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bloody scalp


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter......

I contemplate sometimes how ignorant people really are who claim they are so informed. For example, I could post here a story about someone throwing down a pile of bloody scalps they had taken off of Indians, and none of you would be in the least aware of what was wrong with that simple phrase due to your ignorance.

Some people might wonder how it is Lame Cherry knows all of the things she knows. Some might be afraid to even ponder that, but I will explain a few things as in a world of coming hundreds of millions of Christian martyrs, I would not desire my children or the brats who do have not been forced to donate yet by God, to look stupid.

If you were ever in a location, where someone threw down a pile of bloody scalps before you, you would being informed of this just naturally sneer at the novice who did this, as when one takes a scalp, an expert would never have taken a bloody one.
A scalp must be clean and the only way one gets a bloody scalp is by cutting the scalp off. To obtain a scalp cleanly, one takes their scalping knife, and slices through the skin an area about the size of your fist, to give a nice sized scalp.
This accomplished, you put your knife into your sheath, and then place your foot onto the back of the neck and with both hands, wound into the hair, give a quick sharp snap upward, which pops the scalp loose from the skull, cleanly with no blood.

If you want these for presentation, one gains a willow twig and forms a hoop, as one does for beaver pelts, and then one stitches the scalp into the hoop to dry. The stitching if one is being "green" can come from the leather of the human back in one just slices not too deeply (another expert observation) as one does not want fat nor meat on your human leather, else it will rot and rot your taken scalp, and pull off some strips, roll it length wise (another expert observation for strength) and then stitch it up.
If one has time, they can brain tan Indian style in bashing open the skull, taking out the brain and rubbing it into the scalp leather, and then smoking it, to ward off insects from eating the scalp. This will preserve the hair from falling out.
In a pinch for time, one can just salt the scalp for raw hide.
Of course on braids the scalp, and perhaps obtains some ring from the enemy and pounds it flat to secure the end of the braid, as this makes nice ornament, and nothing is more unsightly than rat's nest hair in scalps.

So if one observes a bloody scalp, one observes a novice and then looks with contempt at such an unartistic performance.

It is like after 9 11, when some intelligence officer told George W. Bush, that they would put the terrorist's heads on pikes. This is something again one must guard against in novices as all of this can go wrong, and with Christian heads on pikes, in numbers in the end times, it would be necessary to educate the surviving masses on pike etiquette.

For pikes you need a pole not too large, and it must be sharpened on both ends. One requires a pike about seven feet long, as it must be in the ground about 1 foot to stabilize the presenation, and in this, skulls below eye level are not as effective, nor skulls too high where only God can see them.
If one has for example basketball players, one would have to adust to an 8 foot pike, and this too depends on ground conditions in too soft of soil would require a longer pike, and too hard of soil has no value as the pike would splinter or dull in trying to pound it in, and then resharpening, you would loosen the pike from the soil and it would all fall down when the head was put on it.
The head is even a thing of proper etiquette, as one can not have too much neck meat as much as too little, which makes the head look odd. That pike has to be driven up into the  soft palate and into the brain for effective mounting.
So the expert has a metal bar they produce the hole with first, before even going near the pike. Of course this means not putting the head on a pavement or rock, as that would skuff it up, nor in dirt as no one wants dirty hair on a pike head, as this is all about the effect of the presentation.
Think of it, if you had heads on pikes and they were dirty, or worse yet, they were kilted off to the side. Your victims would lose all respect for you, as it would mean you have no idea what you are doing. Pike heads must be straight, the pikes in line and one must march captives through them to get to the leader or it loses all effect.

I must add also that in pike heads, males are the best, but an ugly woman as well as a pretty woman can have effect thrown in, but you do not want all women as that just makes you look wimpish.
One should have stories like that ugly old woman was torturing thousands of people, until her heinous career was ended. Same with the pretty head in, this makes pretty people think they are dead meat too and instills fear, and one could say, "Yes pretty head there buttered my toast a little too liberally so off went her head!"
One should make a cutting motion in saying this.

Jagged decapitation edges are acceptable as it makes for more fear. It is the one etiquette that is allowed in mussiness.

Oh and if one does not have numbers of heads like only two, place them on either side of the leader, and then fiends with long knives drawn, resting them on their shoulders........and of course extra pikes in place already to give the illusion that the captives already have a place for their heads at an event coming soon.

I realize that barbarism and savagery does not seem to have any rules, but if one does not have rules, then it is all a mess, and it all loses effect. Being uncivilized often has more rules one has to follow than pretending one is civilized.

Like the business of trophies. Yes scalps are a main trophy, but sometimes like Prince David, King Saul wants foreskins for dowry payments.
A good foreskin, one grabs the penis with the non knife hand, and pulls the skin outward to extend it beyond the end of the penis. In doing this, one gains a quick slice with a sharp knife, compresses most of the blood pool out, even in a corpse and then has a nice penis ring for display. Salting can be done in wet or maggot environments, but a nice smoking and drying heat would be best. Remember though you do not want to cook the foreskin, but to instead form a nice ring of skin.
As a hint in this age of plastic pipe, one can mount the foreskin on this drying pipe, being very careful to keep the foreskins loose while drying or they might stick and break which defeats the effect. Little things are worse than having a broken and sown up foreskin on display.
Oh and, giving a good "stretch" to the skin to a point, it makes one look like they have killed a race of giant cocked menaces which makes your appendage more attractive to females. Odd with females who collect foreskins in it usually makes their males appendages shrink.

One can also collect ears, but please to not collect both ears in trying to embellish your display as astute observers will note pairs of ears, and will just discount all you are about.
Collecting an ear for display is the same as foreskins, in one grabs the top of the ear, in pulling hard on it, and then one quickly and expertly slices down in one stroke.
Once again do this right, as botched jobs will have people you are trying to impress, mocking you.

Ears are mostly cartiledge and will dry, again if necessary with some salting on the exposed tissue or some smoke cure.

Ears are one of the more difficult of things, as you wear them. If not cured properly they smell mummy rotten, so one does not want that around their neck fuming up the nostrils, so the ear is usually worn on the belt. Here is the etiquette though in the lobe is perfect for threading the ears. Ears though are not durable, so the astute can get groumets which are used in tarping, in the very small size like for your hooded sweatshirts, and one skillfully places them there.
A  robust gold chain is then threaded if one is making a festive display, as gold goes with everything and silver clashes and tarnishes. Otherwise for effect, a nice leather lace is appropriate. The snob of course could braid a human leather lace, but for every day display, bovine back leather is highly accepted.

You must though decide on right or left ear for your collections as the lobe is at top, and that means one wants the back of the ear at the front. No one is impressed by the sliced off part of an ear. So right ears are for display on the right waist band and the left ear for the left waist band.

This should assist a great deal in understanding in what one sees, reads or perhaps experiences in the times ahead, as nothing is worse than to have everyone aghast at what is being propagandized before them, while one afficiando of correct savagery and barbarism is scornfully looking on with disdain over some breach which exposes all barbarians and savages to ridicule.

Begging for one's life never leaves a lasting impression, but doing a critique about the ignorance of the head person being savage, always is lasting as the other savages do not desire to be led by an ignorant.

Only is civilized cultures do the people choose to be led by ignorant leaders.

nuff said


Some have been known to take fingers, the pointing finger

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