As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter...........
Now that the Asian world of Russia and Persia, appear to comprehend the Lame Cherry Doctrine of nuclear warfare of utlization of compound nuclear structures in using nuclear concussion of two or more bombs to direct the energy developed, whereas the Hiroshima protocols depended upon an geological amphitheater of hills surrounding a city to bounce the heated energy to direct it onto the city, it is at this juncture to proceed and advance the Lame Cherry Doctrine of tactical nuclear warfare to the next phase.
This is done to prove that nuclear bombs and thermonuclear bombs are the best deterrents in stopping weapons of mass destruction warfare, as being polluting in radioactive material, immensely powerful in destruction and a terror weapon, it keeps humanity from engaging in their use.
What the reality is, is nuclear bombs have been left to languish in the realm of the cannon ball for almost 100 years. Yes a cannon ball was large, powerful and heinous, but unless it struck the vital target, it was rather just stuck in the mud of being of no value, except a threat.
It was only in the advancement of the cannon into grape shot, canister and shrapnel, that it truly became a diverse weapon of mass destruction. While not banned, it's directed use provided for shorter wars in which civilians were less harmed, and brought about a graduation to air power for a new type of terror warfare.
Invention dictates that unless the genius provides it for the west, and the west implements it, then someone in the west or east is going to develop the hidden knowledge and make slaves of the west.
To explain the advance Lame Cherry Doctrine of nuclear warfare. In the white print of this in the detonation of several nuclear bombs from a MERV onto target to both direct heat flow for destruction, in using the expansive forces to direc the heat downward and to the sides, to convey that energy to the nuances of the land or concrete canyons of a city, a new formulation is in the works, based upon the use of dynamite in mining.
If one places a charge of dynamite on a rock, it will simply blow up and not destroy the rock. The way dynamite is utilized is to place a mud pack on top of the charge, which then directs it down.
The Lame Cherry for nuclear warfare terms this the Mud Pack design, and advocates as such this method to direct the nuclear energy, like a rifle shot onto target.
The basis of this is simple. A mud pack would be designed as much as cutting charges are used in geometric design to direct plastic explosives to cut steel beams in a building.
It is a simple task as one constructs a geometric design of the nuclear device, which directs the charge to explode in direction. In addition a like mud pack would be utilized to direct the explosive force.
The Lame Cherry advocates a lead cone plate to start the process, but adds to this the reality of placing directional charges to direct the energy from the main explosion.
Think of this as the queen bee and the hive.
There is the main charge in this of the megaton bomb. As this main charge is detonated, so are satellite charges of miniature nuclear warheads detonated at the back and sides of this main charge, which directs the energy expansion on target like a cannon charge or rifle shot.
One of my teachers advocated using nuclear bombs to dig canals long ago, providing the energy could be directed to blow out channels in direct flow. He did not have the understanding of how to achieve this, I by Inspiration have solved this and terms this directional charge of nuclear energy in honor of him, the Modine Doctrine.
Now the world knows the hidden knowledge by the continued genius of the Lame Cherry in the advancement of nuclear warfare in taking the nuclear cannon ball and turning it into the nuclear symetry of advanced warfare.
I doubt though that nuclear symetry will ever have the notoriety which shrapnel had, and perhaps just have not even the Condor Legion as a namesake, and be only known as carpet bombing.
nuff said