As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The reality is now in the Crimea situation of Russia on one hand, seeking to preserve itself from genocide as it becomes out populated by Muslims and the reality of the anti Christ in central imperial Europe, balkanizing Russia in order to chop it up exactly as the Nazi's envisioned in 1940.
I warned of this that Vladamir Putin was the next target in this after Syria. The Persians due to being non Arab, non Sunni and Marxists were never targeted, but allowed to develop nuclear weapons in order to rid the cartel of right wing nuclear armed Jews as a competitor over Jerusalem.
Rush Limbaugh lays out for MIC that Putin is the grave Soviet threat from Cuban fronts to Crimean fronts. The reality in this is MIC simply wants it's pounds of flesh off of Russia just like the cartel in the socio conglomerates.
It is all about energy control, natural resources and breaking of Russia in two arenas that Vladamir Putin developed to destroy the cartel monopoly in oil and diamonds.
Russia destroyed the gem monopoly of DeBeers and destroyed the oil cartel control of oil and natural gas. All of that wealth in Russia is targeted to be confiscated from the Russians as they become as splintered as Yugoslavia, with the same Muslim Christian frictions for them to juggle.
That is the end game of Crimea. It is the reality that if Vladamir Putin wins, he becomes Christian protector of the eastern European peoples. If he loses, eastern Europe goes up in nuclear flame, Putin is dragged through the streets dead, China occupies eastern Russia and the cartel loots the Russians of all their wealth, as the Slavs all become slaves from Czechoslovakia to Russia for the globalists.
Vladamir Putin is a competitor to all of this. MIC attempted to use Edward Snowden to have Russia dismantle the NSA. Their attacking Vladamir Putin through the mic of Limbaugh.
MIC has now sold itself again to the socio conglomerates as the winning hand in Putin loses like Khadaffi. The bribe is MIC gets control again over Russian energy to skim as it markets it to Europe.
In plus minus this factors out in the following realities:
1. Putin wins and gains control of eastern Europe fully as he had from 2009, without any Soviet empire forming. This in turn so deflates the Neo Roman Empire of the anti Christ that hundreds of millions of people are saved from extermimation.
2. Putin is assassinated and Russia is by agents thrown into revolution, where cartel appointed terrorists rule the broken up Russian Republics to their genocide in 50 years.
3. "NATO" runs troops up to Russia's border and creates a situation of economic hardship which forces Vladamir Putin to strike out, as FDR forced Japan to do, to begin World War II.
The net result would be scorched earth for eastern Europe.
4. A stalemate ensues which European forces of the cartel start annexing other areas on Muslimania for energy control to replace Russian sources, thereby bankrupting Russia slowly.
5. Putin invokes the Southern Port retaliation which led to the Crimean and Afghanistan Wars, in which Russia moves not into Europe proper but begins a southern Asian push, thereby securing Mideast energy fields and US stores and bases there from Pakistan to Turkey.
The last is the noted preparation of George W. Bush in the State of the Union energy change policy of America producing bio fuels and fracking for oil as only this blog noted when it took place.
In the evaluation of the Lame Cherry, assessing the dope lords of terrorism in control of Afghanistan, that if Russia could co opt it across Muslim lands, the Russian military could invade and keep control using this system in place developed by the Obama regime.
If Turkey could be induced to allow Russia in along with Pakistan, Turkey gaining greater Turkish lands and Pakistan gaining Russian protection and expansion into India, Russia could in seven days gain majority control over global energy supply with a nuclear armed Caliph via the Clinton Obama regimes.
America would be 30 day supply rationing to it's knees as much as Europe. If China, were promised Mideast oil to leverage western currencies, this could overturn the world. It would require America a decade to rebuild the energy sectors to gain back allied support.
Rush Limbaugh for MIC attempts to scare people in stating Vladamir Putin is rebuilding the Soviet Empire. History since 2009 shows the facts that as Obama handed eastern Europe and Ukraine over to Mr. Putin as a bribe for Obama's terrorists in power doctrine, revealed that Mr. Putin made absolutely no attempt to recreate that empire. Mr. Putin only reacted with astute voting and force was when Russia was under cartel attack in taking Ukraine away which is a Russian base, over Mr. Putin stopping the slaughter in Syria in removing Assad.
*On Wednesday, March 19th, Rush Limbaugh actually started espousing the MIC position as outlined here in this was about American oil being developed NOT FOR AMERICANS but to sell it to Europeans as this was a GOOD thing.
MIC is in this about selling oil in replacing Russian oil and exploiting Slavic states. Exporting oil to Europe is not going to drop US prices one cent, but increase prices as American oil is sweet oil.
MIC is covering the situation up for it's own capitalist interests, and placing American in jeopardy of a coming war with Russia by smearing Vladamir Putin.
Balkanizing Russia has no strategic interest for any American. A Russian ally treated eastern Europe to prosperity where the cartel destroyed those Milton Freidman Republics. A Russian ally throttled Muslim militantism. Russia is a card which China always has to consider, taking it away, leaves China in possession of Asia and threatening the Mideast.
This entire Crimean situation is about the genocide of Russia for the same Nazi exploitation of slave labor and natural resources. That is an evil and immoral thing. That is the basis of this entire subject. As this blog warned, do not expect Mr. Putin to sit back like Muslims and wait to be assassinated. Crimea is the start of this in Russian natural resistance
Those behind Rush Limbaugh are after oil exploitation. Others in the socio conglomerates on the Obama caste desire a Neo Roman Empire. Russia is only so much plain for wheat, wells for oil and slaves for the greater play area.
I have had enough of this subject in exclusives in Lame Cherry in matter anti matter.
nuff said