As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter......
As this has not been mentioned by anyone, as it is has slipped by all the always experts, there was a statement released by the Islamocommunists of Iran, that they had developed multiple warhead abilities for their Shahab missiles.
This will require interpretation apparently as even stating that, you my children have no comprehension of what this means, as you think it just means that a missile has a few more warheads on it, instead of just one.
The American Tomahawk Cruise Missile has just one warhead which weighs around 2000 pounds. That is the usual maximum ordnance which a missile can carry to effectively blow up targets, and you will notice that the Americans launch salvos of these missiles at one million dollars launch, so even with 2000 pounders, it requires a bit more to keep miltary things pulverized.
Let us say then that the Persian Marxists have a missile which has 3 warheads on it, so that a 2000 pound payload is divided to 666 pounds, and no I am not hinting at anti Christ markings so do not go there.
So even if a Shahab could lift a ton of munitions into the wild blue yonder, it would then be divided to payloads akin to World War II bombs.
Why would the Iranians be releasing a statement bragging about a division of power as it makes them less effective in destroying things?
Could it be perhaps that with multiple targets it would be more difficult for advanced Patriot batteries to hit warheads coming in?
Perhaps, but if one recalls the German V series of rockets, they blitzed London, but did little effective worth in ending British rule. The Iranian communist has fewer rockets than Germany and is facing a nuclear Israel which can put an end to a blitz effectively.
That is the hint in this, in one does not make MERV or mulitple re entry vehicles for the purpose of using conventional bombs. The only reason to announce that Iran has multiple warheads is to inform the world that Iran now as moved beyond the Dr. Khan cone shaped nuclear warheads to now possessing a platform of multiple nuclear warheads.
It is one thing to blow up a Shahab with 3 conventional bombs falling to earth blowing up an area the size of a city lot, but it is another matter of 3 atomic warheads scorching 25 square miles of territory in each bomb.
Vladamir Putin's Russia pioneered in answer to Star Wars MERV's which could independently navigate to target. It is not that difficult to have released payloads fall to vacinity when one is dealing with atomic warheads as a near miss is a complete hit.
The ability to launch a system of MERV's is not for conventional weapons. I will mention again the Catholic oracles in a prediction by a seer stating that two devices are part of the event which was the destruction of New York. It seems to non nuclear in another type of advanced device, but Iran was the nation practicing sea launched missiles on the Caspian Sea. That is for a sea delivery somewhere in the world and Iran had it's ships deployed off the American coast this past season.
Iran under the Obama Kerry peace announced it has acquired MERV technology. That is an advanced nuclear delivery system. That revelation has apparently been lost on the entire world and flash media. I am all that is left in this for some reason as a nuclear arms expert to remind people that this is not a good thing.
I have been telling people that Iran has nuclear bombs, the Fat Man type, and has converted numbers of them to the Dr. Khan type. They have now announced a further development which has nothing to do with conventional warfare. One does not waste a million dollar rocket with conventional bombs, when 3 suicide bombers could do more damage.
This is about nuclear warfare and it is the doomsday platform as only this blog has written of in explaining nuclear slap concussion in bouncing multiple warheads off each other to create a wall of destruction where none existed, and concerns the ability as this blog assessed that the Israeli state would require to be destroyed due to it's verticle terrain, a grid of nuclear warheads detonating at key pattern locations. The Iranians have just announced the inception of this ability.
I am going to state this again so you get how precious I am as a source. No one has ever written of nor examined nuclear warfare as the Lame Cherry has. I am the definitive source on this and other subjects in I laid out the strategic methods of effective atomic warfare. The Iranians have announced they have a system to implement the Lame Cherry Doctrine of nuclear warfare not requiring physical terrain for effective use.
I will state this for the first time in Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter. The Jews of the Israeli state have Jericho missiles. It does not matter in their having 200 or additions of thermonuclear warheads, as Iran is a territory of too much space and the terrain would require pattern nuclear warfare to obliterate Iran.
The Iranian communist strategy would be to obliterate the Jewish state and then use the Philistine jackals to overrun and pick the bones of the corpse. There are no jackals to pick at Iran. The Jews would not have a population to resist, and their bunker leadership would be vanquished.
The Iranian bunker leadership would emerge and have victory in their glassy pools compared to the Jewish glassy Obama holocaust radioactive sea.
This is dreadnaught warfare, meaning by example, the British in World War II thought they had naval superiority led by their HMS Hood. The Germans with fewer but better ships and armour piercing shells, sent by the Bismarck, the Hood to the bottom in 15 minutes.
The Jews think they have a Goliath dreadnaught in their Jericho's, but the Iranians have been engaged in constucting a better Goliath which if allowed to unleash will have the erradication of the Jewish state, not because Iran has nuclear bombs, but because Iran has constructed as system which will effectively use nuclear warheads in symmetrical warfare for victory.
Nuclear surgical strike can be defeated by nuclear symmetry. The American and Jewish system is based upon surgical strike which is only one grade above nuclear lob. I believe I am the only expert in the west aware of this, and worst to the point, I now conclude that Vladamir Putin and the Russian protocols are aware of nuclear symmetry, not by their overt actions, but by what their proteges in Iran have built.
The entire Jewish nuclear strategy must revamp as the entire American strategy must redeploy, rearm and re vamp on the Lame Cherry Doctrine of Nuclear Symmetry. The adversaries have built this system and the target is the state of Israel and America.
The Jews will as much as the Americans lose a nuclear war if their strategery is not changed. It does not matter what kind of Star Wars one has when the entire nation it is protecting is scorched earth.
nuff said
agtG 222
Iran's Guard says it has multiple warhead missiles | Army Times ...
Mar 5, 2014 - Many of Iran's missiles use solid fuel, or a combination of both solid and .... The Navy admiral nominated to be the next head of the troubled ...Army Times