As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter......
I am moved to address something in what I will term the Cherry Stone Files concerning an event which all have laid to rest and moved on from, but for the closure necessary to the human psyche, the real story will be told.
This was the Patriot Act days of 9 11, and there arrived at the United States Congress a package laced with weaponized anthrax. The target was the democratic lead in the Senate in one Tom dickhead Daschle.
Senator Daschle is a friend of this blog so terms of endearment are appropriate.
The individual who was the target of the terror investigation did not send the anthrax. He was set up like the Chechens in the Boston Blow Job to be an Oswald fall guy for what was being covered up.
He was marked by the Bush administration in order to hide who was behind the attack in it was a cartel event.
A German asked me to explain what the cartel was, so I will at this point explain what it is. I once was mocked by two pissants on Newsbusters for my Inspired use of the world Cartel. It was correct as cartel is German in origin and that is where this syndicate or group began. Others have been assassinated for even looking at the thing sometimes called Octopus, but what it basically is, is the old European aristocracy which has Ashkenaz finance managing every asset from the Vatican to the Federal Reserve.
The cartel finds people with lusts and turns them into traitors as was accomplished in Germany, England, Russia and America. They are generational and a satanic religion which weds them. They have a 'savior' and it is to initiate the illuminated one, for the reward of becoming immortal without God in the initiation of the false tree.
satan rewards these people and these people are larger than nation states or those loyalties. This is an order which rules and manipulates globally.
It also a group which employs the crime syndicates and assassins on lower levels. It is that buffer which kills off those who start exposing the cartel and is set up that way, as it is always the lower level stooges which one traces across and in following them up, the investigators are assassinated by "suicide". The Dead Diaspora featured here, were a group of hackers starting with Andrew Breitbart who thought this was a world of the good was protected from evil, but that is not the case in the least. You threaten this group with exposure and it's tentacles will exterminate you no matter who you think you are.
The cartel is now so in control and manifested that the image of Obama rules with dictatorial power and no one in power will stop them. It is not just the mass populace which has been made "drunk" on this acceptance of despotism, but those in power have been blackmailed and many have been rewired through the use of chemicals and radar waves to zombie up the system, and there are those who are fellow advocates of this criminal enterprise.
Tom Daschle was chosen as an example. He was furious over this, but ciprofloxin was his cure and there was nothing he could do about it. No one cares about South Dakota and the way Senator Daschle was taken out in the Obama adventures in nominations for Obamacare, proves how a little man with allot of power can just be neutralized as those with power and connections did not like the sore thumb he was.
You might think the anthrax attack on Daschle was some sinister James Bond drama of secret weapons, but what it was, was the same thing that Mark Levin and Rush Limbaugh were harping about in their propaganda and lies. The reason Tom Daschle got a dose of anthrax was because of bio fuels.
Bio fuels are a competitor to earth crude oil fuels, meaning billions of dollars goes to farmers, commodities and Monsanto. It is the reason that inflation spikes hit crop lands and now the toll is coming to rural America, because that money generated by George Soros sopping up that 1 trillion dollars George W. Bush dumped into the economy over 9 11 in trying to ward off a global depression, will be taken back.
High crop prices were answered with high inflation. Crop prices have been tanked, and the high prices remain in costs. The interests of the cartel which are involved in removing all the money from the masses is based upon oil prices linked to the dollar.
Tom Daschle created a competitor to the oil barons, who are kept in the loop and think they are part of the ruling elite, but they are nothing but grubby workers in the eyes of the aristocracy/
George W. Bush was all bio fuels too, but when he took Saddam Hussein's billions in bribes used to bribe into line the ruling level of socialists like Bill Clinton and Tony Blair, he was made to pay for it, just as when Bill Clinton sold that "stan" uranium to China without cartel approval, Hillary Clinton had her presidency given to that Designer Negro Obama.
