Of course I am supposed to be entertaining...why goodness, I am supposed to sound like everything is just fine when everything is in upheaval and chaos........yes this blog is supposed to appear to be all things to all people who think they are generous with not donating and the rich who did donate think that a few dollars wipes their responsibility clean in they just bought themselves out of the hell of a sleepless night as they did "good".
At this moment my breakfast is an 8 month old loaf of bread, so hard that it is more disgusting chew than the horrid fridge taste it is burning my mouth with. What did you eat you eat today eh?
Yes the world is a land of plenty, but for me as my only plenty is lamentation, mourning and woes.
Yes, I have someone who has been praying their own will, as so many do and accident and injury befell me when none had touched me before. Is nothing new as my satanic sister was busy praying for things and I watched a rope coil about my leg twice by magic and a horse tried to drag me away.........ankle got hurt that time.
Am I venting? Not in the least as I have done nothing in this life to deserve any of this, and it only comes in heaps and mountains as you assholes justify yourselves in setting in church pews......sure I am not good enough to donate to nor to do anything but use for your entertainment, but you need me around to make you feel good about horrid self.
My sister and brother in law a few years ago, "generously gave my Mom an old riding lawnmower". I know it is generous as my sister told my Mom that they could have sold it for 200 dollars. Another miracle in it did not run.....yes and in trying to fix it with 50 dollars of an electronic points set, it still did not run, but satan was there so in pulling on that damn thing, it broke things inside of me and made me bleed externally.
Yes thank you all for your generous natures.
I was thinking of that assholed John McCain who likes beaners to mow his lawn. I wonder like the donors here how people who can afford things, will not pay an American 50 dollars an hour to give them a living to build a better life, but think 20 bucks an hour is being generous.
Yeah we all have so many generous natures in judging me as surely I am going to hell and the worst as .....what was it, foul language, no it is that porn, no it is that..........just what is it that bothers them that they fixate on.......what is it about dirty words that makes them recoil......yes if they have a site and can control the verbiage then it makes them feel not so filthy that their pristine delusion inside of them does the mirror mirror non stop in telling them how righteous they are.
Let's beat on a woman today, as there is no baby to abort and no pet to kick.......hell what about not even a kid to curse to just take a little revenge for being born a rich child of a bitch born into this world.
Yes so many psychopathies......all scared since coming out of that warm darkness, all enclosed, to a world with light and cold and no way to crawl back up into Mama's uterus. So you in primal scream spend your entire raped mind little youth trying to figure out the terror of you, and finally you come to your delusion in defining yourself.
Tiger Woods is Mr. Golf fuck mouth. Birther Obama was Mr. Fuck Mouth of the political whores. Eddie Murphy is Mr. Dope Fuck. Yes they all gravitate to that one safety net to make certain they can say they are better than everyone else, because they are driven by it all in if people will not love them, then they can have piles of cash to prove they really are more loved than anyone else.
I am supposed to be so very happy with it all, as I am told I am supposed to be happy by people who have so much time and money they can sit here non stop ordering me how things should be done here, as God is too inept in creating here, and God can always use some critique.
You know it is amazing how a woman is always a whore, until of course you need something from her, then it is all respect and smiles. Yes a whore might know the enemies secret plans, and then she is not so whorish. Yes all of those glaring faults of dirty talk, porn pictures, using Nigger and fag words just disappears........like my murdered Emma which you caused, because when the breaking story comes, well all of that guilt just disappears as you can use Lame Cherry then to get the exclusive as then it is all alright.
I am really upset at this situation I am not delivered out of, because I have to be a Witness against you richtards in your coming Judgment. I would think your hidden sins......you know those things about you molesting that kid when you were a kid....that "accident" you caused hurting that certain person.......and all those nothing heinous things about how you destroyed your children's lives would be enough to end you in hell and bring fire and brimstone down on you now, but I get stuck suffering all to prove how big a piece of shit you are....and you prove it every moment of every day.
