As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.....
I enjoy the interaction of competent genius. By this I do not mean that a person has to have some 140 plus scale of genius on a vacuous IQ scale, but the genius that numbers of people have in their hobbies or vocations in being quite expert in their passions.
There is a vast difference between someone getting off on their knowledge to validate their own personal weaknesses like a fool in Stephen Hawking to a real genius who can find a way to make a formula a success in the field of lubricants when all else fails.
The children who read this blog are a global group. Each niche though of thought has failings and triumphs. For instance the old adage was if you wanted to talk about vehicles, then American English was your primer, but if wanted to discuss love then French was the conduit to that understanding.
I find such things of communication interesting in linguists will note for example that a French translation from a German work on submarine warfare might be quicker and produce a different phonetic meaning to the reader, as each language and people group is a product of that culture and it expresses itself locally like birds on the branch in song.
I was moved to communicate here in a new way, for the simple reason language is an evolving resonance. The olde English of just 5 centuries before is difficult to comprehend, such as the King James English in the Bible which reflects some of the melodious prose ever translated.
The word today is Philology and it comes from a German work by the Emperor, Kaiser Wilhelm, who was a most interesting student in public, private, familial and social education. His background was both English and German and he full understood the difference in the races.
An Englishman will lie to you, but if you lie to them, they will never trust you again. On the opposite the Spaniard or French will expect to be lied to as they lie in nuance.
Philology is a trap of education as the Kaiser pointed out and it started my process of examining all of this in how people studying language and literature really become key holed into a past.
One can note the rise of John Kennedy in how a baby boom generation desired a new frontier for their bursting ambitions to break free from the solid foundations of the leadership of World War II, and in it John Kennedy hit the mantras of "ask not" and to "put a man on the moon".
In like ordeal, the Kaiser while in high school noted how education was crouched in the past, and how his government was fixated on the late 1860 years of happenings which defined Germany, instead of the 1890's which the young Prince sought to define Germany by in worker rights and modernization projects from canal, rail, colony and communication.
The new era in Germany began in 1870 and the Kaiser noted among his classmates in 1874 to 1877 that the ideal had enthusiasm, there was not a "civis Germanus sum" or I am a German patriotism.
This is the failing of that Kennedy liberal era, as that entire generation was in morbid death throws in going from one cadaver to another, to settling for a Bill Clinton to this Birther Hussein Obama Chin foreign agent, as these now aged and dying children never grew out of the John Kennedy shroud shadow.
That entire generation sought to tear down a nation in anti American ideology of lack of morals, instead of rising to the public dreams which three perverts like JFK, RKF and MLK were espousing, but being debauched sinners behind the scenes.
God eventually gave this group the serial raping, pathological liar in Bill Clinton they desired, and gave them their end in the Teddy Kennedy mantel passing to the Designer Negro Barack Hussein Obama who was the manifestation of this intellectual group of sexual deviant grandparents, who raised abnormal parents and produced this Obama generation of zombie amorals.
They are a sloven group who want the Negroid nanny or Sambo gardener to make them feel secure as they pull the puppet strings.
I will repeat that for this is the definition of the Obama voter.
"The Obama voter was a sloven group who want the Negroid nanny or Sambo gardener to make them feel secure as they pull the puppet strings of the image of the lazy Negro."
Lame Cherry
There was no pride in Obama, only psychopathy of racism, and the mandate of not building the world, but changing it to the illegitimate nature of bastard politics.
That is what is telling in this, another Lame Cherry doctrinal, in defining all of this, in the like John Kennedy and Ronald Reagan doctrines which the Kaiser instilled in his people.
I will use the quote as it will fit any nation and people from India to Japan to Russia to America to Argentina to Croatia.
"There was great neglect in the department of German history, which is exactly the study through which young hearts may be made to glow, through which the love of one's native country, its future and greatness, may be aroused. But little was taught of more recent history, covering the years since 1815. Young philologists were produced, but no German citizens qualified for practical co-operation toward building up the flourishing young Empire.
In other words, no youths who were consciously Germans were being turned out."
German Emperor; William II. The Kaiser's Memoirs
Do you comprehend the warning which the Kaiser saw, in the same warnings Ronald Reagan had against multi culturalism?
People can study the best of other nations, for all benefit from a Martin Luther, a George Washington, a Joan of Arc, a King David, but for a culture to remain grounded and civilized it requires a national pride in the foundation rooted in the heroes of their own people.
Alfred the Great was great for not conquering the world, but for uniting England. Simon Bolivar was great for his uniting South America, and knowing the Latins were not ready to become United States emotionally.
National pride is a good condition as it does not when checked go out marching off to war.
The great failing of the 20th century was the blessing of God on those Americans. Not because they became perverts, but because they were so active and attractive, that the rest of the world became lazy and stopped producing it's own inspirational qualties to add to the advancement.
