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Tracfone Obama Regime Crimes


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter....

It bothers this blog that the Barack Obama Hussein regime is associating itself, tarnishing itself, and yes, placing itself in criminal jeopardy over it's taking money from an anti sodomite homosexual fagolicious queeriphile gay conglomerate.

Yes, it is that Mexican standoff in billionaire, Tac Belle, of Tracfone.

Yes Tracfone has outsourced all of its technical staff to the Orient, which is quite alright as everyone knows according to John McCain's assessment that on the evolutionary scale the Latino primate is only capable of pushing lawnmowers or wiping baby formula poo off of chalk white butts of the patricians, and the real brainpower belongs  to the Asian, while they can not speak American dialect, they can indeed rectify Tracfone problems when Verizon and AT&T refuse to recognize Tracfones........

So let it be known that Tracfone appreciates slave labor in Latinos and Orientals, which is Barack Obama Hussein regime policy, although Tracfone Taco Belle does not distribute machine guns to Mexicans, it is compeltely anti sodomites homosexual fagolicious queeriphile gay, as a conglomerate.

How do we know this?

It is from the anti fag ad which Tracfone has produced.

How dare they have this White Spaniard all seniorita laying there, lounging there, reclining there, smiling there, focused on her Tracfone.......which does not look like a vagina at all, but like  a big white penis on top which she is just drawn to.

See if this was a Mockingbird Tavistock pro homosexual ad, it was would some disgusting looking woman, meant to psychologically turn off every man, much like the ads one sees non stop now in all the actresses, models and ad girls are all these women who only turn on a butch like Rosie O'Donnell.
See there is lipstick lesbian, but there are only a few rich lesbians like Rosie and Ellen who can afford these slummers, who go back to rich white men after hitching their star to the bank accounts, while the rest of lesbiandom must have their snatches licked by........well things that look like Ellen DeGeneris or Muchelle Obama.

That is why we know what the state of fagdom is in America and the world, because Mexican Trafone markets to the poor masses. Poor people are disgusted by queers which is normal. If  Tracfone placed an add with a whiskered, greasy haired type hermaphrodite like Bill Gates has in his Microsoft ads which is that .......well Bill Gates women are that vulnerable type which the butch dyke preys on, gets drunk and then takes home and rapes.

Understand poor people, are repulsed by homosexuals as they should be, because they are not attracted to feces penis nor rubber pussy scented things.  So Tracfone in being the multi billion dollar company, is marketing a proof that "can you hear me now" fag boys do not appeal to the masses, but does appeal to indoctrinated peoples of the upper caste who are either:

1. Have gotten drunk or stoned and had someone rape them into a sodomite experince.

2. Have a mentally unbalanced friend or family member they sympathize with who has been brain waved or stoned and or drunkened to be raped into the gay lifestyle.

3. Are ignornant amoralists who want homosexuals decriminalized, so they can go molest children or their dogs in marrying them in the new marriage era of Barack Obama Hussein.

See poor people just have sex, because it is all they have, and they do not want sex with the same sex, because they have internet porn now all can afford to tide things over, until they are married at puberty.

This is the reality of Tracfone and it is such a glaring reality, because all American media has been so fagsexualized that one only sees ugly women and these pencil boys, all designed to turn off everyone, but appeal to the ugly homosexual groups as this is what they are stuck with.

All of this is such a shame in the Obama regime taking such support from the Taco Belle in Tracfone is exposing itself to hate crime prosecution. Of course the cloth was covering all of this, as  the media is not going to make an issue of such a crime as the revenue assists Birther Hussein, but now that it is exposed here, everyone is going to start looking at ads again ..........in the same way only this blog catalogued the "ugly nigger" commercials immediately after Barack Obama was in the White House in that first stolen election.
Yes only this blog stood for Birther Hussein in exposing those ugly teeth ads and if you need reminding there were chimp ads galore to remind the public there was a jungle bunny in the White House.

For the stupid who is uncomfortable with this content, it is not this blog creating this, but exposing it, and bringing out another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter of the reality of.........the question was in that these primate ads were all generated by Obama backers.
I repeat the racist monkey ads were all generated by Obama backers and Mockingbird funds.

So why on earth would Obama be doing this, unless it was part of a programme to..........

Conjure up his black racial strife which was his entire policy in inciting black wilding against whites in Wisconsin state fairs, Treyvon Martin doing the skittle attack, Hutatree etc.... This was the Obama 2008 strategy and it was for the 2012 election theft.
It did not materialize, but this is the result of the entire operation and exposes why you only see uggo women in ads or women who are off looking, while all one sees are these off looking males representing what a man is to women which gets nothing wet on the lily.

Yes American advertisment supercharged sexually Americans on a dope high in the 1960's by design in Mockingbird, and then pulled the plug in the 70's, leaving Americans all frustrated, and who should come out in the 1980's but Boy George and Cyndi Lauper, the odd homosexuals which led into the metrosexuals all fed that soy milk which turned boys into girls and girls into whiskered females.