You have to understand and comprehend, that the cartel is the shadowlands. It runs like a malware infection on a computer in monitoring and controlling the computer. It is the computer proper. It directs the functions of the computer programs, meaning it rides piggyback on all ruling governments, so it has access to all the intelligence, funds and yes biological, chemical and nuclear weapons.
The weapons grade anthrax which was delivered to Tom Daschle did not come from Fort Detrick in Maryland or any other place. It's genetics came from the American stores, but the cartel has it's own stores of weapons. It was that store delivered to Tom Daschle and a scapegoat was then necessary to be put up to close the loop on it.
I will explain something in this to tie the stories together which you saw and did not comprehend. You should recall the big story of numbers of biological scientists were turning up dead around the globe around 9 11, just like numbers of financiers are now being terminated.
Who these biological engineers were, were contractors for the cartel. They worked on and for everyone from Saddam Hussein to the cartel. They were not evil people per say, but compartmentalized. They were doing work for the biological weapon labs which the cartel was operating. The Saddam West Nile to the Anthrax all came from this research group. This is the compartment which resurrected HIV and put it into serums to infect sodomites with it.
The FBI leadership knew that their Oswald had nothing to do with this anthrax. They also knew that the source came from the shadowlands which was above their clearance. They were informed like the White House that this operation was to get Daschle's attention for something he was engaged in and people were ordered not to ask, but to allow the magic bullet theory to be the explanation for it all.
You must understand that the cartel's energy sector had invested a great deal of money, effort and time in bankrupting American farmers. From 1929 to 1979, it was vital to concentrate the land into the hands of the few rich.
In the later period, ethanol was engaged in and the oil barons destroyed it. Ethanol came back, and the oil barons destroyed it again. Then came Tom Daschle with George W. Bush who was Texas agriculture reward program and this time biofuels became part of national defense to buck the cartel financiers with the second city or Chicago board of trade.
That is what triggered this. When Mr. Diesel was assassinated for his original vegetable oil engine which was then converted to crude oil, a Tom Daschle was nothing to be salted with in a little anthrax.
Here is a secret in this that Hollywood in Mockingbird has deceived you with. There are not off sight cartel locations as a whole in their own weapon's labs. What there is, is exactly what was stated in the shadowlands runs piggyback. Fort Detrick has an iceberg Fort Detrick on the same location. It runs below ground and is about top clearance, so no one gets in or knows it exists. It is how this leviathon works. It is black operation or no operation budgets, which answer to no one, except the cartel.
There is the original and then there is the mirror image, whether it be nuclear or biological or anything. It does not matter if it is in America or Russia. It all operates in it's own system of control.
Those American cartel members who gifted Tom Daschle, displeased the board. Upon inquiry, those people were terminated and replaced.
That Mexican dope lord apprehended, was over as this blog stated, the movement of nuclear material into America. He is protected by the cartel. The Obama Holder faction might have problems with Narco nuclear in their Gun Runner, but other cartel members do not. So Holder gets a heart flutter from other cartel members.
None of those before the public are too big in this to not be touched.
For those who need to get it through their heads, this blog from my assessment is the last freelancer in this. None of this has been easy, as I have been warned off and discussions for my termination were engaged in several times. Others like Andrew Breitbart lead a pile of dead bodies of recent vintage. One does not threaten these people nor expose the parts which bite.
For those who have not donated, I have said before when this blog is gone, nothing is replacing it. There is no one else of genetic structure capable of what is being accomplished here by God's Grace. All I required was the people with money to pay for what was read, to free me up to do a better job.....and if any of you think you can do this every day, then you are welcome to your being the one targeted.
I am not Alex Jones paid for by the Jewish intelligence wing of the cartel. I am not MIC Matt Drudge. I am not Mockingbird Rush Limbaugh. I am not Mockingnerd Mark Halperin. Some of my friends may be Vulcans, but the Lame Cherry is not sourced nor funded by the syndicate. I walk the invisible land in the no man's land in depending upon God for protection and too dependent upon rich people who delude themselves into thinking that their time is coming.
I must go pray now as there is nothing else.
agtG 291Y