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The Promised Land


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter........

With the regime figures of 300 million Americans in 92 million of them are on welfare, but the unemployment statistics are just under 7%, a reality is visited again which this blog stated in America was suffering under 23% unemployment, but when one contemplates that in a population of 300 million at perhaps 90 million are retired geezers and 90 million are children, that the reality is America has perhaps 30 million employed.
That would factor out to 122 million people then in the employment field of which 92 million are not employed in a real number of 75% of people capable of working are unemployed.

That is the real number of the Lame Cherry blog. The reality is though as this blog stated years ago is that America is dead. America is as dead as a bloated whale floating in the surf no matter how much the Obama regime speaks of recoveries in a Super Depression.

All of this propaganda in rose colored America is about pacifying the public as the last bones of the American corpse are ground up to cannibalize her to the mind warped citizens. This will not continue forever, as there simply is nothing left in life support to keep this cadaver alive. Once the feeding tube of retirement funds is raided, America is ashes to ashes and dust to dust.

The avalanche affect will roll in the next years. Obamamerica has proven that 270 million Americans are unnecessary, as 30 million can keep the lights on.
What will roll in this is a reality that America and Americans are expendable. America has no means of creating wealth in balance to Obama debt. This is a money implosion.

To comprehend this, the necessary base of producing wealth once it is wiped out, the labor force disappears, and with it, the tax structure to fund the regime.
What America has been "generating" as wealth has been inflation. Massive Sec. of Treasury Tim Geither illegal money dumps on Wall Street along with no taxes being paid by socio conglomerates as "profits" are what is the "generator" of taxes and not production.
It is all artificial as the Quantative Easing fraud of the Fed in the Fed buying debt with electronic money it creates without backing.

The "economy" has been rigged in price controls from commodities in oil to grain. The Obama regime set out to bleed the American public of it's savings, by all those hidden price hikes in electricity to the grande scheme of a record 10% inflation each year hidden by gouging production in agriculture or oil while rewarding other cronies.

This is the base of this, and within a years schedule, two factors will engage in time for the 2016 election theft. The major effects will probably be waited upon until the 2014 American elections, for the simple reality that the candidates have all been chosen and there is not deemed any necessity in upsetting elections with a discontented mob to flip more ballots to install those candidates.

Obamacare is the major financial drain and control of the American economy. What will have to engage then is an equalizer for Obama debt and the last scraping of the corpse bones.
A raiding of the retirement funds as has been leaked out would be a first step. The announcement though would be geared to reassure the public they would still receive their benefits as it will be deemed as Social Security operates currently with just IOU's in the coffers.

With that stress, there will have to be as predicted here a devaluation of the dollar. The current thought is pinning the dollar to all other currencies, meaning the 1970's gambit of oil for dollars, which transformed to dollars for Chicom jobs, in the final great leveling being that the same 3rd world impoverishment of China would peg Americans to that same impoverished state of global feudalism.
Of course as was revealed here years ago, the feudal lords will place their assets into the new currency and your dollars will absorb all the world debt by being devalued.

Percentages in devaluation mean little, as the dollar is not worth a dollar. If one ounce of gold was 20 dollars in the 19th century, then it might be 3000 dollars currently, and all that means is the price of the dollar has plunged by thousands of percent.
What is more comprehendable is informing people that gas will rise to 5 dollars per gallon on a national rate. Bread will be in the 5 dollars per loaf. Your energy bill will be 150 dollars per month. Those are numbers which you can comprehend.

In relation to this, there is spiral inflation, as a 30% spike in energy then raises products produced and delivered by crude oil, rise 30% and as lunch costs your company 30% more, then then in turn raise prices 30%. This is how the Germans were destroyed before World War II and it is what took place in the President Jimmy Carter era of the late 1970's in what is called hyperinflation as it is an economic cancer which consumes in ever increasing amounts.

It required Adolf Hitler years to stabilize the German economy in direct government spending in their disaster and it required Ronald Reagan in the same type of socialized money direction by government 18 months to rectify that disaster. Those though were both leaders whose intent it was to raise their economies. That factor in the Age of Obama does not have presence as the destruction of America is the agenda in this age.

America is a hinderance to global control as Germany in the 1900's was a hinderance to European domination by the cartel. Reptition of history is a reality.

As only this blog has predicted, there is only one historical method to reach balance and that would be a war to wipe out all accounts and to confiscate wealth into one empire which will then rule the sheeps of the field.

In projection, from the feudal standpoint, people are unnecessary as machinery and robotics have voided the need for large populations and as a mob is a factor which might rise up and produce their immortals to compete against the feudal lords attempting that longevity, then those in control move the slight of hand to gradually throttle the people to expect death and desire it.

It is a macabre theater to watch this Fang Jinn and his barker hosts telling the world that all is Peking flourishing as misery is the meal of the masses. The mob though is trusting and fears to face the reality of it's own extinction, so it believes the lie to perpetuate to the time of it's demise.

Give them a new god and take away the old God and the process is complete.

It is the testament to the last generation of humans on this Friday eve, that they will belive anything and accept anything rather than save themselves. Depravity is easier than morality and they devolve to degradation that accepts their demise.

If a Hollywood movie were made which said Americans would install a halo wearing Chin who claimed to be a messiah, as he robbed them of all they had, and lied to them in their misery telling them how wonderful they had it, Americans would scoff at not ever being that gullable as they could never be like Germans in having a Hitler take over.......

nuff said


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