Vladimir Putin's greatest gambit was not Crimea, but Vladimir Putin promoting Biblical Law has drawn to him the world Faithful, as no other leader in this world is uttering one syllable concerning being a faithful servant of Christ.
That is the correct assessment of this event which all of you missed again as it is left to this blog to keep pulling you back from the abyss of ignorance.
It occurs to me now that the regime and the non donors with money have imprisoned me as Paul at Rome. Inspired the expanded New Testament is produced in these chains. I doubt I will be crucified as that would cause too much attention on what takes place here, but I see now the reasoning of Paul being crucified and Joan of Arc going to the stake, as freeing the Spirit is the emancipation yearned for.
nuff said
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