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Lame Cherry Solves the Gold Standard


Editor's Note: This information is so vital to the resurrection of America to the Gold Standard that this is all the information you will have today to contemplate.
This is something the Ron Paul Patriots should discuss before the currency reset destroys all of America. This is of interest to those behind this and checks what they are plotting to do.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I have been featuring the solutions as provided by Conservative American President Theodore Roosvelt in welfare, defense and immigration, and now for the Ron Paul goldites in basing the American Dollar on the Gold Standard, we visit this, with a Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter in how to literally return the American Dollar to the Gold Standard with the US Treasury as sole issuer of US Currency and no longer the financier hostage of the Federal Reserve.

The lone problem this blog has had with the gold standard was that the Russians and Chinese have billions of dollars in gold reserves. If these United States converted to gold backed dollars, the very volume of Obama debt would make gold not 2000 dollars an ounce, but one hundred million dollars an ounce, thereby making Russia and China having trillions of dollars in gold over night.
I provide the Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter in Gold Standard solution below.

First though, is the President Theodore Roosevelt advocacy of the Gold Standard, and this is the same Federal Reserve, Jekyl Island advocate, providing with the caveat it was based on sound American economic policy and not as an American confiscate and create e money massive debt.

"The Act of March 14, 1900, intended unequivocally to establish gold as the standard money and to maintain at a parity therewith all forms of money medium in use with us, has been shown to be timely and judicious. The price of our Government bonds in the world's market, when compared with the price of similar obligations issued by other nations, is a flattering tribute to our public credit. This condition it is evidently desirable to maintain.

In many respects the National Banking Law furnishes sufficient liberty for the proper exercise of the banking function; but there seems to be need of better safeguards against the deranging influence of commercial crises and financial panics. Moreover, the currency of the country should be made responsive to the demands of our domestic trade and commerce."

Theodore Roosevelt. Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents

I have wrestled with the compound nature of linking the dollar to gold, and you have read the Lame Cherry solution in this in a TWO TIER DOLLAR. For the astute, this is exactly the solution the cartel has seized upon in their currency reset as was exposed by Lindsey Williams as connected to Obamacare.
The Lame  Cherry Doctrine was not for the robbery of Americans though, but for their security. The cartel as this blog predicted will leave Americans with the worthless dollars while they hold the priceless dollars.

There has been the problem in this of not enough gold and turning to other precious metals or gems, as this blog did examine and advocate, but the Lame Cherry now in matter anti matter exclusives Inspired by God, now on the brink of the annihilation of America by global forces, reveals exclusively the solution in this.

It is a simple thing and you will say, "Why did not  I think of that!!!!!!!!", yes why indeed, and the answer is the Holy Ghost was not moving you.

First, I give you a Dollar based completely on the Gold Standard and on Silver Certificates.

Second, the precious metals are set as previously were at a standard exchange rate price as linked to the United States dollar to keep the Dollar stable.

Third, in order to benefit the prestige of the soundness of the American System in her word, this is linked directly to the price of the gold exchange in the gold backing the United States Dollar is only that gold and silver as produced in the United States as guaranteed by atomic signature.

Part three is the key in this and is what makes this entire system work, for the American Gold Standard is only backed by gold and silver mined in America, thereby making it's value grossly inflated compared to world gold standards, in the same reality that the American nation is inflated in value compared to Kenya.

The proof mark on Fort Knox gold and silver as verified as American mined, and certified by unique atomic signature as all metals are, negates billions of dollars in Eurasian gold, so that gold is held at market inflation prices, but American gold and silver could be valued at one million or ten million dollars an ounce, once certified by the Government of these United States.
It is the same structure in Brentwood Sweet Crude to Venezuelan Crude.

This system when effected would remove the Dollar from inflationary pressures, combined with sound balanced budget structures in spending limitations. It would not be something the cartel could use to impoverish Americans nor could it be used in two tier be used to deflate the price of bonds held by others against the United States.

This is simply brilliant and what you would expect from the Lame Cherry. The cartel according to Lindsey Williams stole my two tier financial reform in dealing with massive debt and are going to turn it against the American Citizen.

What the Lame Cherry Gold Standard does is restore the value of the Dollar, stabilizes it, deals with the issue of this radical Obama debt, and protects America, Americans and the Dollar from economic terrorism.

This Lame Cherry Standard can not stand alone. This requires a real American Government creating a culture of jobs and working, and not Wall Street Welfare and Welfare Street bribes and graft.

Be it known, that this American certified gold and silver will never be allowed to leave American shores, for if it did, it would deflate immediately and not be backed by these United States. The cashing in of bonds nor the speculation in American bonds would be forbidden to stop a derivatives like created economic terrorist strike against America as took place in 2008.

No new Dollars, no new North American currencies and no replacement of the Dollar as the currency of exchange.

This has now been solved by the Lame Cherry again. It requires though your voicing it and understanding it's simple terms of the United States Dollar is backed by a certified precious metals only produced from American mines, and that is what gives this gold and silver a more precious value as set by Congress.

The cartel plagiarized my solution on the two teir and bastardized it to turn it against Americans, in the same scenario they took President Ronald Reagan's free trade in the Americas to destroy South American economies and install Marxists, and are now inflicting on America via the Obama regime.
No one else except this blog is affecting the cartel. That must be comprehended in how huge that is in influence and how this blog by Inspiration generates solutions that are even beyond Milton Friedman's great mind.

This falls to you now as this will be stolen without any credit to this blog as no credit is ever given nor the large donations by the ungrateful.


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