The world could not keep up with America, so it became lethargic and lazy. Once America burned out due to not being stimulated by other cultures, the world started to decay.
The fallacy of the self hating American liberal is not that America had to become like France in John Kerry or become like China in Barack Obama Chin, but America had to be America, gain ideas from other peoples and improve upon them.
The fall of Japan was the ultimate warning as Japan was the prize mime of America in her stellar advancement. When Japan failed, it was due to a symptom in America that she was no longer proud of being American and generating those hopes and dreams, which brought about world advancement.
The worst thing was this capitalist Bill Gates ideal of using brain drain from other cultures to pick them of talent in the 3rd world. Those talents should have been left in places like India, and Bill Gates should have instead developed a program where Americans were free to create and be free of needing programmers.
What is America is summed up like the world in the Kaiser comparing England and Germany. England due to their adventurous hearts looked outside of England to the vast empire, while Germany turned out children who were administrators of the state.
That is what Birther Hussein Obama Chin is, he created no jobs nor vision of reaching for the stars, but instead hired government officials.
Barack Obama burned the bridges to the world in his wars of conquest and then he sealed America up as an administrative gulag for all the minders he hired to the civil service.
Lame Cherry
That above quote should be ringing from every email, microphone, talking head and American politician, as it is the definition of what is the world now in this 21st century and the coming cure for it, is going to be equal to the world wars which followed the generation of Kaiser Wilhelm.
Yet because of the censor of this blog pointing out all of the fallacies and propaganda of the media and political brothel, this defining information which is carved in stone will not echo throught America nor the world to fix this terminal malady.
It was not the organized path which would lead every people to healthy advancement but of individual competition. Read that over slowly again, for the Kaiser of Germany in order to move his people forward saw that it was rugged individualism which was the answer of Theodore Roosevelt and not community organized Barack Hussein Obama of Chicago.
The English of that early 20th century period were competitive while the Germans were not. The Kaiser praised the English mindset, as they were not stuck in Shakespeare, but were turning out Charles Dickens, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Jane Austin etc.... as their peoples flourished in gaining new frontiers.
This is another one of those Lame Cherry doctrinal educations beyond matter anti matter which will provide you a Citizen's PHD and you should be printing up in a little pamphlet and handing out to others, in telling them to read it, so they can think you are crazy, but as you tell them to disprove the content, it will make their little minds hurt, and some might even rupture to real thought, and become enlightened like the students of Milton Friedman were in changing the world.
Dr. Friedman of Chicago was called crazy out in the wilderness of thought, but he went to the people in PBS, Playboy and explained economics in terms people could understand, and when President Ronald Reagn took them up, it was that crazy vision which recovered America from the Jimmy Carter depression of the late 1970's.
An education is not from knowledge, but an education is from combined experience of proven existential reality. Meaning, you learn not in having a degree and telling others they are not educated enough to understand, but you learn from other's experiences from history coupled with your own.
The world has definitive Biblical realities to what brings civilized prosperity, what causes deviant stagnation, and what ends society in reprobate destruction.
The world entered into a generation of deviant stagnation of immoral misbehavior, and now in this 21st century Birther Hussein, has entered into this global suicide pact whose only remedy is a world war to wipe the massive debt off the books and remove the body politic of culls.
Thee entire study above will be proven correct. I have no idea if in those sun darkened times if someone will find a pamphlet of the above writing, open it, and bring the dawn of this to sullen faces thinking all hope is lost, but will brighten in an instant and demand to know, "Who was this Prophetess among us who knew all of this and knows the way to save us?"
My God given Inspiration in pointing all of the above out, coupled with your personal experience is the teaching which resonates with the Process Verbal.
Dr. Cherry has diagnosed why the planet patient is sick, what is the cause of the mind poison making the body politic ill, and the remedy for the cure before the rotting flesh of America under the Obama regime sets off a global pandemic of death.
As the Kaiser attempted like Ronald Reagan to kindle his people's patriotic fires, neither lived to see the cauldron of zeal it bastardized in leftist intellectualism in Heir Hitler or Mr. Obama as each trudged off in inter leftist wars between "my dogma of socialism is more absolute than your dogma of communism".
The people swing on a pedulum of first right and then left, as the blood of the casualites pools in the center cavity.
There is the Letter of the Law and there is the Spirit of the Law. Each exists and can not stand independently for in one form there is tyranny and the other there is license. Therefore the Law is a creature not blind in Justice, but which stands upon two legs, just as the Bible stands upon the two Divine legs of Law and Gospel, which has the kinder of politics, education and all forms of discourse in the requirement that all is neither left nor right nor center, but is centered by the proven attributes of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness as the process verbal becomes process actual in the protection of innocent life, the advancement of responsible liberty and the effort to gain contentment which is rewarded.
"Sound education is only as useful as the balanced mind which makes use of it."
Lame Cherry
Nuff said