As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The Big Frac backers of Rush Limbaugh are attempting to cause the Vladamir Putin Crimea issue as an issue for them to sell more American oil to Europeans, freeing Europe from Russian oil and gas, while the Obama image hand is moving under the assistant's skirt to cripple Russia by removing them from the G 8, to balkanize Russia and steal their oil.
So Rush Hudson Limbaugh III is actually not lying in Crimea is now all about oil. Europe lusts for control of Russian oil with Putin dead in the street and Big Frac lust for selling American oil to Europe making American prices even higher as they inherit control over Russian oil flowing into China.
For those ignorant of oil and gas, they are not fossil fuels, but are instead hydrocarbons produced by the earth under intense heat and pressure in a natural pollution of the planet regulating itself.
In understanding that, the solution to this is Europe needs a good Hitler to solve all of this. Adolf Hitler was very good at solving things. Germany never suffered even with Rothschild target bombing in production of war or of fuel. Germany actually was making oil out of coal in advanced refinement before it was green.
Russia over a decade ago proved that if anyone drilled deep enough, you would hit oil. That is what deep water drilling or any deep wells are about. Yes the cost is more, but a good Hitler would factor this in, and conclude that if Europe which is as large as any continent as it is, could deep drill for gas and oil in Europe and produce their own energy, cheaper than the prices they are inflicted with.
The North Sea has oil, so does the Norwegian coast. For those who are not that bright, do you really think the oil stops in the Libyan Gulf or maybe it goes across to all Mediterranean Europe?
Let us review this in Asia has oil, Russia has oil, South America has oil, North America has oil, Africa has oil, the Arctic has oil.
In all of this, you think that Australia and Europe somehow do not have oil? The only difference is that the "found oil" was polluting the surface of the land in it was so close that it was hard to hide the oil, and it being that close it was cheap to produce.
The solution to everything is simple, it requires a good Hitler to start sinking oil and gas wells all over Europe for energy independence, and to refute that cartel propaganda designed to destroy the free west in "energy crisis". Peak oil has been proven a fraud as much as climate change.
Drilling for oil and gas, has no market for Mr. Putin. The production of energy keeps European money in Europe, and it develops poor Slavic lands in money flow and advancement which promotes trade with technilogical Germany, France, Sweden, Italy and England.
Then Mr. Putin could sell his energy to the Chicoms who will become impoverished as Russia is enriched, making billion to 100 million Russian friction point for the Kremlin.
See you do not hear any of these solutions, as what you hear are Limbaugh Mockingbird Big Frac and Obama cartel economic rape which puts America at war and in debt. I do not want American energy feeding Europeans as that makes American energy higher yet. Until American gas prices are at 47 cents a gallon, there is not enough oil produced in America and America needs no more exports taxing supply.
This solution is a Continentalist Party solution. It develops Slavic Europe which is the buffer to Mr. Putin. Mr. Putin has something to ponder in the east in China, instead of the west in Crimea.
Russia and China looking at each other, Muslim terrorists not having any oil flow money, a good Hitler making Europe green and productive, that really sounds like a Walter Vernon, Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan progressive American policy rooted in George Washington cherry tree blossom.
I do admire Rush Limbaugh in this, as by his insights again, they point to someone is reading this blog for him, and educating him again in the flow of information, as was the refutation of the Obama press piece on this blog pointing out the failings of the past 3 American occupants of the White House.
I have broke his crayon, kissed his girl and pulled his gay sissy bars off his bicycle and he took it all like Tom Daschle. It takes a lot of guile to have no pride in trying to stay on top.
Yes the Koch Brothers are profiting off of Russia's pipeline in Crimea as Harry Reid stated, so from Rush Limbaugh's mouth you now have what I revealed here first in this is Big Frac involved in this for their interest in control of Russian oil with the cherry on top of supplying Europe from both sides of the Atlantic.
Mr. Limbaugh does much better if he has something in his mouth to keep it occupied as he just keeps dripping the contents out of the things he has had intercourse with. That hurts Big Frac. Of course if Rush Limbaugh would just donate and the Koch boys would donate to this blog, instead of silly things like crippled Marines or cancer kids, the Marines would not be getting de limbed and the kids would not be given cancer.
Europe just needs a good Hitler drilling for energy and then that anti Christ son of perdition could just be a flash in the pan for Jesus to snuff out. That is how one deals with Mr. Putin by not making him the focus, but building up another power base in his border view which does not threaten Russia, but is a greater diplomatic presence than Europe is now.
I suppose God does not want Lame Cherry as President of the Americans, as that would not bring about the end times as I would know what I was doing by His Grace. The alternative then is a good Hitler drilling for energy all across Europe making them free from Russia, Big Frac and the anti Christ.
nuff said.