Tracfone is not playing fair, as it is anti gay and pro profit. Tracfone shows exactly what kind of market there is in this world for normal behavior. Put even a gouging product in Tracfone's minutes are high rate, but give people freedom from enslavement contracts, and put a White Spaniard into the frame and quicker than you can say Jessica Alba, you got yourself a billionaire company which shears money from normal folk to the Obama regime.

Now some might say the ends justify the means, but where are the billions of gays not protesting Tracfone? Why is not Rosie O'Donnell all lounged out looking at the twat version flipped open of Tracfone? Why is it that Tracfone does not have to produce ads with ugly Nigs or pencil boys like Bill Gates is forced to do?
Is not Tracfone homophobic of the homophobics? Of course it is, but it is the reality that Mexicans only shove broom handles up Benghazi adult male rectums like Arabs. Poor people will only spend their money on a product which does not disgust them.
No poor person wants to put a vibrating phone to their face with the image of Muchelle Obama's snatch in that vulva phone.

Tracfone is shearing the normal masses of billions, while the Verizon AT&T is gleaning the few elite in the upper caste accepting of that sodomite genre in minority.
Tracfone supports Birther Hussein, so it is a reality that it is a fag conglomerate and progresses to child rape, but just because they are in the closet for Obama sexual policy, does not give them the right to violate hate crime laws by placing a beautiful White Spaniard in their ads, with her hand spread around a tool she is enthralled by.

ENJOY THE BENEFITS OF MY ACCOUNT. This double entendre is Tavistock 101 and everyone knows the ad is asking, ENJOY THE BENEFITS OF MY PUSSY and is aimed at heterosexuals.

It is time that Tracfone be made to answer for this like the National Football League in hiring only ugly cheerleaders and supporting only sodomites on football teams as part of social engineering like the United States military.

Yes Tracfone ads only appeal to the American Dream in all their models are olive complexion yuppies in suave males and alluring females. Tracfone must be made to answer for this, and so much the Obama regime regrettably for hate crimes and homophobia, even if it was unfair business practives by Tracfone which aided the Obama regime, every vestage of normal must be stamped out and American Dreams of pretty women can not inspire Mexican masses nor poor Americans, white, black, brown nor red.

Tracfone must become Queerfone. I move Tracfone must pay damages to all homosexuals for daring to put pretty women and suave men in their ads. This of course will be billions of dollars and Tracfone must start putting ugly females like Val-erie Jarrett or Muchelle Obama and these odd looking males like Neil Patrick Harris or Clay Akin in the ads.
Now Tracfone is going to be bankrupted in this, but what is more important......defending America or putting homosexuals in the military? Raising normal children or legalizing sodom unions. Providing phone service or promoting an abomination to God?

Yes you all have been so conditioned that you notice none of these things any more. Ask yourself why there is not one Clarke Gabel or one Olivia DeHaviland? Why is there not a Cindy Crawford in the 21st century?
The ads have changed from a business agenda of making money as Tracfone employs to one of mind conditioning in social engineering as this entire freak show is succeeding at in that bizarre = sign zombie corp.

You must get this that the people with money accessed the mass conditioning media and their minds became MK ULTRA Manchurian Candidate. The poor people did not have time, money nor access to have their brains warped. Tracfone is the control example of this and the glaring reality that the world is not full of sodomites as the poor masses are having ads generated to normal reaction.

Tracfone also is the rats in the maze dilema, in all of this second hand conditioning by peer group and by fringe exposure, poor people have not been warped to this sodomite and child molesting agenda. They in fact have become even more repulsed by it.

I began this with satire. I have though in Lame Cherry exclusives in matter anti matter, exposed and proven what is taking place by historical realities compared to this modern insanity which everyone of you is exposed to and no longer even reacts to it.
You have been desensitized to it, in not noticing it, but your base reactions are still responding to the pretty girl.

You are rats in the maze and delude yourselves into thinking you are too intelligent to ever be manipulated. That is part of the programme.

The thing is though, and a message to the non donors, if this blog was here, you would not be aware of any of this in your sleep state you are all conditioned into.  Just ask yourself if this blog had not exposed Benghazi would the fringe media ever figured it out? If not for this blog exposing ANALGATE in the Obama regime exporting terrorists and arming them from Libya and Turkey, would Syria be still viable or in al Qaeda's hands? How much has this blog delayed cartel operations to give the world a chance?
How much has this blog given you a margin to give you a chance to survive this when you had absolutely no chance at all?

You have no idea what God has done through this butterfly in effect. The majority of you are extremely ungrateful and you make the mistake of Ohio bottle blondes in thinking it is all them, when it was always me. You are not God Inspired and you are unprepared. If this blog was not here, you would all be in darkness immediately and groping about. You can not go one day without being led off somewhere by Russian Limbaugh or some media event back into the abyss.

It is amazing how comfortable people are with perversion, but how uncomfortable they are with the Lame Cherry exposing all that abomination according to God.

Time to open the curtains and let the sun shine in.



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