Lord God!!!!!!!
A group has received 6 million dollars in DONATIONS to buy an old factory where Rosie the Riveter worked in World War II which reintroduced women's suffering in being worked to death into America.
They need to raise over 8 million dollars to stop the old building from being raised. Their intention is to turn it in Michigan I think it is, which is being ploughed up by Obama to farms, into an aviation museum.
There are like how many aviation museums in America? Smithsonian, Boeing and whatever.
I just want to know how to get these idiots who donated 6 million dollars to become Lame Cherry donators?
I do not know if I ask wrong, or what is going on, as apparently rich people will throw money away on an old shed in a coming Obama farm field, but will not donate to their life in information here.
This absolutely stuns me in what the hell rich people dump money into. The GOP has that fagsexual billionare boys bunch buying slaves like Romney and now Jeb Bush. You see them buying multi million dollar mansions, flying around in their own tax deduction private jets, buying electric cars which blow up and I can not keep track of how rich people waste money.
It just stuns me.
I mean it is millions and billions of dollars on nothing. Most people have no idea what a Rosie was or in a few years when the geezers are all dead, no one will know who she was nor care.
6 millions dollars for nothing. 6 million dollars. I really would like to know how this suckering rich people out of money works as I apparently am too honest to know how to succeed at it.
Maybe I need to say, "Donate a hundred thousand dollars to the Lame Cherry as this keyboard was busy riveting the hard metal of information against enemies of America while the boys were fighting the battle overseas while I was championing the way for women's rights in this factory and .......to preserve this I might make this a computer museum here by featuring a laptop and a female friendly users as has been posted here in the past."
I have no idea if that would work for a 350, 000 dollar donation, but it sure had to have worked for 6 million dollars for a rat cave factory.
This Rosie is not alone in using women. I mean there is that Susan Pink Breast group with other "cancer donation groups" terrifying women, making them think if they walk themselves one step closer to the grave that it will cure things. That is like joining the hundreds of millions of dollars already out of tax funds yearly for "research". Hell they have the remedy and the point is it is not in their interest to cure anything as it would cut off a billion dollar industry.
It is like Catholic Charities begging me for food from a list they demand I buy without money. You do know the Vatican catacombs have like a trillion dollars worth of collectors items in them, that they could sell and invest in creating jobs for poor people right?
All this stuff just stuns me as I beg for a donation and some nice people have responded, but none of them are rich people who donate 6 million dollars to a rat factory.
It is like Rush Limbaugh puts on a caller, female, who has been reading the Rush Limbaugh books to her 1st grade class daily.
I have brought to attention the fraud of Rush Limbaugh in these testimonials, and this Kathlene the First Grade Teacher, appeared on March 28th, at 2:28 eastern time.
Last time I had information on such things, people were kept waiting like hours to get onto that program. Last information I had, Americans schools of all types were in session from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm.
How is it this first grade teacher had 1 to 3 hours in a school day in which her students were not around?
School was not out on the east coast, and it was only 11:28 on the west coast. Lunch and recess or gym is only a half hour, so that time does not fit in at Farmington, New Mexico time.
The point of the half hour number as she was carried over in 2:35 pm eastern, meaning she had an entire hour off as school time is measured in hours and half hours.........even as she said she is permanently disabled with two pulmonary diseases that runs 8000 dollars in medications of the 10 she is on.
I just wonder how all these children and now teachers phoning up Limbaugh during school hours for his profits and no one brings any of this up, nor asks how it is all this money is out their for 6 million dollar rat factories and nothing to change the donation status of things which matter.
Everything is just so "not adding up" in people who have money and those who are supporting those who have money and how that money shows up in their accounts.
It is all just so very odd like it is flowing from one black block operations budget to only those on the list.