Be off now though, as you have asked yourself and like Obama you have found yourself innocent. Go ask someone you own if "you are a good person" and they will lie to you to confirm your finding....and as a side note, justify it all at whatever religion you practice from golf to fornication, and they too will in a filled collection plate tell you how wonderful you are and what Lame Cherry uncovers in the sepulchre you are is just not the reality.......as you have all those witnesses that justify you, starting with you.
nuff said
At this moment my breakfast is an 8 month old loaf of bread, so hard that it is more disgusting chew than the horrid fridge taste it is burning my mouth with. What did you eat you eat today eh?
Yes the world is a land of plenty, but for me as my only plenty is lamentation, mourning and woes.
Yes, I have someone who has been praying their own will, as so many do and accident and injury befell me when none had touched me before. Is nothing new as my satanic sister was busy praying for things and I watched a rope coil about my leg twice by magic and a horse tried to drag me away.........ankle got hurt that time.
Am I venting? Not in the least as I have done nothing in this life to deserve any of this, and it only comes in heaps and mountains as you assholes justify yourselves in setting in church pews......sure I am not good enough to donate to nor to do anything but use for your entertainment, but you need me around to make you feel good about horrid self.
My sister and brother in law a few years ago, "generously gave my Mom an old riding lawnmower". I know it is generous as my sister told my Mom that they could have sold it for 200 dollars. Another miracle in it did not run.....yes and in trying to fix it with 50 dollars of an electronic points set, it still did not run, but satan was there so in pulling on that damn thing, it broke things inside of me and made me bleed externally.
Yes thank you all for your generous natures.
I was thinking of that assholed John McCain who likes beaners to mow his lawn. I wonder like the donors here how people who can afford things, will not pay an American 50 dollars an hour to give them a living to build a better life, but think 20 bucks an hour is being generous.
Yeah we all have so many generous natures in judging me as surely I am going to hell and the worst as .....what was it, foul language, no it is that porn, no it is that..........just what is it that bothers them that they fixate on.......what is it about dirty words that makes them recoil......yes if they have a site and can control the verbiage then it makes them feel not so filthy that their pristine delusion inside of them does the mirror mirror non stop in telling them how righteous they are.
Let's beat on a woman today, as there is no baby to abort and no pet to kick.......hell what about not even a kid to curse to just take a little revenge for being born a rich child of a bitch born into this world.
Yes so many psychopathies......all scared since coming out of that warm darkness, all enclosed, to a world with light and cold and no way to crawl back up into Mama's uterus. So you in primal scream spend your entire raped mind little youth trying to figure out the terror of you, and finally you come to your delusion in defining yourself.
Tiger Woods is Mr. Golf fuck mouth. Birther Obama was Mr. Fuck Mouth of the political whores. Eddie Murphy is Mr. Dope Fuck. Yes they all gravitate to that one safety net to make certain they can say they are better than everyone else, because they are driven by it all in if people will not love them, then they can have piles of cash to prove they really are more loved than anyone else.
I am supposed to be so very happy with it all, as I am told I am supposed to be happy by people who have so much time and money they can sit here non stop ordering me how things should be done here, as God is too inept in creating here, and God can always use some critique.
You know it is amazing how a woman is always a whore, until of course you need something from her, then it is all respect and smiles. Yes a whore might know the enemies secret plans, and then she is not so whorish. Yes all of those glaring faults of dirty talk, porn pictures, using Nigger and fag words just disappears........like my murdered Emma which you caused, because when the breaking story comes, well all of that guilt just disappears as you can use Lame Cherry then to get the exclusive as then it is all alright.
I am really upset at this situation I am not delivered out of, because I have to be a Witness against you richtards in your coming Judgment. I would think your hidden sins......you know those things about you molesting that kid when you were a kid....that "accident" you caused hurting that certain person.......and all those nothing heinous things about how you destroyed your children's lives would be enough to end you in hell and bring fire and brimstone down on you now, but I get stuck suffering all to prove how big a piece of shit you are....and you prove it every moment of every day.
Be off now though, as you have asked yourself and like Obama you have found yourself innocent. Go ask someone you own if "you are a good person" and they will lie to you to confirm your finding....and as a side note, justify it all at whatever religion you practice from golf to fornication, and they too will in a filled collection plate tell you how wonderful you are and what Lame Cherry uncovers in the sepulchre you are is just not the reality.......as you have all those witnesses that justify you, starting with you.
nuff said