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bottomless pit


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.........

"Trust is a bottomless pit that once in, it sucks you down to nothingness."

- Lame Cherry

The Bible is a book with only 1942 pages. This blog has four times that many posts. By God's Grace, I have become the most prolific writer of the age, and have surpassed all other ages.

I contemplate a reality in if I were to stop writing, that there is enough script here to keep all occupied for the rest of their existences and not remember 1/8th of what is posted here, so it would always be new.

I judge you now in being the most worthless of culls. For all of the delusion you have in how wonderful you are, the reality is you are the most crude, rude Russian peasantry of the dark ages. You are accident gawkers in sacraficing others to get away from the wolves another mile down the road.

It is interesting in the gene pool which resides here. The seering scorn to the dead beat donors, only keeps them at glimpses. They fear judgment, but convince themselves that being reformed gawkers they of course are not guilty of original theft.
Then there are the two bit donors who think a one time donation buys you perpetual piles of candy as that is the way it works at Walmart.
Of course they have the excuse as Lame Cherry herself, said if they were poor, they did not have to donate, but they always have money for other things.
Then there are those who were offended for this blog not bowing to them, yes being offended is the excuse of not donating as being offended gives someone the right to steal. It is why the FBI does not prosecute bank robbers.
Then there are those who thought they could bribe me to hijack this blog away from God to their diatribes, and those who think they give me something when it is God's money and attempt to degrade me as if this work here they read is some welfare entitlement.
So many excuses on the ticket to hell.

Words like that pierce the hearts not intended for, and deflect off the hearts they are intended to pierce.

Rush Limbaugh, or Russian Limbaugh is a fitting example. I have been observing this intellectual plagiarist for some time, and have noted something bizarre as the EIB booth has become a confessional of his sins.

For some psychopathic reasons, Russian Limbaugh has undertaken to confessing that other people write his books which are molesting children's brains for market share as of late.
It is a given that Rush Limbaugh hates children or he would have crumb crunchers of his own after 4 failed marriages. One only has to remember the former liberal children he allowed on air to make examples of their stupidity in using them to comprehend that R. H. Limbaugh has no bounds.

Yet it is interesting when Rush confessed that others create these books on "his ideas" that a new confession appeared the very next week, when Russian Limbaugh confessed he was handed the script for the program from his own designed negro.

Now do you get what this blog has been telling you in Limbaugh is just an actor delivering lines for Mockingbird as it is coming out Limbaugh's own mouth in some diareah of words he can not help but spurt out now?
It is why John McCain a shadowlands insider called Limbaugh an entertainer and infuriated Limbaugh over it, as Limbaugh had in delusions of grandeur convinced himself like Obama, that it was all him.
It is why when this blog started exposing Limbaugh, that a band of half brains started posting about how entertaining the blog was in trying to degrade content here "as surely it could not be real".

Yet in events which have taken place, this blog has been proven correct in Benghazi, ANALGATE, Breitbart, Powellgate, Sandy Hook etc.... to Mitt Romney being a strawman set up for defeat. I had the inside information and all the phishers were trying to find out who my sources were as a popular girl could not possibly know anything.
Future events as I have stated in the Cherry Effect reach horizon, focal and vanishing point when associated with the matrix. The trends Baby noted were more refined as she in her plasma surveillance was generating the information from the very sources who were producing the chaos.

As I sit here ripped apart Spiritually again in wondering of survival, I have my amusing moments in watching the rats of you in the maze. Most of you will never donate to save your ownselves. You are absolutely no different than ghetto Jews who thought they were all safe. The human mind can convince under satan influence itself of all sorts of psychosis to justify itself.

"But wisdom is justified of her children". That quote is from Jesus witnessing against those people who said He was a sinner, because He was around sinners, and John the Baptist who was devout, of course was demon possessed by not being a sinner.
Jesus was producing the closing argument in people had chosen their sins, and condemned Jesus and John, so they would not have to minister to them or repent. So why listen to Lame Cherry and donate to her when all of these non donors condemn her.

In the end, I win by Christ, because each of you is going to be judged. As you are content with that in your ignorance, KNOW that there are two sets of books. There is the Book of Life and the books of judgment.
Those who are judged are condemned as their names are not written in the Book of Life.

The reason there is not a need for "books" of Life is it only takes one space to write a name found innocent, while in a trial of condemnation all of your heinous sins you have convinced yourselves are not sins, are going to have Jesus ordering you away with no pardon ever.
This is not some appeals process or serving some time and getting out of hell as you are "not that bad of sinner" or a "reformed sinner", as this existence here is the evidence. You either are God's proving you are God's in good works while trusting only in Jesus for Salvation and then have that Holy Spirit in you to transform you to the eternal, or you reflect your pile of money, your power, your fame, your golf clubs which is all going to pass away in being destroyed.

I know you think in searching for more excuses that surely this can not be, as you are such a "good" person, but the same people who mocked Noah and never raised a hammer to help him build the arc to the same people who raised hammers and nailed Jesus to the cross were deluded just like you are, and you are all going to be destroyed forever.

There is a duality in this as Jesus said. Jesus specifically says AS WERE IN THE DAYS OF NOAH, so will the end times people be in enjoying their lives. In Jesus time, when John the Baptist called the people "vipers", they were grieved in their hearts over it, and asked what good things they could do to make up for their being so selfish.
Jesus time was a time of Repentance. Noah's time was a time of Judgment. The Two Witnesses time is a time of Judgment. It is why few of you are donating here, as none are going to listen to the Two Witnesses  and repent.

I am personally thankful that I am none of you, as while it is little but anguish and misery to be the way mark producing the evidence by which you will be condemned, my suffering for a lifetime is not eternal as yours will be forever.

It is interesting to watch the eagerness of people to see the sins of the Obama regime, but when it comes to their being told of the most important reality of their being sinners, that they just do not have time to read it nor rectify it.

None of you are any different than Rush Limbaugh harping about how illegal Obama's image is.

It has been another bad week, and my bad weeks appear only toughening for worst time ahead. A good week for me would crush any of you in how horrid it was in leaving you in a corner whimpering.

nuff said


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