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Jack Royale


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter......

I have begun to believe that the greatest threat to history has been the Ashkenaz financiers and their British propagandists on both sides of the Atlantic, as in the study of the Naval warfare of World War I, a disturbing and unchivalrous reality starts peering through the waves.

The Germans were on the seas in racism were termed "Huns" in the British press. For those who do not know what this means, this goes back to Atilla the Hun, who was eastern, led the Slavics, and ruled from Hungary.
Huns though reflected a stereotype in people's minds in being barbarians, which the Germans proved at sea to not in the least be. The crews went to great efforts to police the seas, in ascertaining in that odd war, which ships were neutral and which were British ships.

I go into the British ships part as it was quite heinous what the British did in endangering innocent people. The British merchantmen would often not fly a flag. Other times they hoisted the neutral Spanish flag which is criminal, and in the result of the Lusitania which is what was the propaganda to get America involved in that unnecessary war, the Lusitania was flying an American flag as a British ship.

The British ships would rarely behave by the rules, but instead of accepting capture would  turn and run which was idiocy as they could not outrun German submarines nor warships.
On doing so, the Germans would attempt to fire shots across the bow to stop the ship, but in response the British would keep running, attempt to ram the German warship, which the Germans would respond with direct fire, which would kill crew and passengers as the officers under orders from the government would be unharmed and be rewarded with promotion after the ship was sunk.

This had nothing to do with English pluck. It was wreckless and violated all the laws of war meant to keep innocent people from being targets.

The German Navy always assisted the survivors in either summoning boats of the English or neutrals, to even towing lifeboats to safety which in turn put them into jeopardy.

I give two accounts in on an elderly American who praised the Germans for their kind treatment of him and others, including English women when a Dutch merchantman was captured, and in the other a crew of Englishmen on board a ship carrying grain for war horses, praised the Germans for the fine shot they had made into the bridge and then offered to help place the bombs which would sink the ship.

Of course, one never has any knowledge of that reality of warfare as the Germans were branded as pirates and pure evil, when in fact it was the British who were the pirates in stopping neutral traffic into Germany in trying to starve out the German men, women and children.

This requires repeating for all to comprehend in World War I, in the British with glee started World War I. Rudyard Kipling with joy sent his son off to battle, and had that child slaughtered.
Slaughtered is the word as the British officers charged their men into German massed machine guns early in the war obliterating 10,000 English Soldiers in a wave. The British munitions were not up to the task and the supply was over extended.
It was this background of ineptness and murdering their own people, which gave the Germans the early victory and control of the land war. The British unable to win by army against army, then moved to the most heinous of terrorism in trying to starve out thee entire German people, which means the murder of children in having no food.

It was to this the Germans then responded with a public proclamation, in warning not just the British, but neutral nations, that there would be a kill zone around Ireland, England and France of all shipping traffic if found to be part of the British war effort.

This war though was not murderous rampage, but as shown above was a police action in German warships revealed their position, putting themselves in danger, and then attempted to identify the cargo, and ships which obeyed the commands had absolutely no harm come to them.
Ships of the enemy were allowed to have crews placed in lifeboats, or were made prizes and put into German controlled ports with no harm done to the crews or passengers.

The British though set the scene for the murder of innocents, but putting their own people and other nation's people in direct fire by either attacking armed German warships with unarmed British ships or illegally flying the flag of a neutral country like Spain.

This was not limited to these atroscities by the British, for the English sailors soon enough stopped desiring to be made targets by zealous officers and would not sign onto ships in the danger zone. The British response was then to enlist Negroids and Mongoloids, meaning they forced colonized Chinese and Africans to serve in merchant ships, putting them in danger.

This chapter of British history is one of thee most disgusting and rivals what the British did in terrorism to the Americans in the War of 1776. As world rulers they terrorized Americans by torture, concentration camps, Indian terrorism and deliberate murder in the Revolutionary War. As beaten tyrants in 1915, they resorted to piracy, propaganda, terrorism and the tyranny of putting innocent people at risk to hide their own shipping.

One can envision the images of the lurking U boat, firing torpedoes at women and children, but the reality is, those German submarines in the war record above in 1915 were on the surface and were firing the more accurate and more reliable cannon at ships of the English which were engaged in criminal acts violating the rules of civilized warfare.

No one ever makes mention that maybe Germany was being destroyed for being  too successful of competitor to the Ashkenaz plans to gain control of Mother Russia via British machinations. Perhaps a people who are being terrorized in a war based on seige in which her entire people will be starved to death, might in turn be less than charitable to an enemy and those conquerred peoples supporting the genocide of Germans.

What America was drawn into by that socialist criminal President Woodrow Wilson for the furthering of the feudal New World Order was absolutely criminal in war crimes. Yes Woodrow Wilson slaughtered the Christian Lutheran Germans, but he made certain the Bolshevik communists of Moscow were left to slaughter the Russian Patriots in thee worst policy ever for the free world.

The complete rapine of Germany and Germans brought about the Hitler era of World War II, and Adolf Hitler only arose due to the harsh allied policies which bankrupted Germany and stole her lands.
Heir Hitler arose from Ashkenaz British and American funding and who was to blame for it, but the German peoples again as their extermination was openly published before the war as a reality in the press.

For too many years, the German Assyrians and the German Israelites in America have been niggerized in the worst propaganda ever produced by the feudal lords. It is past time the record is set straight behind blind American patriotism, as the record clearly reveals the Germans in World War I were the ones obeying the rules in being civilized.

The British government was heinously incompetent, criminally liable and in all probability the Ashkenaz financiers goaded those idiot British into a war to slaughter their best in war, against a Christian Germany who was in the way of this now manifested Obama global domination of one world order.

One can find sympathy for savage terrorist American Indians, but none is afforded for the civilized German. The world lauds a terrorist in Nelson Mandela who butchered Africa, but the Kaiser is niggerized as a "bloody hun".

The evidence is above and when weighed, it vindicates the Germans in 1915. It is past time the fictional history of propaganda is ended and the reality of what World War I was about on the high seas was understood.

There were no sins of the Germans which has been visited upon their third and fourth generations for they were a people sinned against.


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